Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 173 Spider Scythe takes action, and there’s a chill behind him

"Fifty years ago, there were many attacks in the castle. A girl even died in the bathroom. People found me and held me responsible for the girl's death."

"They thought it was Hagrid who opened the Chamber of Secrets, and they thought I was the terrible monster. They fired Hagrid and broke his wand, and I was brought here by Hagrid."

"After Hagrid became a gamekeeper, he often visited me and found me a beautiful wife, Mossag, so that my bloodline could continue."

After Aragog finished speaking, he looked hard at the spiders with his white eyes covered.

"What killed that girl 50 years ago?" Harry asked.

"We spiders cannot tell its name. It is an ancient creature that we spiders are most afraid of. Hagrid asked me countless times, but I never told him the name of the monster."

"Have you seen what it looks like?" Hermione asked in a roundabout way.

"No. When I was kept in the castle by Hagrid, except for the night when I was accused of being a murderer, I never left the big box that contained me."

"Is it a snake?"

Hermione's ultimate move caused the spider swarm to explode.

The clicking sounds of the dancing claws all around hit their eardrums like a symphony of fate.

"If we don't tell, we will never name it!"

At this moment, Robin missed Professor Sprout's soundproof earmuffs. After all, no one could resist the sound of hundreds of rusty saws cutting rough wood!

Also, what is the difference between this reaction and admitting personally that the monster in the secret room is a snake?

Five minutes later, the sound of the saw gradually disappeared. Robin saw Aragog slowly retreating into the spider web and asked:

"When I came to the Forbidden Forest two years ago, I found that the spiders were very murderous. What was going on? I asked others that this situation had never happened before in the Forbidden Forest."

"Oh, my descendants, obey my orders and do not harm Hagrid, other wizards, and intelligent creatures who enter the Forbidden Forest."

"Later, a wizard wearing a thick turban and speaking nervously bewitched my descendants, making them disobey my orders."

"I have killed those who took the lead, but my descendants have tasted the benefits and they no longer want to live by eating insects."

"After several rounds of protests, I allowed them to kill those delicious meals delivered to my doorstep in the depression."

"Have a nice trip, Hagrid's friends."

Soon, Aragog's huge figure was hidden in the hemispherical spider web.

However, the spider group became commotion. They clicked and waved their large claws, approaching Luo Bin and the others inch by inch.

"We were tricked by Hagrid."

Ron looked around at the wall of spiders and shouted in horror.

"Is there any spell I can use?"

Harry was in a panic. Various spells and wand gestures were mixed together in his mind, making it so confusing that he couldn't tell who was paired with whom.

"There is one that Riddle demonstrated - a heavy attack on the giant spider!"

Bang ~

Hermione's wand shot a beam of white light, knocking away a black spider.

The spider roared in panic and smashed into the spider group. Because the spider wall was too crowded, the spiders could not escape. Two spiders were smashed by it, and green brain fluid sprayed everywhere.

Three spiders were killed in one move. Seeing this, Robin and Harry clenched their wands and cast the 'Smash Giant Spider' spell on the spiders.

For a moment, the sunken ground was as bright as day, and each spider was hit by the white light and fell to the ground. After a few twists and turns, it died.

However, there are too many spiders. As soon as one is knocked away, two more will rush up to fill the gap. Moreover, the magic and mental loss of the 'Striking Giant Spider' spell is five times that of an ordinary spell.

After only three minutes, the speed of several people casting spells obviously slowed down a lot.

Ron, who was squatting aside with his arms around Yaya, also wanted to rush forward and cast a spell to help, but he knew that if he really cast the 'Blow the Giant Spider' spell, he would be the one who would be knocked away.


A small giant spider about 1 meter high quietly crawled behind Ron. It slowly raised the tip of its luminous claws, and when it reached a certain height, it suddenly swung towards Ron's neck.


The irritable roar of Yaya and the cold light flashing into the corner of his eyes made Ron aware of the danger, and he hurriedly crawled forward.



Ron held the witch robe behind his hand and limped forward, with the little giant spider following closely behind him, raising his right front paw to swing the sickle from time to time.


Ron tripped with his left foot and fell with his right foot.

Click! Click!

The little giant spider danced its big claws excitedly. He raised the tips of his claws high, ready to harvest the first drop of the spider's blood.

When the sickle was only 3cm away from Ron's neck, the sound of a curse was suddenly heard from the left.

"Strike the giant spider hard!"

Bang ~

The 'poor' little giant spider has been reduced to a delicacy for its own species before it has even eaten meat.

Yes, those big guys, when they saw the death of their kind, not only did they not feel sad, they also waved their big claws wildly and cannibalized the corpses of their kind.

"I almost died, I I hate Hagrid."

Ron said angrily after getting up.

"You showed your butt!"

After hearing this, Ron quickly grabbed the witch robe behind his back, grabbed Fang Ya's ears, and hid next to the spider web.

Robin stood up straight and looked around. Hermione pursed her lips tightly and her slender right wrist was shaking violently.

Harry's face was sweating profusely and his steps were wobbly.


The branches outside the depression were still shaking violently, indicating that the spider tide had not yet reached its peak.

It’s not okay to continue like this!

Luo Bin frowned and thought for a moment, then decided to use a big move.

"Harry, Hermione, retreat to the spider webs. I have a way to deal with them."

Harry and Hermione both trusted Robin. Without thinking, they cast the spell and retreated towards the cobweb.

"Luo Bin, what can I do?"

Hermione asked after stepping back from the web.

Luo Bin didn't answer. He walked straight forward five meters, raised his wand high into the night sky, and chanted aloud.

The top of the ebony wand instantly shot out a beam of dazzling blue light, and the big spiders around them waved their claws and backed away, as if they sensed some terrible threat.

After a while, they exited a 5-meter-wide avenue that went straight to the slope.


Ron held his cold buttocks and said resentfully: "But why didn't you do it earlier?"

Well, the Eight-Eyed Spider Mora's 'Racial Suppression' skill has been used in advance. How can we improve the combat capabilities of Pepper and Harry?

Luo Bin walked back to the spider web and cut off the threads clinging to the giant moth. "I just remembered that I read a spell to get rid of the spider swarm in an old book. Let's go, get out of here before the spell expires." "


Then, Harry took the vanguard, Robin took the rear, and Hermione, Ron, and Yaya stood in the middle. Under the gaze of countless shining round eyes, the four of them and one dog quickly returned to the edge of the depression.

When Luo Bin stepped back on the soft grass, he found that the big fluttering moth that had just escaped from the spider silk flew onto his shoulder. Moreover, the totem under the left collarbone was faintly feeling hot and painful.

He thought of the 'intelligent creatures' Aragog said and glanced at the spiders behind him.

Sure enough, everyone stared at the big moth with resentment and annoyance.

The moth was a magical creature and did not run away. Luo Bin recited a spell silently, put it into the giant Rubik's Cube, and then took big steps to follow Yaya.

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