Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 199 Moon Jellyfish, it has no brain

He glanced back and saw that the rolling lava was coming violently towards this side.

Although the silverfish spirit insect has evolved four times, the 'indestructible' time limit has only changed from '3 seconds' to '3' minutes.

However, right now, the skill will become ineffective in another ten seconds.

He immediately decided that no matter what was behind the stone gate, he would leave the pool first.

He clasped his palms together and raised them above his head, pushed his legs forward hard, and rushed towards the stone door like a disemboweled bullet.

As he approached, he turned around urgently because the gap between the two stone doors was only 25 centimeters wide.


The stone door closed and the skill became ineffective.

The surrounding water is neither scalding nor freezing cold, making people feel cool and comfortable.

The water in front of us is clear with a hint of blue, and the visibility is as high as several hundred meters.

He saw two dusty closed stone doors 400 meters away directly opposite.

However, there is a hemispherical gap next to the stone door. The two stone doors are combined to form a hole that can be passed through.

It is not easy to swim to the hole, because there are dozens of moon jellyfish floating in the water.

On Halloween last year, Robin lit jellyfish fireworks in the basement to help ghost Nick out of trouble.

The brilliant jellyfish dance instantly turned everyone's attention from 'Patrick' to the host of the banquet.

Later, while wandering into the forbidden book section at night, looking for the recipe for Polyjuice Potion, Hermione found a book that recorded the prototype of the fireworks jellyfish - the moon jellyfish.

The moon jellyfish is 12 to 17 meters tall. Its body is crystal clear and glows with light blue light. It has a mushroom-shaped head and fringed tentacles. When it swims, it is as beautiful and dreamy as an elf in the water choreographing a dance.

Luo Bin looked at the fantastic, magnificent and shocking scenery in front of him, but felt terrified in his heart.

He clearly remembers that it was written in the book:

[The unknown wizard discovered the moon jellyfish in Loch Ness. He also found countless human bones and boat wreckage. 】

So, the slow and elegant jellyfish is not as harmless as it seems.

However, he must pass through the hole on the opposite side.

He poured a dozen gray jelly beans as big as soybeans into his mouth, rolled his tongue, and moved the stones deep into his back molars and into the gap between his cheeks.

He curled up, not moving his wrists and ankles, and only waved his flippers and feet lightly.

Then, like a balloon in the water, he moved forward slowly and without waves.

The jellyfish swam freely, seemingly unaware of the intruders in the water.

Even if he swings his ring-shaped wrist for half a meter several times, he can touch Luo Bin, who has shrunk into a ball.

Luo Bin looked at the expanding and contracting stinging cells (the site of jellyfish stings), the aorta in the neck, thumping, and the buzzing in his ears and eyes.

But he knew that the more nervous and critical he was, the calmer he had to be, so the speed and frequency of his flippers always fluctuated within a small range.

However, even though he was so cautious, something unexpected happened.

When he swam about a hundred meters, he suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his big toe, and then a numbing sensation spread from his toes to his entire foot. He could no longer feel the existence of his foot.

He quickly bit into two gray jelly candies, and the crumbs coated with ash powder slid down his throat. A warm current surged from his stomach to his whole body, and he regained consciousness in his right foot.

He turned around and saw the jellyfish floating in the air. Their long tentacles were rushing towards them. Many hook-shaped stingers appeared on the stinging cells at the top of the tentacles.


A stinging tentacle struck at his thigh. He immediately straightened up and spread his thighs to avoid it. The tentacle missed its target and quickly retreated under the umbrella cover.


A tentacle rushed towards his head, and he leaned back to avoid it. He happened to see another tentacle rushing towards his back. He quickly raised his arms, turned his webbed hands, and dodged sideways.


A tentacle stabbed his arm, and the hook was hung with flesh and blood, and it retracted under the umbrella canopy.

The wound was not painful but numb. The numbness spread along the arm, to the collarbone, all the way down, and aimed directly at the heart.

Luo Bin bit through and swallowed all the fecal candies in his mouth, and the numbness spread without slowing down.

Is it possible that I will fall into the hands of the Dark Moon Jellyfish today?

At a critical moment, he remembered the Highland cattle's skill of 'scraping bones and removing poison'.

Pain, excruciating pain.

Tens of thousands of earpicks were used to dig out the ears, and the pain was as painful as the bone marrow in the whole body.

The pain was so painful that he wanted to summon a long sword and stab himself a dozen times. He curled up, his teeth were trembling, and his face was pale.

His red eyes were staring at the surroundings. When he saw the tentacles rushing this way, he gritted his teeth and kicked his legs to the side to avoid the tentacle attacks.

About a century later (actually less than 3 minutes), the pain changed from "digging out the bone marrow" to "pricking with small needles", and the wound, shoulder, and collarbone were no longer numb.

Luo Bin took out a small round bottle and dropped a few drops of Phoenix Tears that were not meltable in water into the wound. A wisp of white mist emerged from the wound, and the rolled flesh slowly flattened, grew, and bonded with other pieces of flesh.

Eventually, the wound disappeared.

He covered his bare arms and looked around. He saw the moon jellyfish, their retractable tentacles stabbing randomly in the water, and saw the hooks on the stinging cells at the top of the two tentacles hooked together.

Moon jellyfish have no brains, and all their actions are based on instinct. Therefore, whether the hook can be untied depends entirely on luck.

Luo Bin was inspired by the curved hook. He took out two stones as big as pigeon eggs and waved his hands vigorously. The stones accurately hit the tentacles on both sides of him.


Two tentacles attacked him at the same time, and he swam up two meters to avoid them.


The hooks on the two tentacles were entangled.

Luo You returned to his original position, took out a stone, and hit a tentacle seven or eight meters away.


Luo Bin swam one meter and escaped the rushing tentacles, but the hooks on the tentacles did not catch anything.

It flew over the two stinging cells and quickly retracted. He quickly took out an iron rod with a curved top and hooked the tentacles down so that they were entangled with the other two tentacles.

Luo Bin: ╮(‵▽′)╭, no matter how big the body is, no matter how powerful the poison is, if you don’t have a brain, it’s still useless.

After that, he kept repeating the process of throwing rocks, ducking and hooking with iron rods, causing each tentacle to twist into blue hydrangea flowers.

After destroying the moon jellyfish in the water, he swam forward as lightly and freely as a fish.

The hole in his perspective gradually became larger and brighter, and he was very excited. Occasionally, he would show off his skills by doing a triple backflip in the water.

As he swam forward, he secretly estimated the distance between himself and the hole. 300 meters, 250 meters, 200 meters, 150 meters. Hiss, it hurt.

Luo Bin covered his forehead and looked around blankly. Behind him were tangled jellyfish. In front and on both sides, it was clear and translucent, and there was not a single living thing.

However, the flash of tingling on the forehead and the numbness that did not hurt even when pinched hard reminded him: you have been stung again.

Moon jellyfish?


Their tentacles were all entangled to death, and they were at least a hundred meters away.

Then, there is a high possibility that there are transparent things containing toxins hidden in the waters.

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