Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 189 Going round and round, the answer lies at the starting point

Robin put Nini back into the sea anemone, recited a spell silently, put the fish tank and the gray box into the consciousness sea space, then sat back on the chair and unfolded the parchment given by Luna.

This is a map of the United Kingdom. There is a magic spell on the map. If you put your finger on the paper and slide it to both sides, the map will be enlarged.

Keep repeating the sliding movement to both sides, and the area between the two fingers will complete the transformation of 'county-city-district-town-village'.

When the map is enlarged, you can clearly see the paths in the village and the road signs at the end of the paths.

After Luo Bin studied how to use the map, his eyes fell on the Shetland Islands in northwest Scotland. He decided to start with this island.

For a long time, he zoomed in and looked at all the large and small islands in the North Sea, English Channel, Irish Sea, and eastern Atlantic Ocean drawn on the map.

My eyes were sore and painful, but I couldn't find the small island that looked like a three-clawed turtle.

Could it be that it is in waters outside the UK.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the house.

Luo Bin stood up and opened the door. Nagini, wearing a dark purple dress, stood at the door and said, "It's already two o'clock in the afternoon. I have learned a new dish to cool down the summer heat. Do you want to go downstairs and try it?"

After five or six hours of busy work, Luo Bin was just trying to replenish some energy, "Okay!"

Luo Bin followed Nagini down to the first floor and found a white shallow plate placed among several side dishes on the table. The plate was filled with white water containing bubbles. In the middle of the water, stood two wrinkled sour plums.

"Plum soda?" Luo Bin asked after taking a seat.


Nagini turned around and took out a silver pot with water droplets on the surface from the kitchen.

What pours out of the spout is not water, but cold white steam that sinks.

When the water in the shallow dish comes into contact with the cold white steam, it turns into smoothie in seconds, and more and more.

By the time the pot of cold white steam was poured out, it had turned into a 'hill' with sour plums standing on the top.

Nagini poured some honey on the ice sand dune and divided it into two halves with a fruit knife, serving half to Robin and keeping the other half for herself.

Luo Bin enjoyed this meal very happily.

What made him happy was not only the sweet and sour cold summer treat, but also the vicissitudes of the water turning into hills, which inspired him.

After eating, Luo Bin returned to the study and unfolded the magic map again.

His thumb and forefinger were on the land, sliding wildly to both sides.

After some searching, he was surprised to find that the edge of a peak on the edge of the Co River Valley in the Scottish Highlands was shaped like a three-clawed turtle.

He took out the map he drew in the morning and compared it. The tops of the two were thin and long. The shapes of the three claws of the two were slightly different, but the number of serrations on the claw tips was the same.

Slide your finger to zoom in on the mountain peak. On the mountainside, there is a line of small words: Buachai Er Aiti Big Peak.

Luo Bin: ⊙▽⊙, going round and round, the end of the puzzle is actually at the starting point.

Last year, when Kenzio went door-to-door to 'sell' his inventory under the guise of giving a housewarming gift, he mentioned that the gray box was something he had bought from Buachai Erti Bighorn, a certain iceberg, about 50 years ago. Picked up from the cracks.

Now that you’ve figured out the mystery, let’s prepare all the tools!

A week later, Fort William, Co Valley, Scotland, night!

Luo Bin took advantage of the cover of night to cross the wide Co River Valley and came to a grassland with rocks standing on it.

He leaned forward and looked down for a while before he found an open space as big as a half-sized basketball court without rocks.

He reached out and patted the hard spine. Noble immediately contracted his wing membranes and slowly landed on the open ground.

After Luo Bin jumped off the dragon's back, Norbert ran to the edge of the clearing and sniffed at a boulder.

After sniffing, he turned around and raised his tail, his buttocks swayed, his eyes half-closed with contentment, and he even made a bleating sound of enjoyment.

Hiss, I really didn’t see it!

Just as he was about to turn his head away, there was a sudden popping sound from the side of the boulder, and then, the unique smell of Norwegian Ridgeback body fluids and waste blew over in the breeze.

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), after marking the smell randomly, he peed again. This little sloppy dragon will not be given away to anyone who wants it. No matter how mischievous, sloppy or conspicuous it is, it is still my treasure.

Out of sight, out of mind, Luo Bin took out his night vision binoculars and turned to look at the distant mountain peaks.

Big Peak was not completely covered with snow as he had imagined before.

The shrubs at the foot of the mountain are dense and luxuriant, the mountainside has tall trees and dancing shadows, and the top of the mountain is covered with snow and glowing with cold light under the moon.

Bang bang~

(sound of pulling trousers)

Luo Bin put away the telescope and looked down, and saw the little black dragon shrunk to the size of a football, stepping on the uppers of his shoes, grabbing his trousers, stretching its neck, and looking around curiously.

Shrunk to a tiny size, not much taller than grass, what can you see?

Luo Bin shook his insteps, and the little black dragon staggered onto the grass and shouted angrily:

"What are you doing! It's almost, just a little bit, I can smell the source of that smell."

Luo Bin wiped off the dragon paw prints on his shoes and asked, "What's the smell?"

Norbert raised his head in the direction of the boulder, "Before I adjusted the mark, there was a smell on it."

"I smelled that the owner of the scent was coquettish, showy, narcissistic, and a bit neurotic, and the mark and mark it left was like a painting."

"What kind of painting?"

"I'll draw it for you."

Norbert blew out a ball of flame, burning a small piece of grass in front of him into black ashes. Then he held the branch with his paws, raised his tail, and drew on the black ashes.

"The painting is done!" Norbert threw down the branch and shouted excitedly.

Luo Bin looked at Heihui and saw a portrait.

The man in the painting has long, slanted bangs, with pheasant tail feathers stuck behind his ears.

His upper eyelids are flat and his lower eyelids are crescent-shaped. His eyes are slanted and slightly funny.

His mouth was pouted into an O shape, and he was blowing a smoking muzzle.

Tsk, he is a spirited young man with a western cowboy dream, and he didn’t run away.

However, what kind of brain circuit does he have that makes him paint portraits with urine?

Suddenly, in the stone forest outside the clearing, there was the sound of running and ear-splitting roars. The sounds became louder and louder, as if they were heading towards the clearing.

"Oh, it's the guy in the portrait. You can smell his scent even from a kilometer away."

The little black dragon grabbed Luo Bin's trousers, hessing, hessing, struggling to climb up.

"If you have wings, why can't you fly?"

"After flying you for seven days and seven nights, my wings are too tired to flap."

"Nonsense, we rest during the day and fly in shifts with Xiaobai at night. How can we get seven days and seven nights?"

Luo Bin grabbed the wings of the little black dragon and put it on his shoulders. Then, he secretly activated the magic power in his body and looked warily at the large gap at the edge of the clearing.

In other places, there are many stones and narrow gaps. If the owner of the smell wants to enter the open space, he will most likely come out through the gap.

Dong Dong~

Listening to the sound, the person in the portrait is only one or two meters away from the gap.

The bright moonlight cast the man's shadow diagonally on the grass in the open space, making him look like a monster with long horns behind his ears.

The next second, the owner of the shadow jumped out of the gap, and Luo Bin realized that it didn't look like it had horns.

Instead, it actually grew two long, straight horns.

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