Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 197 Big stupid fox, stop your rolling eyes

The flames met the praying mantis and were rebounded. The flames met the vine branches and became food. This place is really strange.

Luo Bin turned his fingers and shot out dozens of poisonous needles.

The impact speed of the poison needle is much faster than the flame.

The tentacles on the vine branches had just grown 2cm long when the poisonous needles shot into the vine branches.

Bang bang~

The branches lay limp on the ground like a hemp rope.

Ten seconds later, it suddenly straightened, soared into the air, and spiraled forward.

It seems that the viper venom is only effective for vine branches and paralysis for ten seconds.

The fact that the vine branches were poisoned and paralyzed made it very angry, and it was determined to kill the tiny humans who challenged its majesty.

So, the other three branches also fell this way, and the nodes and tendrils on them also grew wildly towards him.

Luo Bin stepped back another twenty meters, looking at the white branches and the white smoke on the ground. He knew that fighting alone would have little chance of winning.

After he pondered for a moment, he recited the spell silently and released the three-tailed Foxya, the unicorn Jasmine, the soul tearing derivative Xiao Hui, the Cornish elf Lying Board, and the eight-eyed spider Mora.

Maura, who was as big as a small elephant, spun around in a circle after landing on the ground, huddled behind Luo Bin, and started crying.

"Hey, what a scary big tree. Master, Maura is afraid. Please, please send Maura back."

The elf bared his teeth and stared at Manzhi excitedly.

Jasmine's front hooves paved the white soil, and the tip of her tail flicked. She was also ready for battle.

Ya licked the fox's paw and said with a bad smile: "Oh my, a little seedling can force you to pull someone off the big bed!"

"Don't underestimate the enemy. The liquid dripping from the vines has corrosive properties. Be careful and turn it into a hairless fox."

Luo Bin retorted.

"I do not believe."

Pa da~

The initially wildly growing vines had already reached them, and a drop of milky white slurry dripped onto the tip of Ya's tail.


A handful of fox fur melted and disappeared into white smoke.

Ya was so angry that she showed the tip of her claws, bounced upward, and cut off the vine branch.

The broken branches that separated from the main body quickly turned into white smoke and were annihilated.

However, the fracture surface connected to the main body secreted thick milky white juice, and then continued to grow forward wildly.

Ya raised the claw hook that was one-third melted and said in shock: "It's over, I'm incomplete."

Jasmine walked up to Ya, pointed her horn at the claw hook, and shot out a beam of silver light. The light dissipated, and the claw hook returned to its original appearance.

"If you don't obey me, you may become a hairless fox!"

Ya hugged the tip of her tail, which was back as good as before, and rolled her eyes at the owner who made the sarcastic remarks.

"Maura, you are spinning silk in the outfield, lying on the board, grabbing the spider silk and wrapping it around the vine branches."

"Xiao Hui, fly to the entrance of the hole, grab the trunk and suck out the soul. Jasmine, run around in the outfield. If anyone is injured, use your horns to heal the injury."

"Ya, stop your white eyes and come over and cut the vine branches with me."


Ya swung her big fluffy tail, walked up to Luo Bin, and assumed an attack posture.

Luo Bin took out the Kenzi'ao brand sword, and the spinner at the tail of Maura stretched and retracted. There were two small iron-green hands beside the spinner. Jasmine kicked the white soil with her hind hooves, and Xiao Hui shook her body.


After Luo Bin shouted, he dodged a vine branch sideways and swung his sword to cut off the vine branch.

The broken branch turned into white smoke and was annihilated. From the other broken surface, white juice came out, and the sword blade was also stained with some white juice.

Miraculously, the blade of the sword was not corroded when the white juice sizzled.


Ya jumped forward three meters, showed her claw hook, and cut off a large section of the vine branches flying towards Luo Bin.

Ya raised her claw hook. There was no white juice on it, and it was not melted. She whispered, "Xiao Miaomiao, you didn't expect me to use the 'magic blade' move, did you?"

It turned out that when it swung its claw hook, it brought up the magic air blade and cut off the vine branches.


Luo Bin swung his sword and cut off the arm-thick vine branches.


Ya swung her claw hook and cut off the thick vines at the base of her thigh.

In the 1V Duo battle, Luo Bin and Ya made some progress, but Mo La and the others just

Xiao Hui rushed to the main trunk, his body swelled and shrunk for a long time, and he didn't even absorb half of his soul power.

Maura cried and sprayed out the spider silk. She lay on the board and grabbed the spider silk, and flew around the branches excitedly.

However, the spider silk has no ability to resist the corrosion of white juice. It flew out of breath and only made a white web shape for the branches.

Jasmine ran after Laibanban, and when it was treating the elf's injuries, she was also drenched in a lot of white juice.

A doctor does not heal himself. The white light emitted from its horns can heal others, but not himself.

An hour later, Luo Bin was so tired that his arms were shaking, and Maura and the others were too weak to straighten their backs. Ya raised the perforated fox claw and said in shock:

"It's over, I'm incomplete again. Broken Miaomiao is too evil. I've been fighting for a long time, but there are still so many branches."


Luo Bin took a few big steps forward, grabbed the fox's tail and threw it back. At the same time, he swung his sword hard and cut off the branches with white tumors.


The white tumor was cut in half, one half was annihilated along with the broken branches, and the other half spurted out white juice.

"Squat down!"

Luo Bin complied, and a large white shadow passed over his head and landed on the spiraling branches.


The broken surface of the vine branch was slapped into the soil by Ya's claw.


This time, the white juice did not turn into white smoke and disperse, but solidified into black scabs, and the fracture surface no longer grew spirally.

Is it the white soil that restrains the vine branches, or the shell fragments in the soil?

Which one it is, you will know once you try it.

Luo Bin grabbed a handful of white soil, shook his fingers loosely a dozen times, then held a sword in his right hand to cut off a thin vine branch, and sprinkled shell fragments on the broken surface of the vine branch with his left hand.


The white juice condenses into black scabs, and the vine branches no longer grow wildly.

All things interact with each other, and sure enough, the thing that restrains the vine monster lies within its five steps.

"You can use something else, for example, a fishing net made of wire."

Ya licked the corner of her mouth, her eyes filled with fighting spirit. She had been unhappy with Manzhi for a long time.

Iron fishing net?

Not to mention, there is actually one in the Consciousness Sea inventory.

At the beginning of the year, before Filch was petrified, he received a report from an anonymous person, saying that someone made a homemade iron fishing net to catch octopus babies in the black lake and make fried fish balls.

He rushed to the venue angrily, but only saw Fred and George lying on the grass fighting, and Robin and Hermione sitting under the tree reading.

He left angrily. In fact, the iron fishing net, aluminum bucket, small stove, etc. had already entered Luo Bin's consciousness space.

Luo Bin put away his sword, took out the iron fishing net, picked up a net of white soil, shook it dozens of times, and obtained hundreds of shell fragments.

After that, he activated the 'Precision Throwing' skill and used Ya's claw hook to scatter fragments wherever he swung it.

Moreover, he was surprised to find that black scabs would form on the cross-sections of broken branches after they hit debris, and they would no longer disappear.

"Xiao Hui, come here and chew the broken branches. Maura, lie down on the board, roll up some shell fragments with the spider silk, and then wrap it around the branches. Jasmine, roll in the soil a few times."

After sucking for an hour, no hair came out.

After Xiao Hui hit the main trunk angrily, he flew to a broken branch, and after just two or three slurps, he inhaled the sweet and refreshing white soul power.

Mora reversed the direction of the magic flow in her abdomen and sprayed out spider silk to form a twist-like spider rope.

Lie down and grab one end of the spider rope, swing your arms in a wide circle, and throw the spider rope into the soil over and over again.

When the spider's rope was filled with shell fragments, it pulled the rope and flew excitedly towards the pile of vine branches.

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