Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 182 Voldemort, you failed again

Chapter 182 Voldemort, you failed again~

In the original book, when Ginny's life and death were at stake, Harry used the venom on his fangs to burn through the diary before everything returned to peace.

So, Luo Bin took out the diary from his arms, endured the strong rancid smell, and slowly moved to the black iron fence.

He held both ends of the diary, placed the center of the diary against the top of the yellow block, and then pressed it down hard.


A stream of black ink spurted out from the hole in the diary. The ink flowed down Luo Bin's hands, patter, patter, and dripped to the ground.

"What did you do?"

Riddell, sensing danger, flashed into the pipe and asked angrily.

Luo Bin pulled out the diary, pointed it at the yellow block, and pressed it down hard until it was penetrated.


A large stream of ink spurted out from the breach, covering Luo Bin's body with black ink marks.

At the same time, an inverted triangular gap appeared in Riddle's chest, running through the front and back.

Robin pulled out the diary vigorously, and Riddle yelled with a distorted face: "No, stop, stop quickly."

"Riddle, you are a memory, and magic cannot harm you. But the diary that holds the memory is destroyed, will you still exist?"

"If you die, the soul and life force you took away from Ginny will be lost quickly."

"Voldemort, you failed again~"

After Luo Bin finished speaking, he pressed the diary down again. After pressing it, he twisted it left and right, making the hole bigger.


Ink spurted out from the breach.

Another big hole appeared on Riddle's body, followed by dozens of smaller holes. He stretched his throat and let out a blood-curdling scream that penetrated people's eardrums.

"In my future, I will definitely kill you."

Riddle, with a distorted face, hunched body, and arms full of holes, kept waving, as if he didn't want to disappear.

However, when Robin pulled out the diary again, penetrated it, and pulled it out, the holes in Riddle's body began to glow.

Then, he turned into countless glowing green and blue dots and disappeared.

The green dots gathered into a star river and floated into the pipe on the right. The blue dots floated around the iron net, and the light became dimmer and dimmer.

Luo Bin recited a spell silently and released the soul tearing derivative - Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui saw the blue dot and howled excitedly.

It jumped up and down in the air like an out-of-control bludger, sucking all the luminous blue dots into its stomach.


After Xiao Hui burped, he fell to the ground with a snap. No matter how he squirmed, hehe, he just couldn't fly.

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), you’re so stuffed that you can’t walk on the road, right?

Luo Bin recited a spell silently and put Xiao Hui back into the Rubik's Cube. He then took out his wand and planned to deal with the basilisk.

Suddenly, Hermione's high-pitched, piercing cry came from the depths of the pipe on the right. Without even thinking about it, he just collected the guy and turned into the pipe.

This pipe went up diagonally. He climbed up seventy or eighty meters and entered a flat curve.

Then, the sole of his foot slipped, his butt landed on the ground, and he sat on the 'speed skating' pipe.

The wall of the tube was covered with a layer of slippery mucus. He slid down ten or twenty meters and felt the black cloth over his eyes slipping onto his forehead, threatening to fall off. He quickly held it down with his hands.

After about another 10 seconds, he slipped out of the pipe, and then, affected by inertia, rushed out of the head of the Salazar Slytherin statue and fell freely.

Well, no wonder Hermione screamed so miserably.


Luo Bin fell into the pool.


Luo Bin's head popped out of the water.

He pushed back his wet hair and wiped the water from his forehead and eyes. He saw some glowing green dots slowly drifting into Ginny's body.

He saw Hermione and Harry struggling to climb out of the puddle onto the long platform, and neither of them had black cloth tied around their heads.

"Harry, Hermione, where are your black cloths?"

Luo Binyou came ashore and asked.

"When I was sliding down the pipe, I accidentally dropped it. Luo Bin, what happened to the ink on your body and the holes in the diary?"

Hermione said confused.

Luo Bin briefly explained what had just happened. When the two heard that Riddle was dead, they covered their mouths and exclaimed.

At this time, a weak moan came from a corner of the secret room against the wall.

It's Ginny!

The three of them hurried towards the source of the sound without even having time to wring the water off their clothes.

Ginny opened her eyes and sat up. She looked around blankly, glanced at the three of them, and landed on the perforated diary. She shuddered and tears flowed down her face.

"I did it! I wanted to confess clearly in the auditorium this morning, but Percy disturbed me. I swear I didn't mean it, it was Riddle who forced me. He controlled me."

"It's okay. Riddle has personally admitted that he hypnotized you. You didn't have any conscious awareness when you did those things." Luo Bin said.

"Am I going to get fired?"

"No, I, Hermione, and Harry can all testify for you that you are innocent."


The chord in Ginny's heart broke into two parts.

She threw herself into Robin's arms and cried bitterly. Hermione pulled her away vigorously, "We can't waste any more time. We have to get out of here quickly. The basilisk is just..."

Before Hermione finished speaking, there was a splashing sound in the pool.


"It's a basilisk. It's saying: Kill you all! What should I do?"


The basilisk rushed out of the water, its huge shadow reflected on the gray stone wall, and its sharp two rows of teeth made it hard to breathe.

"Hurry up and close your eyes with the black cloth."

The three of them complied. Harry and Hermione, still at a loss, whispered softly: "Help me, someone come and save us."

The two of them were calling, and suddenly ethereal, beautiful, and penetrating music floated from the sky. The music became louder and louder, as if there was a snare drum in a person's chest, which made people excited.

Luo Bin pulled the black cloth up a little, raised his head and looked at the ceiling above his head through the slit under the black cloth.

He saw a red phoenix as big as a crane with long golden tail feathers, hovering high in the sky and singing beautiful music.

Also saw its golden claws holding a big red and black rooster? ? ?

Five seconds later, Fox flew down next to the four of them. The big rooster raised its neck and made a loud and continuous sound of "Oooh".


When the basilisk heard the crow of the cock, its body became weak and it collapsed beside the pool.

Luo Bin pulled down the black cloth to cover his eyes, activated the 'Die Ran Vision' skill, walked to the edge of the pool, waved his wand, and cast spells on the basilisk crazily.

The basilisk was bruised and dying, but it still refused to admit defeat and still bared its teeth at people. Luo Bin had no choice but to take out Kenziao's specially made fencing sword and stab it at seven inches.


The foul-smelling black blood filled Luo Bin's face. He was not angry but smiled, because the totem under the left collarbone was burning and aching, which meant

Luo Bin: →_→, do you have to stab your heart to be honest? ? ?

Luo Bin silently recited "contain everything", put the basilisk into the Rubik's Cube, and at the same time waved his wand to conjure up a dozen ice cubes as big as matzas with a flick of his wrist.

Hua Hua

All the ice cubes fell into the pool and disappeared.

Luo Bin pulled off the black cloth, and his suspicious gaze fell on the red and yellow stripes of cloth on the paws of the big rooster.

If I remember correctly, the chicken I saw in the backyard of my cabin last Christmas also had such a strip of cloth tied to its claws.

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