Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 195 How serious is your ability to forget things?

"Don't blame yourself. I didn't blame you. Just be careful. I'll fix the mantis that slapped me away."

After saying that, Luo Bin flapped his wings and flew onto the back of the mantis.

While following the swaying mantis, he swayed from side to side, waving his arms and shouting, provoking another mantis.

When Mantis angrily raised his sickle and slashed at Luo Bin, he hurriedly flew back.



On the ground, there is another green 'car seat'.

The mantis still panting on the field seemed to be full or angry. Instead of eating the corpse of its companion, it stood upright and swung two scythes.

Eliminating the steps of lifting it, inserting it into the ground, and pulling it out, the sickle is so fast that it leaves afterimages in the air.

After Luo Bin struggled to dodge dozens of sickles, he quickly flew back to the ground and ran.


The sickle was inserted into the ground, and when it was pulled out, it flew away countless mud specks. The mantis repeated the movements of raising high, swinging violently, digging into the ground, and pulling up, and ran after Luo Bin.

In the air, the sickle was as fast as an afterimage.

On the ground, there was a huge stumbling block - the corpse of a mantis.

Every time Luo Bin ran a lap, he had to "run up, take off, and take big strides" to cross the hill-like corpses. He thought happily in pain:

If I participate in a hurdle race, I will definitely be the champion.

When he ran to the corpse for the 17th time, he lost his breath. It was like there was a excavator working frantically hidden in his left abdomen, digging out his flesh and blood.

The pain was so painful that he couldn't straighten his back and sweat broke out on his forehead.


Luo Bin turned around and saw the mantis 3 meters away from him, standing upright and holding high a scythe full of spikes.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with it, Pula's shout suddenly came from behind the 'hill'.

"The black ball, the black ball on the belly is the weakness of the mantis."

Luo Bin raised his eyes and saw a black ball as big as a grapefruit at the junction between the mantis's abdomen and chest. The black ball expanded and contracted, transporting blood and magic power to the black tube in the abdomen.

So, how serious is Pula's ability to forget things?

Suddenly, a shadow floated over Luo Bin's head. He raised his head and looked up, and looked at Pula who was holding a wooden spear in the air.

It turned out that Pula was worried that the benefactor who had not appeared for a long time was in danger, so he mustered up the courage to climb over the "hill".

"Benefactor, catch the wooden spear and pierce the black ball. The mantis is dead. Then catch the green syrup and you can get the treasure."

Pula shouted in the air.


Luo Bin clenched his molars to hold back the severe pain in his left abdomen, and bounced upwards with all his strength. Then, he kicked Pula's butt so hard that he flew towards the mantis black ball.

The red lines on the tip of the wooden spear emitted a strange red light. When the red light faded, the tip had penetrated into the black ball.


The black blood spurting out from the ball dyed the 'little green men' into 'little black men'.

After Pu La landed and got up, she didn't look at the trophy that was twitching and losing its vitality. Instead, she glared at Luo Bin resentfully.

"what you do?"

"It will eventually die. Doesn't it matter whose hands it dies?"

Luo Binyun's calm attitude made Pula so angry that her lungs were about to explode.

"How can it be the same?"

Luo Bin yawned and said lazily: "Oh, it's indeed different. If you kill the mantis, I don't know what the ending will be. But if I kill the mantis, my soul will be trapped here and change. It will become a white hair on the tip of your right ear."

As soon as he finished speaking, the limp hair above Pu La's right ear turned into white mist and disappeared.

Pu La covered her right ear and said in surprise: "When did you doubt me?"

"Oh, when I first came here, I encountered an acid rain. After the sky cleared, the raindrops pattered down along the umbrella cover. The rhythm of the drops was long, short, long, short. I thought about it for a long time before I figured it out. It's Morse code, and the corresponding word is 'kill'."

"I thought it was a reminder to kill you. But when you led me to the green mushroom, I understood that 'kill' meant the mantis."

"Then you're going to kill him?" Pu La roared angrily.

"Why are you so anxious? We haven't finished talking yet. The rhythm of green syrup dripping is very similar to that of raindrops, but it has an additional prefix of four long and one short, so 'kill' becomes 'don't kill'."

"I doubted you when I was in the pool. Will the number one expert in the pool be forced to death by a seven-star ladybug? The number of white hairs is exactly equal to the number of treasure hunters."

"Pula, at the white-stem blue umbrella mushroom, you grabbed my arm and shouted that it smells good. The 'fragrant' refers to me, right?"

"The divine stone you blew up to the sky is just a piece of carnelian. It can't even cut through a piece of wood, let alone the magic shield."

"You deliberately fell into the magic circle so that I could get the weapon that can kill the mantis - the wooden spear."

"When the mantis chases you, you run away with your head in your hands, shouting in panic, but you can always avoid the sickle attack."

"Also, you were so fascinated by the blood I vomited that you almost got down on the floor and licked it."

Pu La was so shocked that the 'mung bean' turned into a 'yellow bean'. He didn't expect that after following him all the way here, he would expose so many flaws.

Why can't the person in front of me take the wooden spear and stab the guarding mantis to death like the people before him?

"Since you saw through it, why did you just pick up the forelimb of the sickle and chop the chest of another mantis?"

"How can I make you show your cowardice if you don't act like one?" Luo Bin raised his eyebrows with a sly smile.

"How dare you lie to me? I've always been the only one who cheats," Pula said with a twisted face and anger.


Pula kicked the ground with his right foot and jumped 2 meters high. The tip of his wooden spear pointed directly at Luo Bin's neck and rushed towards him.

Halfway through the rush, he froze in mid-air as if a freeze button had been pressed.

Then, the wooden stick's snowflake-like white hair broke away from his head and slowly swirled in the air.

Pula's body quickly changed from 'green' color to 'grey' color, and then, with a few rattling sounds, it split into countless stones and fell to the ground.

Like green syrup, it was absorbed into the black soil and disappeared.

At this time, the 'stick snowflakes' stopped spinning. They were suspended in the air, surrounded by a thick white halo. The halo lengthened and widened, and limbs grew.

Under the warm sunshine, the halo gradually dissipated.

132 wizards with their eyes closed, their arms attached to their sides, and their bodies white and translucent, were suspended in the air in place of the 'stick snowflakes'.

A white-haired old man, a tall and sturdy young man, a gorgeous witch, and a cute and adorable child.

Hiss, Pula really deceives everyone!

Suddenly, a whirlpool surged up in the chests of those souls, spinning and sucking away the 'white pigment' from the soul bodies. When the souls turned gray, the whirlpool surged into the air and turned into a wisp of white air, floating in the air. Entered Luo Bin's body.

In an instant, Luo Bin felt refreshed and full of strength. It would not be a problem to fight the mantis for more than ten hours.

After Luo Bin absorbed all the soul power, he found that all 132 souls had opened their eyes. They waved their hands and disappeared with a faint smile on their lips.


The green jelly mushrooms swayed and spilled a lot of green jelly pulp.

The slurry did not drip down, but floated to Luo Bin's eyes, gathering into a paragraph of text.

[Adventurer, congratulations on solving the puzzle and getting the chance to find the treasure house. The souls of your predecessors will be sealed here forever. As a reminder, the location of the treasure house is: water. 】

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), so, is this level just a threshold for treasure hunting?

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