Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 181 Die Ran looks at the color and locates the snake.

The long platform at your feet and the surrounding stone walls are black.

The pipes on Riddle, the pool, and the stone wall are yellow.

Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and himself, were red.

The 10-meter-long basilisk is a mix of four colors.


Luo Bin saw the basilisk with a big flat blue head swimming towards this side. He quickly shouted: "Stand back, the basilisk is 8 meters away in the northeast."

Hermione waved her wand toward the northeast with trembling hands, and said calmly: "Stand still."

From Robin's perspective, Hermione's vine wand shot out a yellow block. After the block hit the big snake, it turned into black mist and dispersed.

However, the big snake only paused for 3 seconds and continued to approach here.

"Hermione, the snake you cast the leg-locking charm on has no legs!"

Harry said in disbelief.

"Yes, of course it's not suitable, but I just want to try it."

Hermione refused to admit that she was panicking and waved her wand northeast again.

"Everything is ice!"

Suddenly, the vine wand shot out a white light, and the basilisk suddenly swam westward. The white light hit the stone bricks, and dozens of icicles burst out.

"The basilisk is 7 meters directly ahead." Luo Bin reminded.

"Everything is ice!" "Everything is petrified!" "Hit the giant spider hard!"

The three curses were fired together, and the basilisk shook its head left and right, dodging the first two curses, and the third one hit the center of the eyebrow.

Its head was connected to its neck, and it tilted back 180 degrees for 3 seconds, suddenly jumped forward 2 meters, opened its mouth, and let out a roar like thunder.

The breath it exhaled was piled up with hundreds of rotting corpses, some of which were comparable to each other.

Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, I haven’t brushed my teeth in a thousand years. It’s abnormal if they don’t stink.

"The flames are blazing!"

As soon as the orange wall of fire ignited, the basilisk retreated two meters. After the wall of fire was completely extinguished, it flicked its tail and swam forward.

"5 meters northwest, cast a fire spell."


Subsequently, the sound of the "flaming" mantra continued to echo in the secret room. Under the attack of the fire, the basilisk had retreated to the edge of the pool.

"Idiot, move forward, they are right in front of you, rush over." Riddle screamed.

"Robin, Hermione, let's force the basilisk into the puddle, then pour oil on the fire and trap it in the ahem!"

Halfway through Harry's words, he coughed violently. This was not the first time he coughed. Every time he coughed, the brightness of the human-shaped red block would dim.

"Ahem, the itchy air is too thin, and the ventilation is not good. Ahem, we can't cast any more fire spells. We can survive, but not Ginny."

Hermione frowned.

Without the threat of fire, the basilisk launched another ferocious attack. It nimbly dodged the spells and forced the three of them back to the stone wall.

"What should we do now?"

Harry asked anxiously after casting a 'Blow the Giant Spider' spell towards the right front.

Luo Bin cast an ice wall forward, and out of the corner of his eye he saw a semicircular, 2-meter-high yellow block next to it, and shouted: "Drill the pipe, on the right, 3 meters away, there is a big pipe, drill in quickly."

Harry and Hermione ran three meters to the right and turned into the pipe. Robin got into the pipe, cast several ice walls at the entrance of the hole, and ran after them.

Bang bang~

After the basilisk smashed into the ice wall more than a dozen times, it swam its body and chased after it.

Suo Suo~

The sound made by the crawling basilisk was like a loud drum beating randomly, making people panic.

Harry pulled the black cloth to his forehead and led the two of them to turn around in the anthill-like pipe with many forks and turned into a 'dead end'.

A huge circular iron net blocked the way of the three people.

Each iron rod on the iron net is as thick as a wrist. The iron net and the iron frame embedded in the pipe wall are connected by a large rusty iron lock.

Hermione put her wand against the keyhole and whispered: "Open the Alaho hole!"

The iron lock didn't react at all, not even a piece of iron filings came off.

Bang bang~

In the distant shadows, there was the sound of the basilisk slamming into the ice wall.

"I'll go back and hold the basilisk while you two try to open the iron net and turn into the pipe on the right in front. That pipe is very damp and has a higher chance of leading to the secret room."

"Riddle is a memory, magic can't hurt him. Similarly, he can only draw some ink from the diary and splash it on someone. The two of them want to take Ginny out. I think Ms. Pomfrey can help her restore her vitality. method."

"Harry, those dozen ice walls can hold it back for a while."

Hermione blocked the pipe to prevent Harry from leaving. Robin lifted a rock as big as a Bludger and banged it against the iron lock.

As a result, the stone broke into five pieces, and the iron lock did not respond at all.

He took out the magic saw again and saw that the teeth were smoothed and the iron lock only lost some rust.

He took out the steel bar pliers again, but to no avail.

Bang bang~

The crashing sound is getting louder and louder, which means that the basilisk will soon be here.

"Hermione, let me over quickly." Harry said anxiously.


"Harry, wait a minute, I still have one more trick I haven't used yet."

Luo Bin raised his palm upward, and three balls of red, yellow, and blue flames condensed. With a slight twist of his wrist, the three flames merged into one, crackling for a moment, and turned into a surging black fire.

Luo Bin waved his hand, and the black fire floated towards the iron lock, sizzling, sizzling, the red-hot rust kept falling down, and the iron lock became redder and hotter, and finally, with a snap, it fell to the ground. Turned into a puddle of molten iron.

"Go, save Ginny!"

After Harry finished speaking, he opened the iron fence and rushed out. Hermione followed closely, but after running five or six steps, she found that there were no footsteps behind her.

"Robin, let's go!" Hermione shouted.

Luo Bin closed the iron mesh, and while using black fire and molten iron on the ground to weld the iron mesh to the iron frame embedded in the pipe wall, he replied softly:

"You go first, I'll weld this to death, and then I'll catch up with you."

Bang bang~


"The smell of blood, if you can't escape, I'll kill you."

"Robin, it's coming. Come with us." Harry said in panic.

"Don't worry, if I cover it with a black cloth, even if it pops out its eyes, it won't be of any use. If I weld the iron net shut, it won't be able to rush through, and naturally it won't be able to bite me."

"You two, take a shortcut back. Don't forget the purpose of our entering the secret room - to rescue Ginny. Riddle is there, she is in danger."

Luo Bin controlled the black fire and molten iron with one hand, and waved the wand with the other hand to cast a spell to speed up the cooling of the molten iron in the welded part.

"Okay, then after you finish welding, you have to catch up in time."

"Robin, be sure nothing happens to you!" Hermione choked out as she and Harry turned into the right pipe.

Luo Bin stared and quickly completed the welding work. When the molten iron turned into cold gray iron, he suddenly lowered his head, covered his eyes with black cloth, and activated Xiaodie's 'Die Ran Vision' skill again.

He saw a huge blue snake head rushing towards him in the darkness. When it roared angrily, two rows of yellow blocks of different lengths would appear in the blue block.

Bang bang~

The blue block hit the black iron net.


The black iron net was shaking violently.

Luo Bin saw two slender yellow blocks stuck in the grid of the iron net. No matter how the blue block's big head shook, the yellow block was still stuck.

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