Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 187 Nini mutates and the devil fish attacks

Luo Bin used one hand to press the beautiful back with thick muscles and weak bones through the thin fabric, and held the milky white zipper puller with the other hand. The back of his fingers slid upward along the ridge line, rubbing against the fat-like skin.


The zipper slid to the top, and Luo Bin retracted his hand.

Nagini gently brushed the strands of hair hanging on her chest back.

As her hair swayed, Luo Bin smelled the faint fragrance of iris.

He took a few steps back to see all Nagini's makeup today.

She was wearing a light blue waist-length dress with wide open necklines at the front and back.

Shooting stars and mountains are all looming, making people unable to take their eyes away, but the cuffs are in a fresh pleated ruffle style.

The long table beside was piled with lace fabrics, white pearls, scissors, tape measures and other items. Moreover, the long dress could not cover Nagini's proud figure.

"Are you making clothes for others?"


"I set up a custom-made clothing stall. This is a birthday party dress ordered by a girl in the village."

"The stall has only been in operation for two months, and the order volume is very small. After delivering this piece, I don't know when the next order will come."

Nagini stood in front of the floor-length mirror, turning her waist left and right to see if there was anything that needed to be modified on her skirt.

"Don't worry! It's corseted, hollow, pleated, and embellished with pearls. If you wear it, your eyes will be beautiful without losing your innocence. That girl will become a living star."

"I'd like to lend you some good words."

Nagini turned back to the house. After a while, she changed into the dark purple dress she usually wore, walked back to the living room, and cleared the cloth on the table.

Luo Bin recalled Luna and Xiaohong and asked, "Did you give away the rooster in the backyard?"

Nagini shook her head, "It's not a gift, it's a sale."

"More than half a month ago, when I was delivering clothes to a middle-aged witch, I met a little girl with long blond curly hair. She knocked on the door and asked the villagers if they had roosters at home."

"After I delivered the clothes, she was still knocking. I thought there were a few roosters in the chicken shed in the backyard, so I sold her one."

She opened the drawer and took out a parchment, "Here, that girl gave me a magic map of Britain before she left. Oh, by the way, there is something wrong with the fish tank. Be careful when you go to the study later. .”

Two days ago, Big Fat hit Ron on the head and held a letter to Luo Bin.

The letter stated that the clown fish was a little wilted and the water in the tank was a little gray.

Robin promised Hermione that they would watch the bell flowers bloom together, and the tutor would be strict during the tutoring week.

So, he first asked Nagini to pay close attention to the situation in the fish tank.

"Okay, I'll go upstairs and take a look."

Luo Bin put the map away, turned around and walked up the stairs.

As soon as he pushed open the study door, a strong breeze hit the door, making him unable to open his eyes.

He wanted to close the door, but found that he couldn't pull it open, so he stretched his hands in front and groped his way to the window.

Pa da~

The windows were closed tightly, and the draft was gone.

Luo Bin opened his eyes and found that the water in the fish tank had become as black as ink.

He walked to the desk, picked up the edge of the vat and looked in.

The water was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

However, the water doesn't stink, and it also emits an indescribable, refreshing smell.


Luo Bin shouted, but there was no response from the tank.

Dong Dong~

After tapping with my fingers a few times, there was not a single splash on the water.

He found three more magic lamps.


Three beams of strong light penetrated the fish tank, illuminating a bizarre scene.

The water turns black because there are countless black particles as big as dust suspended in the water.

At the bottom of the tank, there are two shadows like sunflowers, and a pair of red light bulbs swishing through the shaking shadows.

Shadow = sea anemone, a pair of red light bulbs = clownfish eyes.

But aren't Nini's eyes black?

Once, I was struck by the sense of the abyss jumping up from my fish's eyes, which made my heart palpitate and I broke into a cold sweat.


The red light bulb braked suddenly, stood still for three seconds, and then swished around again.

Dong Dong~

There were no waves on the water, but the red light bulb in the water jumped to the edge of the tank looking for the sound of knocking.

Luo Bin moved his finger upward, and the red light bulb jumped up. He drew a circle with his finger, and the red light bulb jumped out into a circle.

Uh, it’s confirmed, the ‘red light bulb’ is Nini!

Luo Bin wanted to see what had become of the green waist beads in the sea anemone.

He found two 60cm long chopsticks and used them to poke at the sea anemones at the bottom of the pond.

The red light bulb flicked to the ground and jumped into the shadow. After swimming a few 'S' lines, sawdust-like wood chips continued to surface.

When I picked it up, I saw that the length of the chopsticks had become 40cm, and there were deep tooth marks on the broken surface.

Luo Bin found a colander with a dense grid and skimmed off the sawdust on the water.

Then, he stretched the colander into the shadow, intending to catch a few beads.


Two red light bulbs, 2cm upward from the middle, burst out a purple current, and the current flowed down the colander and towards Luo Bin.

The electricity made his whole body numb and he fell to the ground.

After he regained his strength, he slapped the water with his palm and said helplessly: "Nini, stop being willful, okay?"

Under the strong light, you can see the red light bulb rising rapidly.


The red light bulb jumped out of the water.

It has a flat body like a catfish, and its gills and abdomen are covered with growths like cypress leaves.

The flat mouth has two rows of sharp, dense teeth slanting inwards.

The wet and sticky fish skin is gray-brown.

Between the two red eyes, there was a protruding thorn, and the top of the thorn was crackling with purple electricity.

Luo Bin: (°ο°), mutated? Is magic generated within the electric current?

Before Luo Bin could activate the 'Magic Scan' skill, 'Red Bulb' grinned and bit his jaw.

In an instant, bright red blood began to flow out from the breach in the tiger's mouth.


‘Red Bulb’ swallows blood.

Pa da~

Blood dripped down the fish's mouth into the black water.

When Robin's tiger's mouth turned white and it was difficult to suck out the blood flow, the spine on Nini's head grew 2cm longer, and the crackling current turned into a shining purple light bulb.

Immediately afterwards, a magical scene appeared. All the particles suspended in the water floated into the purple light bulb as if they were attracted by a strong attraction.

After a while, the water in the fish tank turned from dark black to light pink (blood-stained).


Nini let go and fell into the water. It swam into the sea anemone, waved its fins, and pulled out all the beads as big as mung beans.

The diluted blood in the water condensed into traces of red threads. The red threads spiraled and automatically floated into the green waist bead. Then, with a snap, cracks appeared on the surface of the bead.

Nini held the cracked bead with his fins, swam to the surface, and threw the bead into the doll nest on the table.

On the other side, Luo Bin found that ordinary ointment could not cure the wound at the tiger's mouth. The pain was like scraping the bone and digging out the marrow, which made him sweat profusely on his forehead.

Hiss, a guy half the size of a palm is quite poisonous.

He pondered for a moment, then took out a small dark blue round bottle from the consciousness sea space, unplugged the cork, pointed it at the wound where the flesh was rolled, and dripped a drop of transparent water.

Pa da~

A wisp of white mist emerged from the wound, and the rolled flesh slowly flattened out and bonded with other fragments. Finally, the wound disappeared.

Tsk, this medicine is more powerful than white moss.

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