Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 196 Oops, I turned into a paper man!

The words shook and merged into a water gate. When Luo Bin was thinking about where the door lock was, the water gate slammed down, giving him a chill.

He wiped the water from his face with his hands and found himself back on the boulder.

There is also a 10cm tall cobra-like gray mushroom growing in the crack of the stone. There is also a red-clawed bird standing next to the mushroom. The bird shakes its paws and pecks the mushroom head.

Alas, the case was solved.

The huge black shadow more than ten meters high in the white mist and the trunk of the big tree are the shadows of these two guys.

Luo Bin felt that his palm was sticky. He raised it and saw that there was a miniature green mushroom stuck to his palm.

The mushroom cap was secreting serous fluid, and the totem under the left collarbone was aching and burning.

Bringing a gift is better than getting nothing at all.

Luo Bin recited the spell silently and put the mushrooms into the Rubik's Cube. At the same time, his consciousness also dived into the sea of ​​consciousness space.

He glanced at the Rubik's Cube for a while, and on the green side, in a giant mushroom forest under a light rain, he found a three-story-high green mushroom dripping with liquid.

Following my heartbeat, the grid slowly floated in front of me. On the lower left side of the grid, there was a green mushroom totem.

After Luo Bin clicked on the totem, he raised his head and read it carefully. The totem projected the content on the light screen.

Name: None

Species: green mushroom

Level: SS level

Personality: Generous, generous, gentle

Physical status: healthy


Thousands of caramels (the slurry secreted by the mushroom cap is edible, and can also confuse insects and drive them to do their work)

Soul Guard (protect your own soul from harm within 3 minutes)

Spore explosion (spores are ejected and explode automatically. The power is equivalent to fireworks and sparks. Note, before blasting. You can add ‘seasonings’ by yourself)

Magic value: 8000

Combat power: 3000

Spore blast?

It's suitable for those with more than 1V, but the power is too small.

After Luo Bin named the green mushroom Xiaoyi, he waved the white square back to its original position, and then his consciousness left the sea of ​​​​consciousness and returned to the real space.


A white vine sprouted out of the crack in the boulder. The vine wrapped around Luo Bin's ankle and dragged it downwards.

A 2cm wide crack, not to mention the whole person, not even the big toe can fit in.

However, Luo Bin was dragged in completely, because when the vine branches touched his skin, his body quickly flattened and turned into a paper man.

The crack was pitch black, and Luo Bin felt that the farther down he went, the wider the crack became.

His own body was slowly inflating like a slowly inflated balloon.

When it swelled back to its original shape, the branches swished and let go of his ankles, and a dazzling white light flashed below.

Then, with a thud, he fell to the solid porcelain ground.

This space is so bright that it hurts the eyes.

After Luo Bin got up, he put his palms on his eyebrows and observed his surroundings.

This is a wasteland space with no mountains, rivers, or vegetation. The sun is scorching and the soil is white. The two interact with each other to make this place surprisingly bright.

He grabbed a handful of clay, squeezed it tightly, counted ten seconds, and then let go.


The white soil fell loosely back to the ground, and his palms were very dry.

Luo Bin: ⊙﹏⊙, the location of the treasure house is water. Could it be that I want to be a well digger?

However, where is the water underground, how should we judge it?

Uh, professionalism doesn’t fit the bill.

Luo Bin kicked up the white soil irritably. As he kicked, his toes suddenly tipped over. He looked down and saw a colorful shell fragment stuck into the toe of his shoe.

He pulled out the fragment and stared at the circles of colorful luster on it. Was the shell brought here by something, or was it originally the sea?

Luo Bin scraped the ground with his feet and saw some shell fragments, as well as a complete shell with the colorful side facing down.

He wanted to pick up the shell, but found that he couldn't pick it up. He pulled it forward a few times and found another shell with the colorful side facing down and couldn't pick it out.

In Luo Bin's mind, strangeness was equivalent to a clue. He did not believe that there were only two shells in the wasteland.

He took out a Kenzio brand iron broom and swept away the white soil within one meter of the shells. He found more than a dozen complete shells, and connected them end to end to form a smooth inward curved arc.

He continued to sweep the soil in the direction of the arc, and 10 minutes later, he pulled out a retro compass made of shells, with an octagonal pattern in the center like the compass in the second treasure map.

The shell compass in front of me is missing one thing - the magnetic needle!

Without a magnetic needle, what can we call a compass?

So, Luo Bin plans to install a magnetic needle on it.

Luo Bin took out a pocket watch, removed the casing, took out the second hand, and rubbed it wildly in his palm.

Then, support it with soft paper, put the needle and paper together, and slowly put it into a wooden basin filled with water.

When the second hand was under the tension of the water and could float above the water, he gently pulled away the soft paper.

The second hand suddenly rotated 60° to the right, swayed slightly for a few times, and then stopped, allowing him to understand which straight line true south and true north were.

Suddenly, the second hand rushed into the air and started spinning rapidly.

The white soil around the compass also soared, surged, and rotated.

The soil fog turned faster and faster, turning higher and higher, and finally formed a tornado with an incalculable height.

A magnetic second hand caused a tornado and the cow got mad.

After Luo Bin finished complaining, he turned around and ran quickly. After running for about two hundred meters, he noticed that the white soil around him did not surge in the direction of the compass. The tornado went in the opposite direction, or was it something else?

He turned his head in confusion and was surprised to see the tornado drilling down into the soil like an oversized drill. The shallow layer of white soil, the middle layer of yellow mud, and the deep layer of black mud were sprayed everywhere.

Thirty minutes later, the tornado disappeared, leaving behind a circular mound of soil four to five meters high and a large, bottomless soil hole.

Luo Bin dusted off the white soil on his body, carefully climbed over the mound, and came to the big hole.

The diameter of the earthen cave was about 2 meters. It was pitch black and nothing could be seen in the cave. However, he heard rustling sounds inside the cave, as if something was jumping upward from the depths of the earthen cave.

Luo Bin climbed up the mound quickly and stared at the hole with squinted eyes.


The guy at the bottom of the cave jumped out of the cave entrance.

Bang bang~

It twisted its body and flattened the mound. Luo Bin stepped back about twenty meters and carefully looked at the twisted giant.

It's like a cross between a devil's trap and the whomping willow.

The trunk, branches, and nodes are all made up of white vine branches of different thicknesses, twisted together in a spiral.

However, its lethality is much more powerful than the Devil's Net and the Whomping Willow.

Its main trunk is about 5 meters in diameter, and its height above the ground is about 10 meters. Each of its four branches is as thick as a water tank, and its joints are as thick as buckets.

Even the tendrils on it are as thick as a human finger.

There are many porous white tumors as big as footballs growing on the branches and joints.

A milky white liquid will be secreted from the hole, and white smoke will sizzle when the liquid drips onto the ground.

Every time a branch falls, 1/15 of the mound is compacted and flattened.

When the mound became flat, smooth, and reflective, a branch stuck to the ground, and the knots and tendrils on it spiraled toward Luo Bin.

Luo Bin waved his hand and cast ten blue flames.

When the vine branch touches the flame, countless hair-thin tentacles instantly grow out. After the tentacles wrap around the flame, they slowly shrink into the vine branch.

After about ten seconds, the tentacles and flames disappeared, but the branches and growth rate were much faster than before.

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