Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 177 Welcome to share the toilet with me

"Otherwise, once these people leak the slightest bit of information, I won't be able to become a best-selling author."


Lockhart bent down and rummaged for something in the desk cabinet, "I, I have to, let you also lose your memory."

Lockhart straightened up suddenly and pointed his wand directly at the four people. Then, he was shocked to find that there were four wands on the opposite side, each pointing at his own neck.

"Give me amnesia and I can't even think about it."

Hermione tapped her wand downwards, and Lockhart placed the wand tremblingly on the desk.

Ron grabbed the wand and threw it out of the window.

At this time, a shrill, high-pitched cry suddenly floated from the corridor outside.

"Peeves, I'm already dead, why are you still torturing me? Wuwu~"

The crying gradually disappeared around the corner.

"It's Myrtle. She's back on the third floor. We have to go over and question her. We need to knock this loser out so he doesn't get in the way," Harry said.

"It would be too easy to knock him out. Take him into the secret room and let him take the lead."

Hermione moved a step to the right to make way, and she flicked her wand, signaling Lockhart to come out from behind the desk.

Then, Lockhart, who was pale and trembling, was escorted out of the office by four people, turned a few corners, and came to the corridor with red letters.

In the bathroom, Myrtle floated to and fro, wailing at the ceiling.

"Where have you been, Myrtle?" Robin asked.

"Peeves bullied me and chased me with unpleasant nicknames. I ran into Bloody Balor and got rid of him. What are you doing here?"

"We want to know how you died."


Myrtle suddenly became excited. She jumped up to the second cubicle and said with relish: "It was very scary at the time. It happened in this cubicle. Olive Humbey made fun of me wearing glasses and looking like a four-eyed boy." Dog, I was hiding here crying, crying, and suddenly I heard someone entering the bathroom."

"Who's coming in?" Harry asked.

"I didn't know who it was. I was in a terrible mood. I heard them saying some very strange words. It was a hissing sound, and it seemed to be a language. I recognized one of them as a boy's voice."

"So I opened the wooden stall door, told him to go back to the men's room, and then I died."

"How did you die?" Hermione asked.

Myrtle pointed to the sink, "I only remember that after opening the door, I saw a pair of huge yellow eyes by the sink. Then, I felt my skin tightened and my body felt light, so light that it made me float into the air. "

After saying that, she jumped headfirst into the toilet, sobbing softly as she recalled her death experience.

Luo Bin walked to the pool. The surface was peeling off, and the pool was covered with yellow-brown water stains. The water at the bottom of the pool exuded a vague odor. It looked like an ordinary old pool.

However, everyone present knew that the pool was unusual.

After Luo Bin searched carefully, he found a very small snake engraved on the side of a copper faucet. He turned the handle to the maximum, and not a drop of water came out of the faucet.

Bronze, snake totem, no water, it means the entrance to the secret room has not escaped.

"Harry, we found the entrance. It's right here. Come on, try to speak some snake language."


Harry stepped forward, stared at the little snake, lowered his voice and said, "Open it."

There was no response from the pool, and Harry turned to look at Robin.

"No, you are not speaking snake language. You have to imagine the little snake on the faucet as a real snake."

"Imagine a real snake? Me"


Luo Bin took off the candle from the lamp on the wall, stood it on the edge of the pool, and fanned the flame with his hand.

Under the flickering candlelight, the position of the reflection and shadow on the snake's body constantly changes, making it appear as if it is swimming.

"try again."


Harry stared at the little snake and said, "Open it."

This time, what he spoke was not human language, but a hissing sound similar to that of a snake.

In an instant, the copper faucet emits a dazzling white light.

The white light rotated rapidly like the blades of an electric fan that fell to the ground. Then, the pool creaked and moved upwards, revealing a huge pipe hidden at the bottom of the pool that was bottomless and could accommodate several people.

Luo Bin heard several gasps of air coming from behind him.


The pool moved up to the ceiling, the candle was knocked over and broke into three pieces, and the flame was extinguished.

"It's amazing. You guys did a great job. It's useless if I just stay here first."

Lockhart turned and tried to escape, but Hermione never put down her wand.

"Of course it works, you go down first."

Hermione pressed in with her wand, and Lockhart was forced to retreat to the edge of the hole.

"There's no need to do this to me, Miss Granger. I signed it for you."

"I'll tear them all apart when I get back. You go down first to explore the way."

"But okay!"

Forced by the four wands, Lockhart turned around. He looked at the deep and bottomless pipe, and his legs shook like a sieve with fear. "I don't think this is right."

Lockhart fell into the pipe and was suddenly swallowed up by darkness.

At the edge of the hole, Hermione slowly withdrew her kicking foot, "He's too inky."

Luo Bin: ⊙▽⊙, is this the rumored withdrawal of followers?


There was a loud bang in the cave, and then, in the darkness, a hoarse voice floated out.

"Well, it's very dirty down here."

"It's safe, let's go," Hermione said.


Myrtle suddenly jumped out of the toilet and stared at the people excitedly, "Oh, Robin, Harry, if you two die, you are welcome to share the toilet with me, hehe."

"Myrtle, don't talk nonsense. We will all come back alive. Besides, no one wants to live in a smelly toilet full of yellow dirt except you."

Hermione finished speaking and jumped neatly into the pipe.

Myrtle's expression changed and she burst into tears, "She's mocking me and saying I'm rotten and smelly, right?"

The shrill, high-pitched cries almost burst the eardrums.

"I bet Hermione didn't mean that."

Harry quickly sat down at the edge of the hole, pushed the floor with both hands, and let himself slide down into the pipe.

Ron glanced at Robin and said helplessly: "Hermione was so angry that you hit her muzzle without pointing a wand at you. It was considered an easy move."

After saying that, Ron followed Harry's example and slid into the pipe.

Luo Bin waited for a minute and jumped in.

The pipe was slippery and sticky, and there were many pipes branching out in all directions on the pipe wall, but they were not as thick as this pipe.

The slope of this pipe was very steep, with twists and turns inside. Luo Bin slid for four or five minutes when he suddenly felt that the slope of the pipe had flattened out. He quickly assumed a "big" posture and pressed his hands and feet against the wall of the pipe to slow down his sliding speed. .

In the end, he was steady and stopped at the exit of the pipe. Unlike the others before him, he didn't fall down and squat on his butt.

"Robin, have you and Hermione discussed this?" Ron asked, holding his tailbone.

"When a steep slope becomes flat, you have to slow down. This is common sense. Do we still need to discuss it?" Hermione retorted.

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