Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 174: A big moth, worth owning

After a long time, several people climbed out of the slope and returned to the flat ground.

Ron leaned against the big tree and roared: "Follow the spider. Follow the spider. I almost died there. I will never forgive Hagrid."

"I bet Hagrid thought the spiders wouldn't attack his friends." Harry said guiltily.

"Hagrid's biggest problem is this. He thinks monsters also have humanity. Why did he ask us to go to the depression? Did we find anything?"

"It was found that Hagrid was innocent. He had never opened the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione's guess was found to be correct. The monster in the Chamber of Secrets was a snake."

Harry said while looking at the dark tree shadows in the distance.

"One less person to say."

Hermione, Harry, and Ron looked at Robin in confusion.

"Aragog said: A girl died in the bathroom. What if her soul is still lingering in the place where she died."

"The soul lingering is her, Moaning Myrtle. The night I attended the death anniversary party, I heard two ghosts talking about her, saying that 50 years ago, when she first became a ghost, she had been harassing and teasing a girl named Olive Humbe. student."

In the original novel, Olive Humbey often bullied Myrtle when she was in school. On the day Myrtle was killed, she hid in the bathroom stall and cried because Olive laughed at her ugly glasses.

After Myrtle was killed and turned into a ghost, she decided to repay all the insults she had received. She chased Olive to his hometown and made him suffer from a nervous breakdown.

In the end, Olive couldn't bear it anymore and complained to the Ministry of Magic, and Myrtle was returned to Hogwarts and became the resident ghost of the toilet.


Ron sighed and said: "Since the beginning of the school year, we have entered the bathroom more times than we can count on both hands. We have not asked how she died. Now"

Now, since the new regulations were promulgated, students are escorted by teachers when eating, attending class, and going to the toilet. Teachers, prefects, and ghosts are all dispatched to patrol the castle day and night.

The crime scenes of the four attacks were the focus of patrols, and the corridor where the deceased left a bloody note was a top priority.

Put on an invisibility cloak and sneak into the bathroom in the middle of the night?

No, Peeves would float to the corridor on the third floor at night, causing mischief, claiming that he wanted to mess with the heir and the monster in the secret room.

Moreover, the trick of pretending to be Bloody Baron was ruthlessly exposed at last year's year-end banquet.

"What should we do?" Harry asked.

"Waiting for the opportunity, there will always be a way." Luo Bin replied.

About an hour later, a few people came out of the Forbidden Forest. After stuffing their trembling teeth back into the bamboo basket, they hid themselves and walked towards the castle.

The three of them climbed up the spiral staircase and returned to the dormitory. Ron and Harry didn't even bother to take off their clothes, kicked off their shoes, and fell asleep on the bed.

After Luo Bin washed up and put his head on the pillow, his consciousness slipped into the space of the sea of ​​consciousness. He glanced at the giant Rubik's Cube for a while, and found a large moth resting on a branch in a yellow square covered with eucalyptus trees.

Following his thoughts, the eucalyptus forest grid slowly floated over. He reached out and poked the totem, and then carefully read the content on the light screen emitted by the totem.

Name: None

Species: Gray moth

Grade: C grade

Personality: timid, greedy, good at dancing

Physical condition: broken mouthparts, large area of ​​scales and powder peeling off (treatment period: one week)

Skill: Butterfly Phantom (can conjure up 100 gray butterflies, and the scale powder spreads while flying, which has the effect of confusing people's minds)

Butterfly color vision (can cause visual perception to change, and the objects seen become a combination of red, yellow, blue, and black, four color visual blocks)

Magic value: 800

Combat power: 500

Tsk, it turns out to be a butterfly!

If she was more beautiful, she could perform a butterfly dance in the air, which would be a little romantic, but unfortunately she looks too much like a giant moth.

After Luo Bin named it Xiaodie, his consciousness pulled out of the consciousness sea space, and slowly fell asleep with Ron's snoring.

The next day, several people sneaked into the bathroom but failed to find the opportunity, but they received bad news: the year-end exam will be held next Monday (the first week of June).

"The exam is like this? Do you still need to take the exam?"

Seamus screamed towards the blue auditorium ceiling.

Laifu, who yearned for freedom, broke free from his master's hand, screamed and jumped around under the long dining table and at people's feet.

Neville stared blankly at Professor McGonagall, but did not pursue Leif.

Dean held his head and asked himself, what did he learn in the past year?

Ron took out the broken wand and said, "It's better to give up the exam if you use this broken thing. At least you won't cause trouble and cause Gryffindor to lose points."

Cold sweat broke out on Harry's forehead. He and Dean had the same idea. Robin and Hermione exchanged green apple juice and sausages and continued to enjoy breakfast.

Professor McGonagall ignored the students' roars and protests and said, "I believe you will all review carefully," and hurriedly left the auditorium.

Three days later, in the early morning, Professor McGonagall once again approached the long dining table and announced good news to everyone.

The mandrakes were ripe, Sprout was slicing them to get the juice, and Snape would start brewing the potion in the afternoon.

At night, the petrified people, animals, and ghosts will return to their normal state, and the heirs will have nowhere to escape.

(I think those who wake up will identify the heir)

The crowd exclaimed. Everyone slapped the table, stamped their feet, danced, shouted, and hugged each other. The level of joy was no less than last year's year-end banquet.

Harry hugged Robin and Ron excitedly, and when he wanted to hug Hermione, he found that she was not there.

"Robin, where is Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Put on your cloak and go to the library."

After the cheers and noise subsided, Ginny walked over slowly. After she sat down, she pursed her lips and looked at the three of them nervously.

"Ginny, what's wrong?" Ron asked.

Ginny looked around in panic and muttered, "I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Harry asked.

Ginny twisted her witch robe with her fingers and swayed slightly back and forth. She opened her mouth several times, but not even a single syllable came out.

"If you have anything to say, just say it quickly." Ron said impatiently.

"Ginny, is it about the Chamber of Secrets?" Robin asked softly.

Ginny trembled suddenly and looked at Robin in panic, "Is it? I want to say."

"Ginny, have you eaten? If you're done, give me your seat. I've been working all night and I'm starving."

Percy walked over with a tired look on his face and said.


Ginny stood up and ran away without looking back.

After Percy sat down, he grabbed the milk jug and poured a large glass of warm milk.

"Percy, Ginny just had something important to tell us. For example, she saw something in an empty classroom."


Percy took a big mouthful of milk and choked on it just halfway through his swallowing. Milky white milk stains were spread everywhere as he coughed.

The milk stains sprayed out from his mouth and nose were sprayed everywhere.

"How disgusting!"

Ron threw the drumstick away in disgust.

"What she is going to say may be related to the Chamber of Secrets," Harry said.

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