Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 203 White Rabbit vs. Bastard, Scabies vs. Stupid Pig

"Willa, do you know how to get to the exit of the ice cave?"

Vila nodded subconsciously, then quickly shook her head,

"I know where the exit is, but it's blocked and no one can get out. Otherwise, dad wouldn't have to worry about how to allocate the ice room with so many bastards."

"Is it blocked?"


"That matter has to start from 50 years ago. Wait, it will be you in 50 years. You are the person in the prophecy who can help the Snow Rabbit family get out of trouble."

"Oh, now I can go out, run wildly in the snow on Big Peak with my back to the blue sky and white clouds, and catch ferrets to play with."

"Quick, come with me to see mom, she knows what to do."

Well, good news, I'm back to the Big Peak, bad news, I'm stuck in a snow rabbit den.

"What did the prophecy say?"

Verla lay on the ground and urged: "I'm not sure either. Come up quickly and I'll take you to see your mother."

"If I don't open the exit, my father will kick me out of the bedroom and let the little brat take over my bed."

"They gave birth last month, they conceived this month, and they gave birth again the next month. They are really good at making babies!"

If you want to get out, you must open the blocked hole. If you want to get out, you must understand the prophecy.

So, I really need to go with Vila.

"Come up quickly!" Vila said anxiously.

"I don't want to hit the ice on my forehead and hit the ground on the back of my head."

Verla followed Luo Bin's line of sight and saw the hole in the ice that had been poked in a large circle, and immediately coughed several times in embarrassment.

"Ahem, let's walk then!"


Then, one person and one rabbit walked deep into the nest. Along the way, Vila, who was eager to take a shortcut, got stuck in the hole more times than he could count with both hands.

Luo Bin pulled, pushed and poked the hole. Finally, he found that the method of "kicking the butt" was labor-saving and effective.

Amidst the sound of needles, they arrived at their destination - a huge ice cave.

The ice cave covers an area of ​​about 150 square meters. There are many concave patterns carved on the ground, cave walls and cave roof.

The end points of the lines penetrated the ice wall and disappeared.

The starting points of the lines are at the bottom of the big bed in the center of the ice cave.

Lying on the bed was a beautiful white rabbit as big as an elephant with red hair at the end of its eyes.

White steam is emitting from the body of the big beautiful rabbit. After the white steam is absorbed by the ice bed, it condenses into white water flow, flowing through the concave lines and into the ice wall.

It was sleeping so deeply that the loud banging sound of Verla's paws slipping and falling did not wake it up.

"How to wake it up?"


Verra raised his right front paw and shook it wildly.

Qiang Qiang~

A metal music box fell from the folds of flesh under his armpit to the ground.

It arches open the box lid, presses the switch key with its front teeth, and as the little princess in pink skirt rotates, the rotating base makes a fox cry, which is very shrill and harsh.

Luo Bin squinted his eyes and looked at the white rabbit lying on the ground covering its ears. Vila noticed his gaze and showed a guilty but brilliant smile.

After singing a song, the big beautiful rabbit slowly opened his eyes.

Its pupils are light pink like bellflowers, and there is a layer of mist covering them, making it charming but also lurking a hint of danger.

"Mom, man, the person in the prophecy has appeared." Vila jumped up and down and said excitedly.

"Lala, you go out first and I'll talk to him about something."

On the ice bed, a voice like nature floated, which made people intoxicated.



"All right!"

The tips of Verla's ears scraped the ground and she left the ice cave in despair.


The ice door at the entrance of the ice cave closed automatically.

The big rabbit on the ice bed moved. It changed from a "beauty bed" to a "domineering station". It took a sharp breath and roared:

"Kentzio, you bastard with green eyes, a stupid pig raised by smelly scabies, you are like a yellow-breasted rat in the sewers. You will never live in the sun in your life. Your scrap metal is only worthy of"

Luo Bin: (⊙ω⊙`), what did Kenzio do, 50 years later, so that people are still so resentful, always in chaos and finally giving up? Stab someone's ancestral grave? Cheating for heirlooms?

After the big beautiful rabbit finished cursing, he crossed his front paws and lay down gracefully, "Little handsome boy, old man, where are the things I asked you to bring back?"


The big beautiful rabbit's erect ears suddenly stood up, and the ears were like the chimneys of a steam train, spraying thick white steam out.

At the same time, a red light flashed on the ice bed, and the water flowing into the concave lines changed from 'equal' to 'more on one side and less on the other', and the temperature inside the cave began to alternately become hot and cold.


The 'train' stopped, and its thick and big ears drooped on both sides of its cheeks. "Eve, calm down, stay calm, otherwise, if the cooling system fails, the entire group will be affected."

Cooling system?

Luo Bin looked at the ice bed and grooves, lost in thought.

The main entrance to the Snow Rabbit Clan's lair was sealed 50 years ago, and Kenziao's mountain climbing prize was obtained 50 years ago.

In Kenzio's autobiography, he encountered an avalanche while climbing the peak and was knocked into a crevice by snow. Deep in the crevice, he found a gray box containing the "Green Waist Bead".

However, what Big Beautiful Rabbit just said was not 'bring' but 'bring back', which means that the object originally belonged to Big Peak.

Luo Bin took out the gray box covered with scales, opened it to reveal the green waist beads inside, and asked, "Is this it?"

"Yes, that's it."

Eve stood up excitedly, and the white vapor on her body suddenly more than doubled. She looked at the rapids in the grooves, and hurriedly took several deep breaths, "Calm down, calm down."

After a while, it lay back on the ice bed and asked in a calm tone: "Where is the other one?"

Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, if you want anything, just ask it directly. It’s a headache to guess.


"A bronze mirror!"

Bronze mirror?

Could it be that on that side, when the 'Magic Scan' is enabled, the icon that pops up is the same as the 'Green Waist Bead', is it '? ? ? ’ bronze mirror.

Luo Bin took out a bronze mirror with patterns of fish, birds, and clouds engraved on the back, and asked, "Is this it?"

"Yes, that's it!"

Eve stood up suddenly, ignoring the rapid white steam, and said excitedly: "We're back, we're all back."

"There are more ice worms, the copper spirit mirror has become new, and the glory of the Snow Rabbit clan can continue for thousands of years."

"The old immortal didn't lie to me. After 50 years, I will be able to fulfill the instructions of the previous patriarch and regain my freedom. Handsome boy, please return the treasure quickly."

Luo Bin snapped his fingers, and the gray box and bronze mirror disappeared out of thin air, replaced by a sofa armchair and a tray filled with melon seeds.

He sat on it comfortably and asked while cracking melon seeds: "If you want a treasure, you have to tell me clearly what happened 50 years ago."

Eve's eyes rolled up, as if she was lost in memories. Finally, she rested her chin on the back of her claws and recounted the past.

50 years ago, an extreme sports club held a competition to "abandon the wand and climb the snow peaks of the Co Valley".

When a small group was climbing Big Peak, they encountered a sudden snowstorm and lost their equipment and were trapped in a depression.

To survive, they hunt snowshoe hares.

The rabbit skin is knotted and worn on the body.

The rabbit meat was cut into pieces, swallowed, and the rabbit bones were stained with blood to spell out letters for help.

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