Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 165 A love letter caused a disturbance

"Robin, let's go to the library." Hermione said.


They had just taken three or four steps when the dwarf who originally sent Harry a greeting card followed up again and asked, "Are you Robin Lestrange?"

Luo Bin: (°ο°), are you still coming? ? ?

"No, my name is Lemon Lobins."

Luo Bin said without changing his expression.

The dwarf looked at each other suspiciously for a while, and when he turned to leave, Fred, who had been leaning against the wall to watch the show, suddenly shouted:

"Hey, don't go. He lied to you. He is Robin Lestrange."

The dwarf turned around suddenly and stared at Luo Bin gloomily.

Luo Bin pulled out the ebony wand and waved his hand. A ball of crackling blue lightning instantly appeared on the top of the wand.

"Dwarf, what are the strings of your harp made of? Can it withstand lightning attacks?"

There is a balance in the dwarf's heart about who can be provoked and who cannot be provoked.

It stuffed a letter into Luo Bin's arms, left a message, "It's not a music recitation, it's an ordinary greeting card," and then hurriedly turned up the stairs and disappeared.

The envelope is pink, with a cherry blossom pattern printed on it, and it says in emerald green ink:

[The fascinating Robin Lestrange collects! 】

The handwriting is sloppy and the strokes are bad.

It was like a tiny earthworm dipped in ink, crawling randomly on the paper, and accidentally crawled out a line of text.

Luo Bin felt that the handwriting seemed familiar, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't remember who it was.


Hermione snatched the envelope and stabbed it, tearing a long opening. She raised her chin and asked, "Robin, can I tear open the envelope?"

"Uh, haven't you already torn it apart?"

Hermione ignored Ron's complaints and stared at Robin with her foggy brown eyes.

"Yes!" Luo Bin replied firmly.


Hermione took out a letter folded four times and smelled of cherry blossoms from the envelope, and asked with slightly focused eyes: "Robin, can I take out the letter?"

"Uh, haven't you already taken it?"

Ron's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes!" Luo Bin replied firmly again.

Hermione snorted coldly and started to open the folded letter with her hands. Halfway through typing, she slapped the letter onto Robin's chest.

"Forget it, who sent you the letter, what was written in the letter, and what does it have to do with me?"

After saying that, she hugged the History of Magic textbook and angrily turned into the left corridor.


(Laughter from the Weasley twins)

Robin stared at Fred and George's big white-toothed smiles. The fragrance he smelled in the morning and the strong fragrance that came out when he took out the letter paper gradually overlapped. He suddenly realized that the scrawled Who is the owner of the continuous handwriting?

He ran to catch up with Hermione, waved the letter and asked, "Do you want to open it?"

"In no mood."

Hermione looked away, angry and unwilling to pay attention.

"Oh, that's it! Then I'll open it and take a look, then go to the library, find some poetry books, learn a few lines of poetry, and write a letter back to them."

Said in a teasing tone.

"you dare?"

Hermione turned around, her chest heaving with anger.

Luo Bin shook the letter and said, "Either you open it, or I go to the library and look for poetry books."


Hermione snorted softly, pulled away the letter paper, and opened the letter in a few seconds.

On the letter paper, there was a sketch of a little boy covered in mud, sitting in a puddle and crying loudly. Judging from his hairstyle, eye color, and clothing, it was Luo Bin who was drawn.

There is a dark cloud-like pattern above the little boy's head, which says: Aha, you have been fooled!

"This is"

"Fred and George, if they want to mess with me, they can't do it in a day or two."

"You already knew that you were deliberately playing tricks on me for fun, right?"

"No, when I chased this way, I saw Fred and George laughing too much, and I realized that they were responsible for the love letter."

"It would be weird to believe you."

Hermione slapped the letter onto Robin's chest and walked away angrily.

"Aren't you going to coax?"

When Ron and Harry turned into the corridor, they happened to see Hermione leave in anger and Robin folding paper cranes comfortably.

"Ron, you don't understand!"

After finishing speaking, he held the History of Magic textbook in his hand and walked forward slowly.

Harry and Ron exchanged confused looks and followed.

In fact, just now, when Hermione took three or four steps, Robin caught a glimpse of the corners of her mouth rising.

So, he can just stand still and leisurely fold paper cranes.

Although Lockhart's Valentine's Day activities caused a lot of chaos and caused headaches for teachers and some students, the activities also broke up the dull atmosphere of Hogwarts.


Everyone's attention was no longer on the monster in the secret room. The corridors, auditorium, and lounge were filled with laughter and laughter again, and everything seemed to be back to normal.

Time has entered April and mid-spring has arrived. The sun is warm and the vegetation has become lush.

Fred and George were up to their old trick of running around to the lakeside to tease the giant octopus basking in the sun.

Hagrid would take Fang to the vegetable patch every morning to catch slugs for the cabbage.

The second-year students also completed the check-boxing of the third-year courses during these leisurely and quiet days.

The subjects currently being taken are compulsory courses that must be taken in third grade. In addition, there are five elective courses for students: Divination, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures, and Ancient Rune Studies. Pick.

The school stipulated that each student should check at most three elective courses, but Hermione was eager to learn all new knowledge, so she signed her name in all subjects.

Harry and Ron, after consulting Percy, checked the boxes of Divination and Care of Magical Creatures. Robin, who was in the same dormitory, chose one more subject than them - ancient runes.

Among the second-year students, Neville Longbottom was the one who made the biggest fuss over the selection of elective courses.

During that time, more than a dozen owls would fly into the auditorium every morning, but those letters had no other effect than making Neville's mind even more confused.

Neville often stuck his tongue out and anxiously asked Seamus, Dean, Robin and others which elective course was the best to learn.

Finally, Luo Bin came up with an idea and helped him solve his dilemma.

Robin asked Neville to smear ink on one of Leif's paws, and then put Leif into a box with a new course list paper at the bottom. He closed his eyes and counted silently for 10 seconds before taking Leif out of the box.

On the paper, check whichever new course has more paw prints.

However, the heir and the monster in the secret room have not been caught yet, and everything is calm, which is just an illusion.

On Friday, at 9:30 in the evening, Wood ended his speech on the strategies for the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff amid the yawns of the players.

Robin and Harry, carrying their own brooms, climbed the stairs and returned to the tower lounge.

Bang ~

The door to the boys' dormitory was suddenly pushed open.

Ron ran into the lounge from the spiral staircase of the dormitory with a panic look on his face. When he saw the two of them, he gasped: "Robin, Harry, I was going to find you two. I don't know who did it." , but quickly, come back to the dormitory with me."

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