Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 180 A memory, who can hurt me?

"Who would believe someone who gets into trouble every other week? But Dumbledore firmly believes that Hagrid is innocent."

"I dare say that Dumbledore has seen through you a long time ago." Luo Bin said.


"After that, he kept a close eye on me."

"I know that it is no longer realistic to open the secret room while I am in school."

"So, I decided to leave a diary and seal my 16-year-old memories in it so that I can guide others in the future to complete Salazar Slytherin's noble cause for me - purifying the school."

Hermione pointed her wand at Riddle's chest, "You won't succeed this time. The Mandrake resurrection potion will be prepared in a few hours. Soon, all the petrified people, animals, and ghosts will It will all return to normal.”

Riddle smiled contemptuously, "Didn't I just say that for me, purifying the school is no longer important."

"My new goal is Harry Potter. I'm very curious, how did an ordinary baby defeat the greatest wizard in history? How did he survive without leaving a scar on his forehead? What? And Voldemort’s magic has been destroyed?”

"Why do you care how I escaped unscathed? That incident happened many years after you sealed the diary."

"Voldemort is my past, present, and future."

Riddle took out a wisp of black ink from the diary in the air, and drew a few times in the air with his fingers. The ink floated into the air and automatically turned into a line of shining words.

【Tom Marvolo Riddle】

(Tom Marvolo Riddle)

Then, he waved his hands together, and the shiny letters automatically changed their positions and turned into another line of text.

【I am Lord Voldemort】

(I am Voldemort)

Hermione's hand holding up the wand was trembling. Robin pressed her hand down and raised the wand towards Riddle's chest.

"Are you the heir of Salazar Slytherin? Are you the infamous Voldemort?"

Harry asked numbly, in disbelief.

"Of course. Do you think I will keep my dirty Muggle father's name?"

"No, I will rename myself. When I become the greatest wizard in the world, all wizards in the magical world will be in awe of the name 'Voldemort' and dare not mention it."

"You are wrong, Albus Dumbledore is the greatest wizard in the world."

"Even when you were the most powerful, you didn't dare to lead people to attack Hogwarts. Now, your true body is hiding somewhere and sucking the blood of smelly rats."

Harry roared.

Riddle's smile froze, and his expression became ferocious and terrifying.

"I used my memory to expel Dumbledore from this castle."

"As long as there are people here who are loyal to him, he will come back."

When Luo Bin heard the word 'loyalty', he raised his eyes and looked around. The surroundings were filled with green mist, and there was no trace of the fiery red bird.

Not to mention hearing the ethereal, exciting music.

In the original book, after Harry countered Riddle and expressed his loyalty to Dumbledore, the phoenix Fawkes was summoned and flew into the room grabbing the Sorting Hat.

After Riddle released the basilisk, Fox fought with it and blinded its eyes with his claws.

The Sorting Hat helped Harry summon the Sword of Godric Gryffindor. Finally, Harry held the sword and killed the basilisk.

Now, without the phoenix and the sword, there will definitely be a tough battle to be fought later.

"Loyalty? What a ridiculous word. Harry, let's get back to the point. In your past and my future, you and I have met twice. I'm curious, how did you escape from me?"

At this time, the halo on Riddle's body was obviously half lighter than before.

The skin texture on her face gradually became clearer and more stable, while the color of Ginny's exposed skin slowly turned as gray as marble while lying on the ground.

Apparently, Riddle was robbing Ginny of her life force.

"I don't know myself. But Dumbledore said it was because of maternal love. Twelve years ago, my Muggle-born mother stood between you and me and prevented you from killing me."

"Dumbledore told me that my mother's love for me left an eternal mark on my skin - the amulet. Last year, your little minion Quirinus Quirrell died of my amulet. "

Riddle grinned and forced out a ferocious smile, "So that's it. Mother's love is a good way to break the curse. This is what I want to know. Okay, soon, you will be like Ginny - your bones will be sealed forever. There is a secret room.”

Riddle turned around and looked up at the monkey face of the statue. He opened his mouth and made a hissing sound similar to that of a snake spitting out a message.

Luo Bin waved his magic wand and read: "Silent and silent."


Riddle could still speak, but Robin's mute spell had failed.

Luo Bin was not discouraged. He waved his wand again and said: "The flames are blazing."

In an instant, a fire dragon spewed out from the top of the ebony wand, and the fire dragon roared and wrapped around Riddle.

Riddle turned to look at the three of them and said casually: "It's useless. I'm not a human, a monster, a ghost, or a spirit."

"I am a memory. Who can harm a piece of nothingness that has been extracted and sealed? However, when you wait for Ginny to die, I can become a human."

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), Saonian, don’t talk too much.

Robin took advantage of Riddle turning around again to give instructions to the basilisk, picked up the diary and stuffed it into his arms, dragging Ginny to a position against the wall to prevent her from being accidentally injured during the fight later.


"Harry, what is Riddle talking about?" Hermione asked fearfully.

"He's saying: Talk to me, the greatest of the Big Four at Hogwarts - Slytherin!"

Riddle turned around and said arrogantly to the three of them: "Let's compete. Voldemort, the heir of Slytherin, versus the dream team of Dumbledore's supporters."

Creak! Creak!

The statue's monkey face moved,

Its upper and lower lips slowly separated, and its mouth opened wider and wider. Finally, it opened into a huge, black hole.

Moreover, there were rustling sounds coming from the cave, as if something was swimming inside.

"Cover your eyes." Luo Bin shouted.

The three men lowered their heads violently, and the black cloth on their foreheads slid down, just covering their eyes, plunging them into darkness.

Suo Suo ~ Hua Hua ~ Rustle ~

The giant creature crawled out of the cave, got into the pool next to the giant statue, and finally swam to the long platform.


Harry reached out and groped around, making hissing sounds, trying to persuade the basilisk to swim back into the cave.

"Harry, the gift of Parseltongue won't help you. Basilisks only obey the heir. Sizzle (kill them)!"

Luo Bin hurriedly activated Xiaodie's 'Butterfly Vision' skill. In an instant, his eyes were not completely black, but a bizarre scene composed of countless red, yellow, blue and black three-dimensional color blocks.

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