Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 198 Dried termites, spicy!

Jasmine didn't lie down on the ground and rolled around. It kicked away the surrounding soil with its hooves, and then squatted down gracefully, quietly waiting for the white soil and debris to fall on it.

When the wound encounters fragments, it will swell with blood and scab. Although it is not completely clear, at least it does not hurt.

The situation of the battle quickly reversed. Under the attack of one person and five pets, the branch monster was unable to fight back.

Thirty minutes later, its four branches were cut off by sharp claws, leaving only a bare trunk with four large black scabs.


The creeping monster knew that it could not turn over, so it immediately retreated into the cave.

Luo Bin thought for a moment and jumped into the cave. Mo La and the others also jumped down.


(sound of landing)

Looking down from the entrance of the cave, the cave is pitch black. In fact, the bottom of the cave is very bright, and the surrounding hardened cave walls are embedded with countless red-glowing stones as big as fingernails.

Luo Bin used the red light to carefully look at the bottom of the cave.

The cave is about 20 square meters in size. In the center of the cave, there is a stone altar made of marble with a diameter of 2 meters.

Four vines as thick as water tanks, intertwined with each other, filled the stone altar without any gaps.

The vines entangled for 4 meters, suddenly vertically upward, and the branches also branched into many branches.

The branches are connected with each other to form a large net, and the vines on the large net wind and grow upward again.

In the center of the rattan net, an oval-shaped white bead as big as a rugby ball was suspended, its body shrouded in a milky white halo.

Luo Bin handed the iron fishing net to Lying Banban, summoned the Kents' Austrian brand sword, and planned to cut off the rattan net.

Suddenly, the thumb-thick vine twitched, revealing a large gap. The white bead rushed out of the gap and hit Luo Bin's shoulder.


Luo Bin and the sword fell to the ground together, and the magic wand in his arms was also thrown out.

Climb up, pick up the sword, and pick up the wand. In the order of the three, Luo Bin ranked picking up the wand first.

He stretched out his hand to reach for the wand, but it rolled half a meter away without giving him any space. Then, it flew into the air and chased the white bead.

When the white bead met the ebony wand, it was like a mouse meeting a cat, trembling and running away randomly.

After the white bead flew around the bottom of the cave for more than a dozen times, it seemed to realize that it was too small to get rid of the wand. It whirled around the branches, trying to fly towards the entrance of the cave.

Ya shook her fox tail, bounced 2 meters high, and hit the white bead with one claw.

Luo Bin grabbed the suspended wand and stabbed the white bead that was rushing downwards.


The white bead burst, and the milky white slurry inside the bead slowly flowed into the wand, as if it was being summoned by some kind of call.

After the wand had absorbed the white juice, a dark brown vine pattern with tendrils appeared on the handle.

This vine pattern cannot be seen at all if you look at it from a distance.

The wand was vibrating violently, and Luo Bin could feel its closeness and the majestic magic power that he desperately wanted to release.

He also wanted to cast a spell and see the changes in the wand, but the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards Act" was there, and he didn't want to receive a warning letter from the Ministry of Magic.

Luo Bin gently rubbed the handle of the staff, and when it stopped trembling, he took it into the sea of ​​consciousness space.

Then, he looked up and saw that the vines inside the stone altar turned into white smoke and were annihilated, revealing the mouth of a deep pool with a diameter of 5 meters.

Youtan, now you no longer have to worry about how to find the underground water point.


Ya jumped up to Luo Bin, her fox ears twirled back, with a sly smile on her face, "I'll help you. I want twenty or thirty roast chickens, roasted with honey and crispy skin."

"Okay!" Luo Bin agreed happily.

Ya: (﹏), oh no, I agreed so readily, so the asking price is definitely low.

Luo Bin ruthlessly stroked the fox's fur a few times, rubbed the folds of the fox's neck and said, "Don't be too greedy, be careful to eat it and become fat."

Big Fat, a snowy owl that was as fat as a ball but had a very flexible body. When Ya was running around in the backyard, she often used it as a hunting partner.

Ya shook her neck fiercely and turned her back to Luo Bin, angrily thinking of ideas to punish him.

"What about you? What kind of reward do you want?"

The unicorn shook his head.

"Dried termites, 5 pounds, spicy flavor."

Mora's eight big Kazilan eyes looked at Luo Bin expectantly.

"100 clothes racks, they need to be made of iron." He said with a grin on his face.

Xiao Hui crashed into Luo Bin's arms with a thud. His bulging body bulged and shrank slightly, obviously he had fallen asleep after eating too much.

"After the treasure hunt is over, I will go to Diagon Alley or the village to buy roasted chicken, clothes racks, and dried termites."

After saying that, Luo Bin recited a spell silently, pulled Mo La and them back into the Rubik's Cube.

At the same time, a small black round bottle was taken out from the Consciousness Sea Space, and the bottle contained gilly grass compound medicine.

He took off his shoes and took a swig of the liquid from the small round bottle.

Itchy, extremely itchy, itchy as if there were hundreds of feathers gently scraping under the ears.

It was so itchy that Luo Bin wanted to take out a dagger and cut the skin under his ears, but he knew better than to do that.


He jumped into the deep pool, and the biting cold water made the itching sensation subside a little.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain like a knife in the itchy area. He quickly touched his ears with both hands and found two long and narrow slits that were open and closed, which were gills.

He raised his hand and found that there were 3-5cm long webs between his fingers. He sat back on the stone altar and raised his feet, and found that his feet had become longer and wider, and there were webs between the toes.

He put away his shoes and jumped into the pool again.

The water in the pool was no longer freezing cold, but instead made him feel cool and comfortable.

The body also became as light as a fish.

He took a deep gulp of water, and the water automatically, slowly and smoothly flowed out of the gills under his ears, transporting oxygen into his body.

Luo Bin turned over in the water and swam towards the depths of the pool.

The pool was so dark that everything he looked at seemed to be through a foggy window. He opened his eyes wide and could only see clearly the scene within a 2-meter radius.

But he was not wandering aimlessly. Early in the morning, he saw a glowing red dot as big as a fist, far away from him on the lower right side.

The flippers of his hands and feet were waving rapidly in the same rhythm, making him like a rushing dart.

After a while, he swam to his destination and saw clearly what the red dot was.

Luo Bin: ヽ(`д)ノ, if this is the entrance to the treasure house, I will drink the whole pool of water.

The red dot is a hemispherical magic shield with a diameter of 3 meters. Inside the shield is a crater with orange liquid and white smoke popping out. It is still alive.

If you jump in, you won't be able to catch even the bones and scraps!

Luo Bin opened his mouth to complain, but due to the effect of the potion, what he shouted was not a voice, but a big bubble.

When the blister encounters the magic shield, there is a pop, the magic shield breaks, but the blister is still alive? ? ?

Well, it's so brittle, it's seriously bad, the volcano is about to erupt.

The crater of the volcano was trembling, white smoke leaped six meters high, and orange magma rolled out of a large hole.

Luo Bin turned around and walked forward at high speed, swimming for three to four hundred meters. There was a loud bang behind him, and then, wave after wave of heat waves in the water blew him away a thousand meters away.

Fortunately, the moment he turned around, he activated the 'Indestructible' skill, otherwise, his internal organs would have been cooked. After he stabilized his body, through the boiling water full of bubbles, he could vaguely see two stone doors ten meters ahead. , and the stone door is closing quickly.

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