Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 178 Counter-curse strikes, Silly Hanhan appears

After Luo Bin climbed down from the pipe, he took out his wand and cast the 'fluorescence flicker' spell, looking at the surrounding environment with the weak light.

This is a huge stone tunnel.

The tunnel floor is covered with a thick layer of bones of rats, rabbits, hyenas and other small animals.

Lockhart stood by the stone wall of the tunnel. He twisted his body and used the raised particles on the stone wall to wipe off the mud on his body.

Hermione waved her wand and cast a cleaning charm on everyone (except Lockhart).

Suddenly, the witch robe became dry and the body was no longer sticky.

Harry held up the glowing wand and walked forward seven or eight meters, "Let's go. And remember, if you hear any noise, close your eyes immediately."

"Follow!" Hermione shouted, pointing her wand at Lockhart's chest.

The five people walked out of the pile of bones and walked into the wet tunnel.

As soon as their feet hit the ground, a loud snap echoed around them.

Under the weak light from the wand, the shadows of several people on the stone wall of the tunnel were stretched three times, looking like shadow monsters.

The tunnel was not straight. After walking for five or six minutes, Harry led a few people and turned into a dark curve.

As soon as he turned the corner, Harry staggered to a stop. Ron grabbed his shoulders and looked forward in fear, "Then what is that thing?"

After hearing this, Luo Bin walked around to the front of the team. He saw the outline of a huge, coiled monster blocking the end of the curve.

If you want to move forward, you must pass through that behemoth.

"Could it be a basilisk? It's motionless, maybe it's asleep."

Harry's chest felt tight and his heart nearly jumped into his throat.

"I'll go take a look first."

Luo Bin leaned against the stone wall, held up his wand, and slowly moved forward. After moving about thirty meters, he could clearly see the specific appearance of the behemoth.

It is a huge snakeskin, with a bright green surface. It is as thick as the mouth of a well, about 10 meters long, and has a flat head.


From the distant shadows, Hermione's worried shout floated.

"Come here, there's no danger, it's Zhang Sheshuai." Luo Bin shouted back.

Several people stepped forward in response. Ron saw the snake shed and frowned: "Oh my God, it's so big. It's not a problem for the basilisk to swallow an adult in one bite."


Lockhart was so frightened that his knees gave out and he collapsed to the ground.

Ron pointed his wand at Lockhart's chest and said speechlessly: "You are so brave, get up."

Lockhart lunged forward, grabbed Ron's wand, and locked his arms around Ron's neck.

With the hostage in hand, he felt confident in his heart. He was no longer afraid of the three wands opposite him, and his standard eight-tooth smile appeared on his face again.

"Children, the secret room adventure is over here, but don't worry no one knows about our magnificent deeds. This experience will appear in my book."

"We were too late and failed to save poor Ginny. As soon as the four of you saw her horrific, bloody corpse, you were so frightened that you lost your memory."

"Then let's start with you, Miss Granger, and bid farewell to your memory forever."

"You will regret it!" Hermione said without fear.

Lockhart's eyes flashed fiercely. He raised his wand high above his head and turned it towards Hermione while chanting a curse loudly.

"Everything is forgotten!"

In an instant, a dazzling green light burst out from where the magic tape was wrapped on the broken wand.


The wand completely separated in two.

A small part of the green light shot towards the ceiling, and most of the green light shot backwards, hitting Lockhart in the stomach and sending him flying backwards. His back hit the curved stone wall and then fell to the ground with a thud. .

"Using Ron's broken wand to cast a spell will only cause harm to himself."

As soon as Hermione finished speaking, there was a huge tremor at the top of the curve. Then, gravels of various sizes began to collapse downwards. Robin pulled Hermione and ran into the tunnel. Harry covered his ears and followed closely. .

When the bang bang sound of the gravel falling disappeared, the three people quickly turned back to the bend. They saw that the huge snake slough had been replaced by a thick gravel wall. The ceiling above the stone wall had several huge cracks. Kouzi.

"Are you guys OK?"

Behind the rubble wall, a slightly crying voice floated.

"Ron, we weren't hit, how about you?" Harry shouted back.

"I wasn't hurt either, but Lockhart fainted."

Robin approached the gravel wall and observed the situation on the other side through the thumb-thick gap between the stone wall and the curved wall. He saw Lockhart lying on the ground, his eyelids trembling.

"Ron, be careful, Lockhart is about to wake up." Robin reminded.

"Hmm!" Lockhart sat up and looked at Ron blankly, "Hello, who are you?"

"Ron Weasley!"

"Oh, really! Then who am I?"

"Lockhart's amnesia curse has rebounded, and he can't even remember who he is." Ron shouted in shock towards the rubble wall.

Lockhart picked up a piece of gravel and played with it in his palm. His eyes showed a clear stupidity that he had never seen before. "This place is really weird, isn't it? Aha, you live here, don't you?"



Ron snatched the gravel from Lockhart's palm and smashed it hard on the back of his head, knocking him unconscious and falling to the ground.

"I'm going to find Ginny, and you can use your magic to get the rubble away," Ron shouted after kicking Lockhart.

"No. There were several huge cracks on the curve. Without the support of the gravel wall, the entire curve may collapse." Hermione analyzed.

"What should we do?"

"Ron, you stay here to move the rocks and try to create a passage so that after we rescue Ginny, we can get back in. Remember, don't move the big rocks that fall down."

"If I want to move a big rock, I have to have that strength!" After Ron finished speaking, he hummed and lifted the gravel.

"see you later."

Then, Robin, Harry, and Hermione stepped on the slippery ground and continued walking into the tunnel.

The three of them turned one corner after another. Every time they turned, one person would take the lead and make sure there was no danger in the corner before the other two would follow.

When they turned the thirteenth bend, the three of them finally reached the end of the tunnel - a thick stone wall.

In the middle of the stone wall, there is a thin seam that runs through the top and bottom of the wall. There are also two huge, intertwined snakes carved on the wall, and the eyes of the big snake are inlaid with fist-sized, translucent emeralds.

"Harry, try speaking a few more words in Parseltongue," Hermione suggested.


What's going on behind the stone wall?

Is it another winding tunnel, or the basilisk's lair.

Harry felt his throat go dry. He swallowed, and then stepped closer to the stone wall.

This time, he could imagine the two stone snakes as real snakes without the help of flickering candlelight.

Because their emerald eyes look like they are alive, cold and terrifying.


Harry stared with snake eyes, moved his lips, and made a low, dull hissing sound.


The two big snakes moved and were no longer entangled with each other.


The slit widened, and the stone walls on both sides of the slit slowly slid to both sides and disappeared.

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