Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 179 Hagrid was quite restless when he was young!

The three of them held up their wands and walked to the original location of the stone wall. They found that it was a cliff. A half-meter-wide iron ladder was welded to the cliff wall for people to go down to the bottom of the cliff.

"As usual, I'll go first."

Harry turned around, put his feet on the iron ladder, and slowly climbed down. Hermione went down second, followed by Robin.

After a while, the three of them went down to the bottom of the cliff and looked at the surrounding environment with the weak light emitted by the wand.

This is a room filled with green mist. There is a long platform paved with stone bricks in the center of the room. On both sides of the long platform, there are a row of stone pillars carved with coiled snakes. On the stone walls on both sides, there are many branching out. The pipe leads to who knows where.

As for what is at the end of the long platform, it is too dark to see at all.

"Do you think the basilisk would be hiding behind the stone pillar?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"not sure."

Hermione looked warily at the stone pillars she could see.

Luo Bin took out three pieces of black gauze folded into two layers and said, "Here, tie this on your forehead. Make sure it's neither tight nor loose. In this way, when you hear the basilisk's hissing sound, he lowers his head suddenly and pulls the black gauze. Just slide it to your eyes."

Harry's method of closing his eyes when hearing noises is good, but during the fight and escape process, if he subconsciously opens his eyes to observe his surroundings, it will be a problem.

After the three people tied up the black gauze, they lined up in a '⊥' shape, held up the luminous wand, and moved forward bit by bit.

After moving about twenty meters, the three of them could clearly see the scene at the end of the long platform.

At the end of the long platform is a pool. In the pool, next to the stone wall, stands a giant statue as high as the room.

The statue's face has bulging cheekbones like a monkey, long and narrow cheeks, and a long sparse beard around the mouth that reaches the hem of the wizard's robe.

Under the hem of the statue's robe, there are two big gray feet, which are parallel to the surface of the pool. Moreover, at the end of the long platform between the two feet, there is a little red-haired girl lying face down.

It's Ginny!

The three of them broke up and quickly ran to the end of the long platform.

Robin grabbed Ginny's shoulders and gently turned her over.

Her body was like a lake in winter, cold and icy, her face was bloodless, her eyes were tightly closed, and her skin had a pit when it was poked, and the rebound speed was super slow.

Next to her legs, there was a thin black diary lying.

"Ginny, please don't die, wake up, wake up quickly, Ron is waiting for you outside."

Harry put his wand aside and rubbed Ginny's hand, begging sadly.

"She won't wake up."

A soft sound came from the pipe closest to the pool, and then a tall boy with black hair came out of the pipe.

The boy's figure was blurry, as if the three of them were looking at him through a layer of mist.


The boy slowly walked forward, his figure gradually becoming clearer.

Her eyebrows are resolute, her eyes are deep, and she has an aristocratic temperament.

It was Tom Riddle, the handsome boy from the memory of 50 years ago in the diary, but he was still covered with a halo of mist.

"Tom Tom Riddle, why do you say Ginny won't wake up? She hasn't yet"

Harry asked eagerly, but he didn't notice that the two friends beside him had serious expressions when they saw Riddle.

Robin picked up the holly wand and put it back into Harry's hand. When he looked up, he happened to see Riddle staring at him with a frown on his face.

Robin: →_→, if you want to grab the wand, go grab Lucius Malfoy’s wand!

In the original book, Riddle took advantage of Harry's concern and quietly picked up the holly wand, which greatly made it more difficult for the protagonist to fight monsters.

"She is still alive, but she only has one breath left," Riddle said.

"Are you a ghost?" Hermione asked, tightening her wand.

"No, I am a memory, a memory that has been preserved in a diary for fifty years."

"Tom, you made a mistake before. Hagrid is innocent. This time you have to help us get Ginny out. This is the basilisk's lair, and it may come back at any time."

Riddle raised the corners of his mouth and gave a strange smile, "The basilisk will not appear if no one summons it. Moreover, I will not help you save Ginny. The weaker she is, the stronger I will be."

"You don't understand how urgent the situation is."

Harry shook Ginny's shoulders, hoping that she would open her eyes and wake up, while Robin and Hermione kept staring at the 'memory' from illusion to reality.

"What did you do to Ginny?"

"I'll be friends with her!"

"Ginny had the diary for several months, and every day she wrote what troubled her: her brother (Percy) was too strict and made her feel suffocated. The pranks of her brothers (twins) made her fearful. Incomparable. Her brother (Ron)'s embarrassment made her feel embarrassed."

"She thought she was a bad girl who was not single-minded, because there were two boys smiling at her in the dream, one was the famous and kind-hearted Harry Potter, and the other was Robin, a rising star at Hogwarts. Lestrange.”

"I patiently wrote answers that were understanding, enlightening, and enlightening. Ginny made me her confidant and opened up her entire soul to me."

"I unscrupulously devoured her emotions, memories, and soul, and became stronger day by day. When I was so powerful that I could overwhelm little Ginny, I revealed a few of my little secrets to her, and opened up a small part of my soul to her."

Hermione looked at Riddle in shock, "You mean the assault case is?"

"Yes, it was Ginny who strangled the cock, who opened the Chamber of Secrets, who drove the basilisk to hunt the Mudbloods, who left threatening messages on the wall, who broke into the boys' dormitory and smashed your things. "

"No way why did she do that?" Harry asked, putting Ginny down.

"You controlled her." Luo Bin said.

"Yes, I can say that she was hypnotized. When she did those things, her consciousness was chaotic."

"Later, the chicken feathers on the robe, the paint on the chest, and the memory gap during the attack made her suspicious."

"She was afraid of the power in the diary, so she threw the diary into the women's bathroom. Who would have thought that the diary would be picked up by you. The person I want to see most in this world is among you, Harry Potter."

"Why do you want to see me?"

Harry was so angry when he thought about how Ginny had been tortured by Riddle for the past year.

"Your thrilling and charming deeds made me want to know more about you and talk to you face to face. Therefore, I decided to let you see the memories of me reporting on that big idiot Hagrid to gain your trust. "

"You're not mistaken that you deliberately framed Hagrid, right?"

Harry thought that Hagrid had no future and had been wrongly misunderstood for 50 years, and his questioning voice was trembling.

Riddle let out a high-pitched laugh.

"Rubber Hagrid is a big fool, clumsy, troublemaker, and obsessed with all kinds of magical and ferocious monsters."

"He raised werewolf cubs in the dormitory, stole the professor's experimental equipment Salamander, caught bugs from the vegetable field and threw them into the greenhouse, and sneaked into the Forbidden Forest to fight giant monsters."

Luo Bin: ⊙▽⊙, Hagrid was quite restless when he was young!

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