Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 200 The underwater world is sticky and slippery

After Luo Bin bit into two small gummies and swallowed them, his forehead gradually regained consciousness.

He took out a bottle of red ink and activated the 'Spore Explosion' skill.

As soon as the two were combined, bang, the water in front of him instantly turned light red.

Transparent things become opaque in colored water.

Luo Bin saw many transparent jellyfish as big as grapefruits with their caps touching the bottom in the red water.

They swim fast and regularly, and their trajectory is a 1-meter-long figure '8'.

Some of them were running around aimlessly, and his suspended position was not on the '8' track of any jellyfish.

So, those who stung his big toe and forehead must be those scurrying guys.

The red color in the water becomes lighter and lighter, and the transparent ones gradually merge with the water.

Luo Bin took out three more bottles of red ink and at the same time activated the 'Spore Explosion' skill.

Bang bang~

(spore popping sound)

The water was suddenly dyed bright red.

Luo Bin quickly waved his flippers and flippers, bypassed or passed through the number '8', and swam to the stone gate.

Then, he clasped his hands together and raised them above his head, and swam into the hole.

The exit of the hole was covered with a thick film, and Luo Bin poked it dozens of times with his nails before making a hole.

Then, he vigorously tore open the gap and entered a beautiful underwater world.

He saw a male seahorse, its belly bulging and shrinking, spraying out hundreds of small seahorses as big as shrimps.

He saw a colorful starfish, opening the shell with its mouthparts, and silently gnawing at the shell meat.

He saw an octopus as big as a football, entangled with a crab, and smashing against rocks crazily.

He also saw

In short, this is a vivid underwater world.

He felt itching under his ears again. When the itching disappeared, he touched his back and found that the cracks had changed from "two" to "three", and the webs of his hands and feet had also changed from "flesh color" to "blue" '.

He speculated that this change was due to his transition from fresh water to sea water.

He jumped up, crossed the jet seahorse, and swam forward.

After swimming for more than a thousand meters, he discovered a bottomless crack with no end in sight.

The crack is about 1 meter wide, with sea sand on both sides. Some spider-like crabs with small bodies and huge legs are pulling at the sea sand in search of food.


(sound of spider crab scratching)

Luo Bin swam close to the crack, and something in the claws of a spider crab caught his attention.

It was a one-meter-long stone stick with a fish and an eight-pointed star engraved on it. It was exactly the same as the second treasure map, the pattern on the flag pole next to the treasure chest in the canyon.

Well, the crack in front of you is the canyon in the picture.

The treasure hunting route on the treasure map, coconut grove-shell path-water pool-canyon.

In fact, the mushroom forest - the white wasteland - the deep pool - the seabed fissure.

It’s really a sea of ​​change.

Suddenly, an afterimage waved downwards in front of Luo Bin's eyes, and he subconsciously took a step back.


The stone stick hit hard where his big webbed feet were standing.


The sand piles on both sides of the crack swelled, revealing countless triangular spider crab heads with shining eyes. They clicked their big claws and approached Luo Bin.

Luo Bin: \(`Δ’)/, I really want to throw the crabs into the lava pool and have a seafood feast.

He thought for a few seconds, then jumped headfirst into the crack.

The crabs squeezed into the crack, clicking, clicking, and dancing their large claws impatiently.

In the end, fear defeated their appetite, and most of them waved their long legs and got into the sea sand to rest.

The cracks on the ocean floor, like the Big Rock, get wider and darker as you go down.

Luo Bin took out a large luminous pearl. Normally, the light it emits would be enough to illuminate half of a football field. Now, it can only allow him to see clearly the scene within 2 meters around it.

Staring at the endless darkness, he had the illusion that he was the only one left in the world.

Loneliness, hesitation, tension, fear, etc., came over him like waves, making his chest feel like a big drum and his heart beating wildly.

He really wanted to return to the mouth of the crack, fight the crabs for a few rounds, and then find a way back to Big Peak.

However, he refused to be a coward. He put the thought of retreating behind him and continued swimming downwards.

After swimming for seven or eight minutes, he suddenly felt a small, horizontal water push on the left side of his body.

Is it an illusion, or is the flipper swing too wide?

Luo Bin took out 5 night pearls and threw them hard to the left side. It was empty except for water and only black.

The little night pearls illuminated the water on the left for a few seconds, then fell down and were quickly annihilated in the darkness.

Confused, Luo Bin swam another dozen meters, and then something seemed to scratch the sole of his foot.

Not painful or numb, but a little itchy.

He bent down like a river shrimp to touch the soles of his feet, and felt a pool of sticky, slippery liquid.

Phew, the back of his neck felt cold, then itchy, and he touched it back.

Sure enough, it was sticky and slippery.

Very good, that wave of horizontal water push is neither an illusion nor an excessive movement, but a monster hidden in the abyss.

He took out a bottle of fluorescent liquid and activated the 'Spore Explosion' skill.


Through countless fluorescent stars, he saw a gray-brown fish fin as big as a sail, which was the sail of the main ship of the sailing team.

Luo Bin spat out a series of bubbles nervously, and the oversized luminous pearl also slipped from his palm and was annihilated into the darkness.

When the fluorescent stars dimmed and disappeared, he was completely plunged into darkness.

He was so anxious that his 'breaststroke' turned into 'dog paddle', and he swam hard downstream. He could feel that the owner of the fish's fin was chasing behind him.

He didn't turn around to look back. He only had one thought in his mind: swim downstream to the end. In addition to treasures, there would definitely be something to restrain the monsters in the abyss.

It took a long time, until my limbs were shaking and I couldn't remember how many meters I had swam, when my chest suddenly started to hurt.

Then, the pain quickly spread throughout his body, as if something was squeezing his body from all directions, trying to crush him and explode him.

It's the water pressure. He dived too deep. Even a wizard with magical power can't withstand the water pressure here.

If we don't go upstream, there is a real possibility of implosion.

However, his muscles are stiff now and his joints are locked. He can't even turn over and sit with his head up, let alone swim up.

Suddenly, he felt waves of water pushing against him. The monster swam around him and then swam upward suddenly, as if it wanted to swallow its prey.

When Luo Bin was thinking about what skills he should use to deal with it, his head suddenly hit a large, cold and slimy object, and then his back hit him as well.


He was pushed upwards by the 'big object'. The higher he went, the lighter the pressure of the water became. It was light enough that he could take a gulp of water and filter it to breathe. A purple light lit up in the distance.

That purple lantern is bigger than a thatched house.

The huge bright beam it emitted illuminated the scene within 3 meters around him, and Luo Bin was able to see clearly the appearance of the monster in the abyss.

The monster has a flat body like a catfish. It is about 30 meters high, 200 meters long, and 100 meters wide. It has gray-brown fish skin and continues to secrete slippery mucus.

In the center of the two red eyes as big as thatched houses, there is a 15-meter-long protruding spine, and a large glowing purple light hangs from the top of the spine.

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