Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 170: The smile is too bright and the acting is bad!

"Dumbledore, the board of directors feels that you are no longer able to control the overall situation. If the attacks continue, I am afraid that there will soon be no Muggle-born students left. It will be a terrible loss for Hogwarts. .”

Luo Bin: →_→, terrible loss? The smile is too bright, and Lucius' acting skills are criticized! !

"You can't get rid of Mr. Dumbledore. Without him, who will protect the Muggle-born students? It won't be long before a murder occurs in the school." Hagrid roared.

"Calm down, Hagrid."

Dumbledore said sternly, Hagrid stopped yelling, but his beetle-like eyes were still glaring at Lucius angrily.

"If the board of directors wants me to resign, then I have no choice but to step aside."

Dumbledore walked forward, his penetrating blue eyes always staring at Lucius's gray eyes, forcing him to take half a step back.

"But please remember that I will only truly leave here when everyone here betrays me. Moreover, in Hogwarts, as long as someone asks for help, they will definitely receive it."

Robin was convinced that when Dumbledore said these words, he glanced at the corner where they were hiding.

"It's so touching, let's go!"

Lucius glanced in confusion at the direction Dumbledore was looking at before, then reached out and opened the door wide, bowing to Dumbledore and letting him go out.

"Fudge, follow me!"

After Lucius finished speaking, he left the cabin.

"Come on, Hagrid," said Fudge.


Hagrid took a deep breath and shouted with his back to the four people: "If I mean, if anyone wants to know anything, just follow the spider. Yes, this is the way to go. When I'm not around, please Help me feed Yaya."

Hagrid put on his moleskin coat and walked out of the wooden door. Fudge looked around the room in astonishment and followed him.


The wooden door was closed tightly.

"Hagrid is right. After Dumbledore leaves, there will be attacks in the school every day." Harry said, taking off his invisibility cloak.

Luo Bin shook the toes of his shoes, and Ya Ya climbed up, humming and circling around his legs.

Luo Bin opened a can of soy sauce meat, Yaya ate it in a few big gulps, and then went to nest in the big bamboo basket.

"Luo Bin, just now, why did the tip of your shoe suddenly appear?"

Hermione asked.

"The invisibility period is about to expire, and it is normal for it to appear."

"Hagrid has been taken away, and no one can solve our confusion."

Harry sighed.

"It can be solved!"

"How to solve it?"

"What Hagrid said before leaving is a hint to us: follow the spiders and you will find the answer. If we encounter a group of spiders crawling abnormally again, we will chase them and have a look," Hermione said.

"There are quite a lot of spiders in the Forbidden Forest, how about"

"No, don't go to the Forbidden Forest." Ron said in horror.

"Robin, the monster is hiding in the castle. We should follow the spiders in the castle. The Forbidden Forest and the castle are separated by the entire hunting ground. It's too far. The crawling traces of spiders in the forest are of no value for tracking."

After Harry finished speaking, Ron and Hermione nodded in agreement.

Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ, I can’t carry it, I can’t carry it at all!

"Since Mrs. Norris's accident, we have encountered spiders crawling abnormally many times. I think in a few days, we will be able to follow the spiders and find all the answers."

Hermione said confidently.

However, several people encountered Murphy's Law. The more they tried to find spiders, the less they found them.

The four of them found the place from late spring to early summer, but still found no trace of the spider swarm.

Since Dumbledore left, fear has quickly spread to every corner of the castle.

Although teachers take students to class, eat, and go to the toilet, everyone's eyes are still filled with fear and anxiety. They are afraid that they will be attacked next.

However, some people seem to enjoy this atmosphere of fear very much.

For example, Draco Malfoy!

He always walks around the castle in a high-spirited manner, sarcastically and intimidating the Muggle-born students he encounters, and he also recommends making the old bat the headmaster.

No, in Potions class, when everyone was mixing the swelling potion, Malfoy brought up the matter of changing the headmaster again.

"I've known this day would come. My dad often told me that Dumbledore is the worst headmaster since the founding of Hogwarts. I think the board of directors will soon elect a decent person who is willing to let the Chamber of Secrets open. Headmaster, I bet that McGonagall won’t be able to sit in the principal’s seat for too long.”

Snape waved the hem of his black robes and walked back and forth in the smoke-filled classroom, rudely pointing out the mistakes made by the Gryffindor students in their potion preparation.

For example, Harry's potion was too dilute and the potion was 100% less effective, Neville added the wrong ingredients and the potion lost stability, Seamus weighed the wrong ingredients in grams and the potion was scrapped, etc. He transferred In one lap, Gryffindor lost 30 points.

When he reached the third aisle, Malfoy suddenly said loudly: "Professor, why don't you apply to the board for the position of Headmaster?"

Snape said with a straight face, "Mr. Dumbledore is only temporarily suspended. When the matter is over, he will return to school."

"Professor, if you apply for the position of president, I will write to my father and ask him to persuade the other directors to vote for you, Professor."

Snape used the Potions textbook to block Malfoy's hand from reaching into the glass jar, "The puffer fish's eyes are poisonous, use tweezers to remove them."

After saying that, he continued to swing the hem of his robe and patrolled back and forth in the classroom corridor.

Ron held his stomach and pretended to vomit into the cauldron in front of him. When Malfoy saw this, he was so angry that he crushed the pufferfish's eyes.

"I'm shocked that the Mudbloods still have the guts to stay in school. The next one to be attacked and destined to die will definitely be Hermione Granger."

Ron suddenly jumped up from his stool. He wanted to rush over and beat Malfoy violently, but Harry stopped him.

Hermione was so frightened by Malfoy's words that she weighed the bat's spleen on the scale five or six times, but couldn't get it right.

Robin held her hand and comforted her with a few gentle words, and her mood improved a little. After Malfoy finished provoking, he started directing Gol to do this and that.

About five minutes later, Luo Bin took out three connected, miniature fireworks from his pocket (Sea of ​​Consciousness Space) that ignited when exposed to water.

Each firework is about 3cm long, and the outside of the roll is wrapped with a waterproof film. In the center of the hole is a blue lead, which was obtained from Fred and George last week.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked in a low voice after seeing the fireworks.

"Teach Malfoy a lesson!"

Hermione covered her mouth in shock, and then her eyes flashed with excitement, "I'll take a look at the movement. I'll tremble my fingers three times and you'll throw the fireworks."


When Snape reprimanded Dean with a cold face, Hermione's fingers trembled three times quickly, and Robin quickly clicked the lead with his wand.

Suddenly, the lead hissed and sparked.

Luo Bin activated the Garden Goblin's 'Precision Throwing' skill and threw it backwards towards the blackboard player.


Fireworks fell accurately into the cauldron belonging to Malfoy and Goyle.

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