Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 171 Fig Tree, spider traces found


The potion spurted upward for five seconds, splashing Malfoy and Goyle in the face.


Malfoy's nose quickly swelled to the size of a bowling ball like an inflated balloon.

A large tumor also swelled up on his neck, and his arm swelled into a big club, which made him unable to lift it.

Gore didn't fare well either. His eyes were swollen to the size of saucers, his mouth was swollen into a sausage, and his chin was swollen into a tower of barbecue.

He had to rest his chin on the table, otherwise the corners of his mouth would be torn apart by the weight of his chin.

The crowd screamed and stayed away for fear of being exposed to the swelling potion.

"Quiet, quiet," Snape shouted loudly with his eyes narrowed.

After the crowd calmed down, Snape strode forward, threw out two bottles of anti-swelling potion, and carefully observed the cauldron.

Finally, he scooped out a small lump of twist-like, black, hard ash with a spoon.

Snape's cold and empty eyes scanned the silent crowd, "Once I find out who did it, I will definitely think of ways to expel him from Hogwarts."

Hermione's eyes widened, pretending to be confused. The old bat was looking over here.

10 minutes later, the get out of class bell rang.

"Hurry up, line up in two lines, don't delay your herbal medicine class."

For three weeks, the students had become accustomed to being picked up and dropped off by teachers. They quickly formed two lines and followed Snape out of the classroom, up the stairs, out of the castle, and to the greenhouse.

Professor Sprout finished the roll call, took a large golden key from his belt, opened the door of the second greenhouse, and led everyone to the innermost part of the greenhouse.

There are about a dozen 5-2 meter tall shriveled figs from Abyssinia. Its leaves have antibacterial properties and can be used to make shrunken figs after the fruit is ripe. Purple liquid containing magic potion.

Today’s lesson is about pruning fig branches.

"Come here, come to me."

Sprout clapped her hands, asked everyone to gather around her, and then loudly explained the key points of pruning branches.

First, what withers and dries up must be cut off;

Second, old branches that do not bear fruit must be pruned;

Third, if the branches are too dense, new branches below must be cut;

Fourth, if there are too many forks, they must be cut.

After finishing the key points, Sprout put on dragon leather protective gloves, held pruning shears, picked a fruit tree and demonstrated.

Then, she asked everyone to work in groups of four, and one group pruned the branches of a fig.

Neville, Seamus, Dean, and Hannah were assigned to a group.

Neville is extremely talented in herbal medicine. He can always save the fruiting branches before Seamus makes a mistake. When Hannah comes to him to ask for advice, he will also patiently answer the questions.

Luo Bin's group has a clear division of labor.

Harry pruned dead branches, Ron pruned old branches that couldn't bear fruit, Robin pruned new branches that were too dense, and Hermione pruned branches that were too forked.

Halfway through pruning, Robin and Harry each carried a pile of fruit branches and walked to the compost pile outside the greenhouse. Harry was about to leave after throwing away the fruit branches, but Robin held out his hand to stop him.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"Look there."

Luo Bin pointed to the castle window dozens of meters away and said.

The window glass was half open, and dozens of black spiders the size of mahjong tiles, carrying cocoons on their backs, crawled out of the castle.

They were connected end to end and formed a black line. They climbed down from the window sill in a panic and crawled forward along the path.

When the spiders crawled to the side of the compost pile, Harry said firmly, "Follow me. Even if I get deducted 100 college points, I will follow."

"Let's go." Luo Bin took out a long fruit branch and said.

Afterwards, the two followed the spider swarm for a short distance and passed through the grassland where the Whomping Willow was. During this period, Luo Bin used fruit branches from time to time to open the grass up to the ankles of the people, looking for traces of the spider swarm.

Finally, they walked down the slope of the hunting ground and reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest? ? ?

The mahjong tile spider swarm crawled a hundred meters into the forest before meeting up with the fingernail-sized spider swarm native to the Forbidden Forest. Then, the two spider swarms burrowed deep into the forest together.

"It's the Forbidden Forest! Robin, you're right, it's the Forbidden Forest. The answer lies in the forest." Harry exclaimed.

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), if you had listened to my advice, you would have seen Aragog by now.

"Let's go back to the greenhouse first. After class, we can discuss the next plan." Luo Bin suggested.


The two of them ran all the way back to the greenhouse before the bell rang.

After class, Professor Sprout asked everyone to line up in two columns. She took off her gloves and patted the dirt on her body, then escorted the students back to the castle to take the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

The four of them stood at the back of the team, deliberately slowing down and leaving a short distance behind the other students, so that they were not afraid that others would hear what they were whispering.

Harry lowered his voice and told Hermione and Ron what he had just discovered.

"We have to take action again. We can bring Fang with us. He often follows Hagrid on night patrols, so he should be able to help." Harry said.

"Are there any werewolves in the woods?" Ron asked, swallowing his saliva.

Hermione shook her head, "I don't know, but I saw centaurs there who were able to observe the stars."

"Is it necessary to enter the Forbidden Forest?" Ron had never been to the Forbidden Forest and felt very scared.

"What do you think?" Hermione asked.

Ron was silent.

After the group arrived at the door of the classroom, Sprout handed the students to Lockhart, then turned back to the greenhouse to continue working.

About five minutes later, the class bell rang.

Lockhart walked up to the podium with a smile on his face, flashing his dazzling white teeth, and vividly told how he had gone through many hardships and successfully exorcised the female ghost Wan Lun.

When Seamus raised his hand to interrupt him and said that he wanted to learn some useful magic to resist monsters, Lockhart happily insisted: The big bad Hagrid has been captured by the Ministry of Magic, the monster attack has ended long ago, and the school is very safe. .

Lockhart's arrogance and stupidity (Hermione didn't think so) and his insult to Hagrid made several people decide to take action tonight.

At half past eleven in the evening, after everyone had fallen asleep, the four of them met in the lounge.

Harry, Hermione and Ron put on the invisibility cloak, and Robin held the invisibility bead in his mouth.

After confirming that the other party was invisible from head to toe, the four of them quietly climbed out of the portrait hole. They tried their best to avoid ghosts, prefects, and teachers along the way, and sneaked to the castle foyer. They gently opened the oak door, accompanied by Under the bright moonlight, he trotted to Hagrid's cabin.

As soon as Luo Bin pushed the door open, he saw a black shadow jumping out of the bamboo basket. The black shadow rushed to his legs, letting out a deep and deep cry, and wagging its tail happily.

Luo Bin reached out and held Yaya's upper and lower jaws, "Yaya, don't scream. Come on, I'll take you out for a walk to build up your courage."

After hearing this, Yaya's tail wagged even more happily.

Harry took off the Invisibility Cloak and stuffed it into Hermione's magic cloth bag. Then, the four of them and the dog walked down the slope of the hunting ground towards the Forbidden Forest.

Yaya was so choked up that it stuck out its tongue and ran wildly around the field.

Sometimes it bites weeds, sometimes pounces on small insects, sometimes circles around people's legs, sometimes it sticks to the roots of trees and raises one of its hind legs.

"Maybe after we enter the forest, we won't be able to find any spiders to follow. During the day, they have already penetrated deep into the forest, right?"

When there were only fifty meters away from the Forbidden Forest, Ron backed down again.

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