Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 186 In this restless season, you two should take a break.

Luo Bin moved his fingers and thought as his heart moved. The grid slowly floated in front of him. On the lower left side of the grid, there was a small green snake totem. After he clicked on the totem, he looked up and looked at the light screen emitted by the totem.

Name: None

Species: Basilisk

Level: SS level

Personality: murderous, irritable, stubborn

Physical condition: weak, multiple contusions, spleen bleeding (treatment period: one month)


King's Gaze (Looking at the enemy for 10 seconds will make the opponent stupefied for ten minutes. Note: Staring at the enemy for 3 minutes without interruption will cause the opponent to die.)

Strong rotting poison (spouts linear venom, corroding the enemy's skin, and the poison penetrates the wound, spreading throughout the enemy's body for 30 seconds)

Long snake injection hole (can detect the existence of tunnels in mountains, underground, river beds)

Magic value: 13000

Combat power: 10000

Um, look at each other for 3 minutes, the enemy is not stupid, how can he do it?

Luo Bin gave the basilisk the name "Green Ring" and waved his hand, making the square float back to its original position.

Then, he summoned a purple grid and saw that Xiao Hui's "soul-incomplete" treatment cycle changed from 9998 to 8998 years later. It was confirmed that the soul fragments in the diary could be digested and absorbed by Xiao Hui.

When the purple square floated back to its original position, Luo Bin's consciousness returned to the real world and slowly entered a deep sleep.

At 11:40, the three of them were woken up by a knock on the door.

When Fred and George came in, they grabbed their wrists and ran downstairs.

The auditorium on the first floor is very warmly decorated.

The stone walls are covered with rabbits, foxes, owls and other dolls, and hundreds of candles with warm candlelight are suspended in the air.

The four long dining tables were filled with cheese mashed potatoes, fried lamb chops, fried chicken tenders, hot chocolate milk and other delicacies. The most amazing thing was that everyone was wearing pajamas.

Neville's light brown loose pajamas were printed with Toad Leif all over.

Ginny was wearing a washed white floral nightgown. Under the teasing of Fred and George, there was a smile on her little face again.

Draco was wearing silky satin pajamas and his face was longer than a donkey's.

Hermione's light purple round-neck two-piece pajamas, just like herself, are conventional but full of personality, with magic gestures and spells printed on them.


Lavender rushed over, gave Ron a kiss, pulled him to a seat, and fed him cookies with a smile.

Not long after the four people took their seats, the victims who had been petrified by the basilisk all walked into the auditorium alive.

The beautiful Penelope Crevat looked at Percy lovingly and then walked towards the Ravenclaw dining table.

Nick broke off his head and flew around the dining table aisle. Everyone greeted him warmly, and Seamus asked him: How can ghosts take the mandrake resurrection potion?

Nick said he was fanned into a small, airtight room filled with vaporizing agents and fumigated for two to three hours before his body slowly softened.

Colin held Harry's hand, Harry was long and Harry was short, Seamus joked that Colin could be the minister of the 'Harry Potter Admirers Club'.

Justin stood next to Robin, bowing and apologizing endlessly. It was not until Dumbledore, who was at the guest table, stood up and spoke that he reluctantly returned to his seat.

Before the banquet started, Dumbledore announced some good news.

First, in light of recent events, the school has decided to cancel all exams.

Second, Gryffindor successfully defended the Academy Cup with a super high score of 785 points.

Third, Lockhart is going to find his memory elsewhere and will no longer be a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Fourth, the release certificate has been sent to Azkaban Prison, and the gamekeeper will be back soon.

The long dining table erupted in exclamations. Everyone slapped the table and shouted. The noise was so loud that it almost shook the ceiling. Flitwick and Sprout were also applauding. After all, Lockhart had been disturbing the devil a lot in the past year. Teaching spells and herbal medicine.

At half past one in the morning, the door creaked, and Hagrid appeared in front of everyone wrapped in a moleskin coat.

Ron expressed his dissatisfaction angrily: I almost died there if I followed the spider, do you know?

Hagrid showed an awkward smile, raised his hand and patted Ron on the shoulder, causing Ron to stagger a few times and fall onto the tower holding the desserts.

After Hagrid took his seat at the guest of honor table, he took a swig of mead. When his face turned brown, he leaned forward and kissed Professor Sprout on the cheek.

Sprout smiled and poured a glass of wine for Hagrid. After drinking, Hagrid broke out in pimples on his face and had a stiff neck, then fell on the table and fell asleep.

Robin: →_→, last time it was Mag, this time it’s Sprout, Hagrid, drink less!

This carnival feast slowly ended when it was dark.

Then, due to the cancellation of exams and multiple attacks, which disrupted school teaching plans, exam week and marking week turned into a crazy tutoring week.

However, Lockhart was transferred to St. Mungo's Hospital in London, and they no longer had to play werewolves, ghouls, dominatrixes, etc. to accompany Lockhart to restore his amazing heroic deeds.

After the directors learned that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets had been eradicated, they held an emergency meeting and unanimously decided to expel Lucius Malfoy from the Hogwarts Board of Directors.

The heir failed, his father was impeached, and Draco Malfoy no longer walked around the castle with dignity. He had a gloomy face all day long, as if someone owed him 8 million Galleons and hadn't paid back.

The day before the holiday, Robin frankly told Hermione and the others that he had a small house with a courtyard in Hogsmeade.

Ron's eyes widened in surprise, Hermione nodded, indicating that she had already guessed it, and Harry asked questions, showing great interest.

Robin told Harry that as long as he got the permission form signed by his guardian, he could go to the village on specific weekends when he was in third grade.

Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia would never sign the permission form - Harry's opinion.

The next day, Robin held the note given by Harry with the Dursleys' phone number written on it, and watched the express train drive away.

Then, avoiding the eyes of others, he returned to Hogsmeade village through the secret passage between the Whomping Willow and the Shrieking Shack.


After Luo Bin pushed open the courtyard door, he saw a small pool with a diameter of 1.5 meters dug under the golden chain tree. A thick layer of sand was spread around the pool, and a red and white striped blanket was spread on the sand.

Next to the blanket, there was a pocket-sized lounge chair, and Lilissa, who was wearing cool clothes, was lying on it, enjoying Grant's feeding comfortably.

Grant finished feeding a plate of diced fruit and wiped the rash from the corners of his mouth.

Luo Bin: ⊙▽⊙, summer is a restless season, but there is a big living person standing at the door, don't you two know how to avoid it?

Luo Bin walked around the pool, pushed the door open and entered the house. The first thing that caught his eye was her beautiful back, whose curves were like a soft shooting star in the night sky.

Nagini turned her head in panic, and when she saw that the person coming was Luo Bin, she said happily: "It's you, please help me."


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