Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 188 The green gauze fairy died after flying wedding

After Luo Bin put away the small round bottle, he saw Nini throwing beads out and quickly picked up the colander to help.

This time, Nini didn’t cause any trouble with biting or releasing electricity.

Five minutes later, Luo Bin threw the towel aside. In the gray box in front of him, there were 100 clean, comfortable, and cracked green waist beads.

Nini, who was exhausted, was lying on the sea anemone, closing her eyes and resting.

Luo Bin brought a magnifying glass, and through the slit he saw a small insect with golden brown eyes curled up inside the beads.

Moreover, the crack is slowly widening, and the insects are also moving slightly. They aim their heads at the crack as much as possible.

When the crack became 2mm wide, the bead trembled violently. Was it about to break the shell? ? ?

The first thing to poke out the crack were two thorn-like, 1cm long tentacles.

Next, there is a long trapezoidal head, with golden brown, large hemispherical eyes protruding on both sides of the head.

Then, there is a yellow-green chest, 6 small thin legs, an emerald green abdomen, and wrinkled wings.

After about two or three minutes, the wings slowly flattened and hardened. The insect rubbed its upper and lower jaws with its front legs and flew into the air.

Luo Bin used the magic power in his body to cast a protective shield to prevent bugs from flying out of the study.

Half an hour later, all the beads in the box turned into empty shells.

Luo Bin looked at the small insects flying in the air, and wanted to hear the crackling sound of the electric mosquito swatter.

Soon, his idea of ​​hearing the sound came true in another way-insect wedding flight.

Wedding flies are small social insects with wings that fly in the air to complete the act of reproducing offspring.

The study is in mid-air!

The strong and strong male worms would lie on the backs of three female worms like Arhats.

The thin, weak male worms look like sandwich biscuits, with two males sandwiching a female.

There are also one-on-one ones, using the koala tree-hugging strategy.

When emotional, the tail of the insect will become as hard as jade.

The crisp sound continues to penetrate people's ears, making it impossible not to listen.

For a long time, Luo Bin wanted to shake Nini awake and let him suffer the torture together, but the noise slowly subsided.

He looked up into the sky and was astonished to see that they were imitating the mantises - the females eating the males.

The green gauze fairy-like female insect is moving her mouthparts and eating away at the male insect's head.

The strange thing is that the male insects do not resist at all, and in some cases, they will flap their wings and actively put their heads on the female insect's mouthparts.

Luo Bin: ⊙﹏⊙, it’s too cruel. I don’t understand it, but I respect it.

After the female worm eats 1-2 male worms, her abdomen will snap and swell to the size of an egg.

Then, it flew back to the gray box, hunched over, and gave birth to three cashew-shaped, jade-like light green beads.

After giving birth, it drags its tail that oozes mucus and crawls onto the gray scales of the box shell, writhing in pain.


Mucus spurted out, and the abdomen collapsed into two layers of wrinkled skin.


It fell from the gray scale to the table and made no sound.

Suddenly, some dark green, luminous lines appeared on the gray scales splashed with mucus. The lines flashed for 3 seconds and then gradually faded away.

Luo Bin, sensing an opportunity, quickly found four photo balls and placed them on the four sides of the box.

At the same time, he took out the grid paper and pen, and regarded each of the closely arranged scales on the gray box shell as a small grid. Holding the pencil, he drew the lines that had just appeared on the paper grid where the luminous scales contrasted.

After that, more and more little bugs crawled onto the outer shell of the box after laying eggs and sprayed out a final blow.

Luo Bin was so busy that he didn't dare to blink, but the lines flashed too fast, and besides the top and bottom of the box, the other four sides were covered with gray scales.

So, on four pages of grid paper, the lines are drawn crookedly and sparsely, and only 1/3 of the lines are connected.

At this time, the photo ball has to be sent into play.

Luo Bin took 4 new pieces of grid paper and activated the picture playback function of the photo ball. During the process of copying the texture, he activated the magic power from time to time to pause the picture.

After 20 minutes, Luo Bin put down his pencil, pondered for a moment, put the grid papers together two by two, and got two simple versions of the treasure map.

In the first picture, there is a retro compass in the lower left corner, a sea ship in the lower right corner, and in the middle is a sea route passing by small islands, bays, and reefs.

The destination of the route is a small island with a pennant and a painted luminous treasure chest. The island's coastline has a strange shape, with a long and slender top and a jagged beach on the side that extends to the sea.

Overall, it looks like a turtle with its head extended and three claws.

The second picture is an enlarged version of the three-clawed turtle island. There is a retro compass in the lower right corner with an octagonal pattern in the compass.

There are two footprints in the lower left corner of the picture. Starting from the footprints, there is a treasure hunting route through coconut groves, shell roads, water pools, and canyons.

However, the flag and treasure chest were painted on the canyon, and on the pole of the flag, a small fish and an eight-pointed star were painted.

Luo Bin: (°ο°), this summer vacation, I have something big to do again.


(sound of splashing water)

Nini woke up at some point and floated to the surface. It swung its tail wildly and made splashes of water. After gathering enough strength, it jumped up, jumped out of the fish tank and landed on the desk.

Nini waved her fins, crawled to the gray box, then opened her wide mouth and swallowed the female corpse.

Every time one is swallowed, the fish's body will flash with a green halo. After the halo subsides, its appearance turns into that of a clownfish, with white stripes bordered by black growing out of its tail.

As the number of female insect corpses on the table decreased, Nini's flat body slowly narrowed and elongated vertically, her mouth shrank, and her eyes turned dark again.

Eventually, it turned back into the clownfish that looked like the clown face in Peking Opera.

Nini waved her fins and crawled to Luo Bin, staring guiltily into his mouth with tearful eyes.

"I do not blame you!"

Robin picked up Nini with both hands and put it back into the fish tank. Nini grabbed his finger with the fins and rubbed his head close to it.

"Stop making trouble, let go, I'm going to find out which part of the sea the Three-clawed Turtle Island is in."

Luo Bin stretched out his other hand, trying to take away the clownfish. At this moment, the clownfish jumped up suddenly, and its dark eyes were like a bottomless abyss with strong pressure, pressing in front of his eyes. Blackened, heart pounding.

"Nini, I know you are special, but before you use your big move, could you please give me a shout?"

The black shadow gradually receded and his vision returned.

Luo Bin saw Nini lying limply on the desk, with fish beads, gills and fins motionless. He put Nini in the palm of his hand and looked at it carefully. With his long fingers, he gently poked and poked the fish belly. Stab the fish in the head.

In the end, he had to face the reality - Nini was dead.

Moreover, the death was sudden.

Luo Bin rubbed his fins sadly, remembering every detail of his time with Nini.

Playing finger chasing, being scared by Spot and hiding in a sea anemone, moving to a new home and happily jumping in the water, and at Christmas, dolphins answered questions as if they were possessed

Finally, the scene freezes on Dumbledore handing over the small round bottle. Robin recalls Dumbledore's words, "Sometimes death is to meet again in a better state." The sadness in his heart slowly subsides.

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