Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 205 The book that bites, returns to Diagon Alley

Luo Bin opened the cloth bag, which contained a thick book and an envelope with a mark of four beasts surrounding the letter H.

He tore open the envelope and took out the letter inside.

The first letter reminded him that at 11 a.m. on September 1st, he would take the 5972 express train at Platform 9 of King's Cross Station and report back to Hogwarts.

The second one is the Hogsmeade permission form. Parents and guardians must sign it before they can visit the village on specific weekends.

Luo Bin is an orphan and has no guardian. When submitting the form, he just needs the dean and principal to sign it.

The third one is a list of new books to be used in third grade.

"Standard Spells, Level 3", "Intermediate Transfiguration", "Numerical Divination and Shapes", "Practical Defense against Dark Arts", "Pull through the Fog to See the Future"

The letter was signed at the end of July, and the cloth bag was bleached by the sun.

Sure enough, just like before, time flows much faster in the Treasure Hunting Secret Realm than in the real world.


The fat man was so impatient when he grabbed the squirrel that he knocked the cloth bag on the stone onto the grass.

The cloth bag was beating and there was a clicking sound inside.

Suddenly, a thick book with a fluffy cover and jagged velvet edges popped out of the bag.

The cover of the thick book was loosened. It blinked the four round eyes on the cover, clicked its big teeth on the book, and walked sideways on the grass like a crab.

Thanks to the big teeth, wherever the thick book passes, the grass turns into grass foam.

The thick book made a long circle, returned to the stone, clicked, gritted its teeth, and rushed towards Luo Bin's ankle.

The big fat eyes squinted, looking at the big teeth with interest, and it waved its claws upward.


The squirrel slid out of a parabola and landed on the thick book's mouth.

The thick book bit the mouse, chewing it, and blood and brains flowed all over the book and all over the floor.

Luo Bin looked at the broken heart on the cover, and secretly decided to live up to Hagrid's kindness and buy a new copy of "The Monster Book of Monsters".

Yes, this book that walks sideways, bites people, and looks like a monster.

It is the most unique textbook in the original work - "The Monster Book of Monsters"

The original book mentioned that to deal with this kind of biting book, just touch its spine gently, and it will calm down and automatically open the pages.

However, Luo Bin didn't want to have white-green brains stuck on his hands.

He saw the thick book vomiting out half-drawn mouse corpses, Kaka ran towards his ankles, quickly took out a wooden stick, and gently scratched the spine of the book with the head of the stick.

The thick book trembled for a moment, then spread out and lay quietly on the grass. There was a greeting card sandwiched between the pages of the book. It was written crookedly in black ink:

Dear Robin:

happy vacation!

I think you, Harry, Hermione and Ron, will enjoy studying this book.

I wish you all the best.


Luo Bin: ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭, the intention is good, the book is a good book, but there is no prompt to ‘touch the spine’. I hope the other three people will have better luck and not be bitten by the book.

After he put the books, letters, and bags into the space, he turned around and looked at the fat man who was turning his head to play.

Rotating 270° is the limit of the owl.

But this guy wants to break through the limits and rotate 360°.

For this reason, I often twisted my neck.

"Hey, stop playing around and tell me what you have to do. Have you succeeded?"

The big fat head turned back to its normal position and stamped his paws proudly.

It seems that the birthday gift was successfully thrown into the attic window of No. 4 Privet Drive.

Before setting off at the end of June, Luo Bin made an agreement with Big Fatty that if he didn't find it at the end of July, he would help deliver the birthday gift - Kenzi's Ao brand blessing beads.

When the protection bead detects an attack, it will pop up a protective shield, protecting the owner from magical and physical attacks for a certain period of time.

After Luo Bin rewarded Big Fat with a plate of chicken, he took out a calendar and asked it what day it was today.

Big Fat raised his paw, and the tip of his talon tapped August 23rd.

August 20th?

Nearly two months of treasure hunting adventure?

The Big Peak, in northern Scotland.

London, in southeastern England.

The distance between the two is not that far, so we need to set off quickly.

However, before setting off, there is one more thing to do.

Luo Bin patted the big fat head and led it to the white-branched big-eared vine.

He imitated Eric and rubbed the roots and leaves of the vines, but they did not twitch.

He walked inside, and the vine branches wrapped around his ankles. He had no choice but to retreat to the edge of the vine bush, silently reciting a spell to release Eric.

Eric opened his eyes wide and stared around in surprise.

On its head, there is a pink and white morning glory wreath, and the petals are still glowing.

"Who made the garland for you?"

Eric stuck out his tongue and rolled it into a lotus flower flexibly, "I made it up myself. Teleport me back quickly. I want to make it into a full-length one."

"Don't you want to see the fiefdom?" Luo Bin said quietly.

Eric froze on the spot, his expression became melancholy, "The spirit of the Western cowboy will never evade the responsibilities that should be shouldered. Alas, I'll trouble you to come to Big Peak in two months and teleport me back to Wonderland." "

"Two months?"

"Yeah, I only have two jurisdictions left."

Before he finished speaking, a strong Highland cow with fierce eyes rushed forward and roared: "Get out of here, get out of my fiefdom."

“What day is today?”

"August 23rd."

Eric sniffed sharply, "Oops, I was having so much fun that I forgot to count the time. Come on, two bulls are not allowed in the same fiefdom."

Afterwards, Eric led Luo Bin down the slope, and while walking, he talked about how the territory of highland cattle was distributed.

The Co River Valley is very large, with peaks of various sizes standing on the sides of the valley. However, Austin has married so many wives that he has lost count of the number of calves he has given birth to.

When the calf reaches adulthood, its biological mother will apply to Austin for a fief on its behalf.

Austin agreed, and the calf could go to the fief to live for 5 years.

At the end of the five-year period, they must leave the fiefdom and go to the mountains outside the Co River Valley to fight with local cattle.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest, Austin gave "Shuangyifa" a 5-year transition period, which is already a waste of all benevolence and justice!

If you really want to train a bull, let's compete in a bullfight. After five years of leisure, what are your chances of winning against a bull of the same size?

After a while, one man and one cow arrived at the clearing in the stone forest.

Robin silently recited a spell and put Eric, who kept talking about going back to Wonderland, into the Rubik's Cube.

Then, he took out a pen, paper, and envelope, and wrote down Verla's instructions.

Then, he whistled to call the big fat man to come down, pat his head, and let him deliver the letter to Kenzio.

After finishing everything, he summoned Xiaobai, climbed onto the dragon's back, touched the pearl-like scales, and flew towards the Ke River Valley.

August 31st, afternoon, Charing Cross Street, Leaky Cauldron Bar.

The bar was very dark, as dark as night. Luo Bin stood at an empty wine table, recalling the opening plot of the third part of the original novel.

In early August, Aunt Maggie (Vernon's sister) came to visit the Dursleys at No. 4 Privet Drive.

Maggie dislikes Harry and takes pleasure in laughing at Harry and his parents.

One day at a dinner party, she humiliated Harry's parents with various filthy prophecies.

He said that James was a good-for-nothing gangster when he was alive, and compared him to Harry's mother Lily, a bitch with no moral character.

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