Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 183 Cock Messenger, Crazy Girl

"You can open your eyes now, the basilisk is dead." Luo Bin shouted.

After hearing this, Hermione opened her eyes a thin slit. She looked around and saw no trace of the basilisk before opening her eyes wide.

"Robin, where's the basilisk body?" Harry asked.

"It slipped into the pool, do you want to fish it out?"

Luo Bin rolled up his sleeves and pretended to go fishing.

"No, let its bones be sealed in the secret room forever!"

Qiang Qiang~

(Phoenix chirping)

Fox hovered at the iron staircase, urging them to leave.

Afterwards, the four of them walked through the dark and empty long platform, climbed up the rusty iron ladder, and returned to the stone tunnel.


The stone door closed gently, and the two big snakes were entangled again.

The four of them followed the gravel path, turned more than a dozen turns, and returned to the gravel wall.

Through a gap as big as a bicycle wheel, Ron's back could be seen bending down and huffing and puffing while moving rocks.

"Ron!" Robin shouted.

Ron threw away the stone and turned around eagerly. When he saw poor little Ginny through the gap, his eyebrows almost flew up with joy.

"Ginny, it's great that you're alive."

Ron got out of the gap three times and opened his arms to hug Ginny, but Ginny took a side step and dodged away.

"Ginny, don't be afraid. Everything is over. Phoenix and the big rooster? It turns out that the red afterimage that flew past my eyes just now was the two of them. Robin, Harry, what happened below?"

"We'll talk about it later. It's more important to go back to the bathroom. Um, where are the Lockharts?"

Harry asked after climbing out of the gap.

Ron smiled slyly, "He's playing with the pipe at the end of the tunnel."

After everyone got out of the gap, they returned to the end of the tunnel with the weak light emitted by their wands.

When Lockhart saw Ron, he subconsciously covered the back of his head with his hands, then grinned with a kind and honest smile.

"Hello, can you chew these bones?"

"No, but I really want to turn you into bones."

Ron raised his eyebrows, and Lockhart's smile froze. He lowered his head silently and continued to play the bone puzzle. At his feet, there was a little rabbit made of fish bones.

Hermione walked to the entrance of the dark pipe inside and asked, "How do we get back up there?"

Robin looked at Fox who was combing the feathers under his armpits with his beak, "Dumbledore said that phoenixes have excellent weight-bearing capabilities. Let's hold on to each one and let it fly up with us."

"It's not much bigger than a rooster, can it work?" Ron asked doubtfully.

"You'll know if you try it."

Robin tied the cock to his belt and held Fawkes' paws with both hands. Harry and Ron each grabbed one of Robin's ankles. Lockhart grabbed Ron's ankle and bit his calf with a smile. , Hermione grabbed Harry's ankles, and Ginny wrapped her arms around Hermione's waist.

Qiang Qiang~

Fox neighed, flapped his wings and got into the tube.

A strange lightness swept through Luo Bin's body.

He felt as light as a feather, and when the wind blew, it would swirl upward.

"It's amazing. It's like magic. It's amazing!"

Lockhart's excited shouts echoed throughout the thick pipe.

After a moment, the six people's feet landed on the solid, flat ground again.


The pool automatically dropped back to its original position, once again covering the thick water pipe.

"Are you still alive?"

Myrtle sat on the door panel of the compartment and stared at the people with wide eyes.

"There's no need for you to speak in such a disappointed tone." Harry said helplessly.

Myrtle shrank her shoulders, her face covered with acne scars turned silver white with shame, "I have been thinking that if you and Luo die, I will be happy to give up half of the toilet rights in this cubicle, hee laugh."


Myrtle jumped into the toilet, but her perverted and perverted smile still filled the entire bathroom.

"Where to go now?"

As soon as Ron finished speaking, the door of the first compartment was opened from the inside.

The little girl with curly hair reaching her waist walked to the sink and said while washing her hands: "Before you leave, please return Xiaohong to me."


The big rooster tied to Luo Bin's belt flapped its wings and wanted to rush to the pool.

Luo Bin untied the 'Xiaohong' and returned it to Luna. Thinking of what she said about 'the spider is inside and the rooster is outside', he asked:

"Did you write the word 'Guanzi' on the basilisk introduction page?"

"Yes! I can find out the answer to the mystery much faster than you."

Luna rubbed the cockcomb and said casually.

"What is your line of analysis?" Hermione took a step forward, intending to discuss it with Luna.

Luna tapped her temple with her finger, "Intuition."

"How can intuition be reliable? Any conclusion must be made through careful logical analysis and careful verification."

"The process is not important, as long as the result is right. After thinking about it for nearly a year, the conclusion you came to is still the same as my intuition?"

"Xiaohong, let's go to the vegetable field and catch slugs for you."

Feed the slugs, no wonder the feathers of the big rooster are shiny and smooth.

Luna hugged Xiao Hong and left. Hermione stamped her feet angrily, "No wonder Ravenclaw calls her a crazy girl."

Fok flew to the door with a hiss, shook his head, and motioned for several people to follow him.

"Okay, Hermione, don't be angry and follow it."

As soon as Robin finished speaking, Fawkes wiped the door frame and flew into the corridor. The six people quickly ran to catch up. After a while, several people stopped at the door of Professor Minerva McGonagall's office.

Dong Dong~

Luo Bin knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Luo Bin pushed the door open in response.

Outside the door, the six people were covered in mucus, mud and bruises. Luo Bin also had some ink marks and black blood on his body.

Inside the door, tearful Ms. Molly and Mr. Arthur looked at them in shock and excitement. Professor McGonagall clutched her chest and gasped for air. Dumbledore stood in front of the mantelpiece with a happy smile on his lips. .


Ms. Molly rushed forward and hugged her baby daughter. Mr. Arthur also came over and held the mother and daughter tightly in his arms.


They held each other until Ginny's face turned red and she coughed several times, then they let go of their arms.

"Did you save him?" Ms. Mo Li wiped her tears, glanced at her younger son and nodded in recognition, and asked, "How did you do it?"

"I want to know too." Professor McGonagall sank down into the armchair and said weakly.

Luo Bin led several people into the house, and he placed the remains of the perforated diary on the desk.

Afterwards, the four of them spoke to each other. From the first week of school, when Harry helped Lockhart write a reply to his fans, he heard the whispers of a wandering ghost, all the way to sneaking into the secret room and defeating Riddle. and Basilisk, with the help of the Phoenix Power, return to the bathroom.

After Professor McGonagall listened, she broke off a wooden bookmark.

"I originally thought that after experiencing the Philosopher's Stone incident, Voldemort would hide in the Albanian forest for a while. Unexpectedly, he actually used a broken diary to trick and control students to do things for him. He really did everything he could."

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