Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 185 Dobby, the new little chef

Dumbledore responded to Lucius's question with a calm smile, "The directors learned that Ginny Weasley was caught in the Chamber of Secrets, and they all wanted me to rush back to school immediately."

"That's ridiculous," Lucius said angrily.

"Oddly enough, several directors felt that if they didn't sign the suspension order, you'd be putting a curse on their families."

The anger in Lucius's eyes was even brighter than before, "I have always only cared about the interests of the school and the safety of the students. I think the culprit has been found out, right?"

After saying that, he glanced sideways at Ron.


"So, who is it?" Lucius asked eagerly.

Dumbledore winked at the four of them, "Voldemort."

"Ah!" Lucius was disappointed.

"However, this time, he chose to use this diary to control other people's actions."

Dumbledore held up the diary and looked closely at Lucius's facial expressions through the holes in the diary.

However, Robin and the others next to the fireplace all looked at Dobby.

Dobby's green eyes, as big as tennis balls, stared at Lucius's back thoughtfully.

It kept pointing at the diary with one hand, and at Lucius's black robe with the other. Then it clenched both hands into fists and hit its temples hard.

Luo Bin: →_→, oh, I started to abuse myself again!

Hiss~ Harry groaned in confusion.

Luo Bin saw that none of the three people understood what Dobby meant, so he made a "collision-picking-up-diary" gesture. The three people immediately understood that it was Lucius who sent someone to give Jin the diary. Ni.

Harry nodded to Dobby, and Dobby retreated to the corner, grabbing his ears with both hands.

On the other side, facing the scrutiny that penetrated people's hearts, Lucius said calmly: "That's it."

"Fortunately, Voldemort's tricks were seen through by young children. Otherwise, when people find out that the daughter of the legal compiler of the "Muggle Protection Act" is attacking and murdering Muggle-born students, it will have a profound impact on the relationship between Muggles and wizards. What irreparable impact will it have on the peace of the world?"

"Lucius, I hope that the items used by Voldemort when he was in school will not fall into the hands of innocent people. Otherwise, Arthur Weasley will definitely do his best to find out the source and severely punish those behind it."

Lucius had a sullen face, rubbing the snake head of his cane with his right hand, as if he wanted to pull out the wand inside. However, he knew his own strength, and suppressed his anger and said coldly: "Goodbye! Dobby, let's go."

Lucius turned and walked towards the door. Dobby followed in panic. Lucius raised his foot and kicked Dobby out of the door.

The sound of people being kicked and the screams of despair and pain continued to float from the corridor.

"What can we do for Dobby?" Harry couldn't bear to put Dobby in a cast again.

"Socks!" Luo Bin said softly.


"The only condition for house elves to be free is that their master gives them a piece of clothing."

"The diary leaked from Lucius's hands and should be returned to him. Judging from the fact that there is no wrinkle in his robe, his leather gloves are never taken off, and his hair is combed neatly, we can see that he has severe mysophobia."

"The diary is dirty and torn. Even if there is something in it, he won't open it and will most likely throw it directly to Dobby."

Harry looked at the desk with bright eyes, "Mr."

"Take it away, it won't be of any use if you keep it."

"Sir, we only have a few hours to prepare for the banquet. The kitchen must be short of manpower, right?" Luo Bin asked softly.

In the original book, after Dobby was freed, he encountered obstacles in finding a job because people believed that "serving wizards for free" was the mission of house elves, and no one was willing to pay him.

Later, Dobby and Sparkle, the elf who was fired by Barty Crouch, came to work in the Hogwarts kitchen together. Dobby refused Dumbledore's offer of 10 Galleons a week and two days of vacation, and took the initiative to ask for 1 Galleons a week. Long, one day off in January.

"I think the kitchen is about to have a new addition. Harry, go ahead and tell Dobby the news."

"Okay, sir."

Harry grabbed the diary and rushed out of the office. Hermione and Ron also chased him out. Robin stayed behind as usual. As soon as he ran to the door, Dumbledore called out to him.


Dumbledore waved his hand, and a dark blue round bottle as big as a walnut appeared on the table out of thin air. He walked out of the desk and handed the small round bottle to Robin.

"This is?"

"Fox's gift to you."

Qiang Qiang~

The phoenix landed lightly on Luo Bin's shoulder, tilted its head, and pecked Luo Bin's scalp affectionately? ? ?

Luo Bin took out a handful of bamboo rice and ate it happily.

"Robin, what's in the round bottle is good to use. Fox has been reading sad fairy tales all night."

Being exposed, Fox took all the bamboo rice in his mouth, fluttered his golden tail feathers, and flew away without looking back.

"Okay, let's go after Harry and the others! Oh, by the way, sometimes death is to reunite in a better state."

Robin thought over what Dumbledore said in his mind, turned around and walked out of the wooden door, turned into the corridor, and ran all the way, finally catching up with Harry and the others at the stairs.

He saw Lucius slumped on the turning platform of the stairs below with a livid face. After getting up unsteadily, he took out the wand in his cane and pointed it at the people on the stairs.

Dobby raised his arm, put his thumb against his middle finger, and made a 'snap' gesture, "You can go, Lucius Malfoy, I won't allow you to hurt Harry Potter."

"Potter, sooner or later, you will end up like your meddlesome parents."

Dobby bared his teeth fiercely, and Lucius suppressed the desire to speak harshly. He straightened his robe and hurriedly walked down the stairs.

"Mr. Potter, you gave Dobby freedom and helped Dobby find such a good job. How should Dobby repay you?"

The moonlight slanted through the window and shone on Dobby, making his eyes sparkle.

"It's not all my fault, Dobby. I hope you can promise me something."

"Anything will do," Dobby said excitedly.

"Stop trying to protect me."

Dobby grinned guiltily and gave an awkward smile.

"Dobby, go to Professor McGonagall's office and ask for Mr. Dumbledore. He will talk to you about salary and benefits," Robin said.

Dobby raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Immediately, the bandages on his body and the bruises on several people's bodies disappeared. After bowing deeply to express his gratitude, he trotted back to the office.

Ron climbed the stairs in twos and twos, beating his stiff back, urging the three of them to follow quickly.

Afterwards, the four of them climbed up to the eighth floor in one breath, passed through the lounge, and went back to their respective dormitories to rest.

Top of the tower, boys dormitory!

After Luo Bin washed up and put down the curtain, his consciousness dived into the sea of ​​consciousness space.

He walked up to the giant Rubik's Cube, stared at it, and carefully observed each square.

After a while, in a yellow square with mountains, rivers and dense forests, I saw a big snake with a green body and red feathers on its head.

It twitched its neck and spit out bones. A meter away from it, there were dozens of bloody rabbit skeletons scattered.

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