Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 166: Bandits crossing the border, nothing more than that

Ron turned and ran through the door.

Seeing this, Robin and Harry strode after him.

Hermione, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, closed the "A Simple Introduction to Ancient Runes" and followed her.

After a while, the four of them stopped in a narrow corridor. Ron held his breath and pushed open the dormitory door.

The house was in a mess, as if bandits had looted it.

Wardrobes, public storage cabinets, and personal desks were all overturned, and books, bottles, clothes, etc., were thrown carelessly on the floor.

The curtains on the four-poster bed were torn off and crumpled into a ball, and were thrown on the bedside table with the drawers opened wide. The quilt and pillows were torn, and the white feathers inside floated all over the room.

"Who did it?" Hermione asked in shock.

"I don't know, but whoever did it, he must be looking for something." Ron said.

Harry walked to the public storage cabinet with the torn pages under his feet, straightened it and opened the mezzanine of the cabinet.

Seeing that the mezzanine was empty, he picked up the books scattered beside the cabinet. Finally, he sighed:

"He has found it. Riddle's diary is missing."

"Uh, what now?"

The dormitory was in such a state, and the diary was lost. Ron's head was about to explode.

"Clean up the room first."

Luo Bin waved his wand and cast an enhanced repair spell on the messy dormitory.

In an instant, the scene in the house started to move like a movie played backwards.

The wardrobe automatically stood upright and returned to its original position. The clothes hanger flew up and hung back on the crossbar in the wardrobe.

The clothes also flew into the air, some automatically folded and fell back into the box, and some automatically stretched and hung on hangers.

When the box automatically flew back to the bottom of the closet, the closet door closed automatically with a snap.

Other objects in the house were restored to their original appearance in the same way.

Three minutes later, the dormitory was back to like new, and Ron opened his mouth in shock, "Cool, this is really cool, teach me how to do it."

Bang ~

Hermione closed the door and whispered: "I promise, I have never told anyone about the diary. What about you? Have you told anyone, or accidentally let anyone see the diary?"

Luo Bin shook his head.

Ron slapped his mouth and said, "On the day the bathroom became flooded, when Percy and Ginny walked back to the lounge to watch Fred and the others playing cards, and looked up to say hello to me, I was flipping through my diary. Behind me I didn’t touch the diary anymore because I didn’t want to be associated with a nasty and disgusting snitch.”

"It's all my fault. Before the diary was put into the compartment, I accidentally mixed it into the textbook and took it to the Potions classroom. When Malfoy came to make trouble, he even mocked me for not having money to buy a new diary."

"It was him, and he led two little followers to do it. It is difficult for one person to turn the house into this, but it is easy for three people."

Harry said.

"Harry, only the people in Gryffindor know the Fat Lady's password. I don't think anyone will tell the password to anyone else, especially to the Slytherin students, their arch-rivals. Besides, what reason does Malfoy and the others have to spend so much money?" Zhou Zhang, how about stealing an inconspicuous looking diary?" Luo Bin disagreed.

"Robin, by the same token, people from Slytherin would never tell people from Gryffindor the password to enter the underground lounge, but Ron and I still managed to sneak in."

"Maybe Malfoy and the others, like me and Ron, turned into three Gryffindor students and followed the crowd and sneaked into the tower."

"As for Malfoy's motivation, maybe he discovered the secret of the diary and was afraid that the contents inside would affect the progress of the heir's plan to eliminate Muggle-born students."

"Harry, Polyjuice Potion is not something that is sold on the street. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been boiling it for more than a month," said Luo Bin.

Harry shook his head, "When I accidentally entered Knockturn Alley last time, I ran into Lucius and the owner of Borgin and Burkes doing a secret deal. He seemed to be very familiar with Knockturn Alley. If Malfoy mailed him an Trust me, he will be able to get a bottle of Polyjuice Potion in Knockturn Alley soon."

Ron nodded in agreement, and Hermione disagreed: "Harry, Malfoy, Goyle, and Crabbe couldn't come up with the idea of ​​drinking the transformation potion and sneaking into the Gryffindor boys' dormitory. ideas.”

The reason was hard to refute, so Harry and Ron fell silent, while Robin praised Hermione in his heart.


Percy pushed open the door, the silver prefect badge shining on his chest.

"Ron, what happened? Hermione, why are you in the boys' dormitory? Go back to the lounge."

"I'm just looking aground."

Hermione made a 'secret' sign and trotted out of the dormitory.

Robin and the three of them, with your words and mine, convinced Percy that Ron rushed into the lounge in panic as a prank, and they succeeded in sending him away.

The next day, morning, auditorium on the first floor.

Wood carried a bucket in his left hand and a spoon in his right hand. He added a few tablespoons of scrambled eggs to each player's silver plate and said enthusiastically:

"The sun is shining brightly today and the wind is not strong. It is a good weather for playing games. Listen up, everyone, even though Hufflepuff is not our opponent, we still have to play Gryffindor style and defeat them as quickly as possible. Show"

Harry and Ron ate absentmindedly, stretching their necks from time to time to peek at the Slytherin table.

Obviously, they still suspected that Malfoy had stolen the diary.

Robin was also peeking at people, and he was looking at Ginny who was a dozen seats away.

Ginny was restless, shaking back and forth slightly, with a look of fear on her face. If the girl next to her spoke louder, she would be frightened.

After eating, Luo Bin and the others left the auditorium together, preparing to go back to the dormitory and pack up the competition supplies.

Hermione and Ron were going to get banners and glow sticks, Robin and Harry were going to get broomsticks and jerseys. After the Bludger got out of control, Wood asked everyone not to put brooms in the public broom shed.

As soon as the four of them stepped onto the stone stairs, Harry suddenly stopped.

He stared at a stone wall of the auditorium in amazement. He moved his neck slightly to the upper right, and his eyes fell on the ceiling of the first floor. Then, his eyes moved to the lower left and moved to the entrance of the long corridor leading to the library.

"The smell of blood, I will tear you apart and eat you."

"That voice appeared again, did you hear it?" Harry asked in a panic.

Robin and Ron shook their heads, but Hermione looked at the entrance to the long corridor excitedly, "I, I understand, I, I, I'm going to the library to figure things out."

After saying that, she hurried towards the entrance of the long corridor.

"What did she understand?" At this moment, Harry's head was in a mess and his heart was beating rapidly.

"I don't know, but I plan to catch up and have a look." Luo Bin said solemnly.

In the original book, on the day of the competition, Hermione had a sudden enlightenment and figured out the mystery of why 'that voice' was floating on the walls and ceiling. She also found a detailed introduction to the 'Snake King' in a book in the library, and the Snake King's ability to see each other. To make people die, she smartly thought that if she peeked at the Snake King with a small mirror, nothing would happen, but she was petrified.

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