Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 202 The beast tide is coming, the strength is worrying

He saw a cold and holy woman sitting by the stream, elegantly combing her silver-grey hair.

He saw a little loli with red eyes violently tearing open the jellyfish umbrella cap.

He saw a girl with sharp eyes, riding on the back of a black dragon, grabbing her horns wildly.

These three people should be the unicorn Jasmine who has reached the SSS level, the abyss devil fish Nelly, and the nine-tailed demon foxya? ? ?

Strange, isn't Ya's level SS?

Luo Bin summoned a white square. He glanced at the evolution progress bar, poked the totem, looked at the white fox information bar, and suddenly understood.

Ya can become a human because she has evolved from 'SS' level to 'SSS' level.

He waved his hand to let the white square float back to its original position, and then continued to observe the changes in the Rubik's Cube.

He saw Xiaobai sneaking into Norberg's room, holding a jade token that could breathe fire when pressed, and attacked the white fox and black dragon, and then the three of them started a 'friendly interaction'.

He saw that Maura was wearing a metal sheath on her big claws. Every time the big claws clamped, the metal sheath would spurt out spider silk. Lying on the bed, she was grabbing the spider silk and happily hanging it on the peach branch.

The noisy and cunning Cornish elf who loves to tease people, and the cute and innocent eight-eyed spider. I didn’t expect that the two of them, who couldn’t be compared with each other, actually made friends.

After seeing the grid scene, Luo Bin moved his fingers to summon grids one after another. After seeing that the magical creatures had completed the 2~3 level evolution, he returned to the stone chamber space with satisfaction.

Hissing, head swelling and pain, and uncomfortable chest tightness.


Luo Bin took several large gulps of water and realized that he could no longer breathe in the water. He touched his hands back and looked down again. The gills and webs were gone.

Alas, the efficacy of the gillycyst grass compound decoction is gone.

He quickly activated Neely's 'like a fish in water' skill, and instantly, he felt the oxygen in the water pouring into his blood through the pores of his skin.

I also felt that my body was extremely light, as if I could swim more than ten meters by waving my arms.

Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling sound like a landslide outside, and then, the stone door opened with a squeaking sound.

He put away the gray box and swam out of the stone room, and saw a white circle of light appearing in the abyss. Inside the circle, there was a cold white weak light, like an ice surface? ?

The aperture was the same as the previous hole, with a thick film covering the surface. Luo Bin poked a small hole with his finger, then tore the hole wide with force, and then swam into the aperture with all his strength.


He emerged from the water, wiped the water from his face, and quietly looked at the new space - the ice cave.

The ice cave is about 2 meters wide, long and winding, with no end in sight. Moreover, on the cave wall, there are many ice caves of different sizes branching out in all directions.

He climbed out of the puddle and cast a spell to dry his clothes. He wanted to take out a woolen winter coat to keep out the cold, but found that the ice cave was not cold at all.

He touched the cave wall, it was bone-chilling cold, and the ice touch from the soles of his feet was also so cold.

However, the air temperature is obviously above 10°, which is really a strange place.

Luo Bin changed into spring clothes and strode forward. After walking for seventeen or eight meters, there was a sudden creaking sound in the ice cave with a diameter of 1 meter on the right side.

He turned around and entered the ice cave on the right, and explored it, but found no sign of any living creature.

"Hey, I'm hearing hallucinations again."

After saying that, he stepped on the ice and turned back to the big ice cave before.


The ice walls in the small ice cave are undulating like ocean waves.


A thin layer of ice like a curtain peeled off the ice wall, revealing an ice cave as big as a desk cabinet.


The little guy in the ice cave breathed a long sigh of relief and jumped out of the freezer.

It is a long-haired white rabbit. There is a piece of silver-gray hair behind its eyes.

Large, thick ears hanging on both sides of the cheeks.

When it squats in place, it looks like a doll in a glass showcase, delicate and adorable.


The thin ice rose automatically, sticking to the ice wall and covering the ice cave.

At this moment, Luo Bin spit out the invisible bead, grabbed the white rabbit's ears, and lifted it up.

The little rabbit was so frightened that his pupils dilated, he struggled and twisted around, and made a sharp, harsh, and loud neighing sound.

Boom boom~

The ice surface trembled violently, and a wave of beasts broke out here.

Countless white lop-eared rabbits flocked to this ice cave from all directions.

They opened their three-petal mouths and made a harsh hissing sound.

If anything goes wrong, he rushes forward and uses his front paws to pull at Luo Bin's trouser legs.

After scratching for a long time, I didn't even scratch the cotton thread.

Luo Bin saw a white rabbit as big as a small elephant, rushing towards this direction from the large ice hole with a diameter of 2 meters wide on the opposite side, and then got stuck!

The more the white rabbit struggled, the more stuck it became, and its beautiful almond eyes were almost twisted into triangular eyes. The little white rabbits gave up besieging Luo Bin and started to pull the big rabbit away.

However, their strength is so weak that even if they use all their strength, it will be of no avail.

"Hey, don't just look around, come here and help me!"

The white rabbit opened its three-petal mouth and let out a hoarse teenage voice.

That's right, an adult rabbit can't do stupid things like getting stuck in a hole.

Luo Bin pushed away the rabbit tide with his feet and walked forward. He walked to the white rabbit and observed it for a while. He found that because the fur was too long and thick, the previous fold of flesh had not spread out, and the next fold of flesh had piled up. .

"Phew, I feel so uncomfortable. Pull me out quickly."

The white rabbit puffed heavily and struggled forward. However, the more it struggled, the higher the folds of flesh piled up.

"do not move!"

The white rabbit lowered his eyelids and stopped moving.

Luo Bin took out a pair of scissors and cut off the long hair that was in the way of the rabbit's neck. He also injected magic power into the scissors to increase the temperature of the scissor tip. Then, he pulled the rabbit's neck while poking at the cave wall.

Twenty minutes later, the hole was poked wide, and with a bang, the white rabbit pulled out its head and fell back into the big ice cave.

It raised its throat and made a purring sound. Suddenly, the little white rabbits quickly fled here as if they heard some kind of instructions.

"Mao, my fur is gone, I am no longer the most handsome of the Snow Rabbit tribe, wuwu~"

The white rabbit collapsed into a big fur cake, tears falling down.

Luo Bin took out a bottle of pet hair growth potion and said, "Drink it and your hair will grow back quickly."

"Ah~" the white rabbit opened its mouth wide, "feed me!"

Luo Bin uncorked the bottle and poured the blue liquid down. White Rabbit's mouth was open, but his throat was rumbling as he swallowed the medicine.

After finishing a bottle of medicine, White Rabbit felt like a pillow was stuffed into the back of his neck that was inflated little by little.

It turned over and climbed up, looking at the mirror that was so smooth that it could be used as a mirror, "Tsk, look at the long, soft and elegant hair, the rose petal-shaped upper lip, the graceful curves of the lop ears, and the strong physique." La, besides you, who else can be the most handsome man of the Snow Rabbit tribe?"

Luo Bin: →_→, Sao Nian, the embarrassing incident of getting stuck in the hole, have you completely forgotten about it?


A few coughs brought the white rabbit back to reality. It quickly looked around, and then quickly swallowed all the rabbit fur on the ground.


"Mom said that wizards are all very bad, but I think you are quite a nice person."

It's like a big maze here, with ice caves everywhere. Without a guide, it's really hard to find the exit.

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