Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 206 Augusta, Vulture Specimen

Harry was so angry that his magic leaked out, causing Maggie to swell into a balloon, fly into the air and float away.

Harry took advantage of the chaos, packed up his things and left, and in the dark alley, he saw half of Sirius, who had transformed into a black dog.

When he was wondering where to go, a knight bus dedicated to wizards appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Harry was on the bus and saw a newspaper with the headline 'Black is still at large'. After getting off the bus at the Leaky Cauldron, he met Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic.

Fudge said that Maggie Dursley's matter had been perfectly solved by the Ministry of Incident Reversal, saying that the Ministry of Magic and the school would not punish Harry.

However, he is required to live in the Leaky Cauldron before September 1st, and his activities are limited to the bar and Diagon Alley, and he is not allowed to enter Muggle streets.

There was no punishment, and he didn't have to go back to Privet Drive to see the expressions of his aunt's family. Harry was so happy.

However, he also had doubts in his heart.

Last year, Dobby received an alert from the Office for the Abuse of Magic when he broke into the Dursleys and smashed a cake with a spell.

This year, he made a man swell into a balloon and fly into the sky.

I don't know how many Muggles have seen a balloon man flying over their rooftops or gardens.

He himself was not punished at all?

"Let's get out of the way."

The rough and hoarse voice interrupted Luo Bin's memories.

He took a few steps back and saw the bartender, with his belly pressed against the edge of the table, pushing the tray with the empty wine glasses to the center of the table.

Robin bypassed the bartender and walked to the bar. Standing behind the bar, the boss Tom was wiping a large tin basin with a dry towel.

Tom's hair was sparse, his back was severely hunched, his body was thin, and he looked like a shriveled walnut.

"What do you want?" asked Tom, putting down the tin basin.

"Is Harry upstairs?"

Tom shook his head, "Mr. Potter, I went to Diagon Alley early in the morning."

"OK, thanks!"

Luo Bin walked around the bar, walked to the small patio in the backyard, took out his ebony wand, tapped the third brick from the left on top of the trash can, and then.

After waiting for a while, walk through the archway and arrive at Diagon Alley, which is paved with cobblestones.

Robin planned to visit the shops and buy things while looking for Harry, Hermione and Ron.

His first stop was a fried barbecue restaurant called 'Yoyou is so delicious'. He had promised Dabenhuya to reward her with thirty honey crispy roasted chickens.

The second stop was Madam Malkin's robe store. He had grown so tall that his previous floor-length robe could not even cover his ankles.

The third stop is Jiggs Pharmacy. Buy some materials for third grade students in the appendix of the book list.

The fourth stop is Patchi's Crucible Store, where you can purchase large crucibles, scales, beakers, glass rods, etc.

At the eighth stop, Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, he walked around the bookshelves for more than ten minutes. Finally, carrying a heavy cloth bag full of textbooks, he walked to the window next to the door.

Previously, there were beautiful gilded magic books displayed in the window that could hold up the facade.

Now, there is a large rusty iron cage that looks like it was picked up from a garbage dump. Inside the cage, there are about a hundred "Monster Books" that are clicking and biting each other.

Moreover, broken books flew all over the window.

"Come to buy new textbooks?"

The bookstore manager stepped forward and asked abruptly.

Luo Bin nodded.

The manager sighed, reluctantly put on a pair of dragon skin protective gloves, and picked up a big walking stick covered with ugly knots behind the door.

He stuck his stick into the cage and tapped the thick, fluffy books to spread them apart.

He put down the crutch, opened the lock, and reached into the cage.

Suddenly, a thick book jumped up and opened its fangs to bite his arm.

He subconsciously retracted his hand and hit the iron cage with his elbow, making the cage clang. The books were frightened and became manic.

The manager panicked and grabbed the iron lock, trying to lock the cage, but it was too late. The cage turned sideways with a clang.

The thick books jumped out of the cage and crawled all over the floor. The customers were so frightened that they screamed and stomped on them, smashed chairs, and hit them with brooms. All kinds of methods were used.

"Well done, gentlemen, these books cost a fortune."

The manager seemed to want to step forward to stop the customer who was writing, but six thick books bit his trouser legs and tried to drag him into the iron cage.

"Ah! It hurts. It hurts so much. Dad, come and save me."

A little girl with blond hair and blue eyes was thrown to the ground by a thick book. The sharp white teeth were clicking towards her pink chin.

Luo Bin picked up the knotted walking stick, strode up to the little girl, and quickly scratched the spine of the book with the head of the stick. The thick book shuddered and then lay quietly on the little girl's chest.

"Thank you!"

After the little girl got up, she expressed gratitude with tears in her eyes.

"Manager, pull the spine of the book, they are afraid of this."

The manager took off his dragon leather gloves and did as Luo Bin said.

Ten minutes later, the bookstore returned to silence.

Those books stay safely in the cage.

When Luo Bin went to the bar to check out with a large bag of books, the manager gave him a 30% discount to express his gratitude.

"The total is 31 Galleons and 15 Nats. Alas, I will never buy this kind of stuff again. Every now and then, they cause a big mess for me."

"Last time, I spent a lot of money to buy 200 copies of the "Invisibility Book of Invisibility", but all of them disappeared out of thin air, and I couldn't even find a shadow."

"I thought I wouldn't encounter anything worse than that, who could ever imagine"

After Robin paid the money and said goodbye to the nagging manager, as soon as he left the store, he bumped into Neville and his grandma.

Neville hugged Leif tightly and looked at his grandma aggrievedly.

Neville's grandmother was a very strict witch. She wore a green dress, a fox fur scarf, and a high hat with a gloomy vulture specimen on the hat.

She had a serious face, as serious as Professor McGonagall, but she had a bit more sternness.

"Neville, Frank (Neville's father), when he was your age, there was no professor who didn't praise him for his excellence."

"What about you? When you went out to buy textbooks, you forgot to bring your book list. I dare say you won't be able to find your book list when you get home."

"Neville, what can you tell me about you?"

Every time she said something, Neville's head dropped a little lower.

Augusta kept reprimanding, never thinking about how hurtful and humiliating it would be to be yelled at by an elder in a crowded street.

Neville was like a little chicken that had been soaked in the rain but no one cared about it. He was shivering and didn't dare to say a word.

Robin stepped forward, slapped Neville on the back, and stuffed his reading list into his arms, "Neville, you lost a reading list, are you so worried?"

"When you meet a classmate of the same grade, just come up and say hello and make a copy."

"If you can't find it, go into the bookstore and ask for the manager. He has a list of textbooks for all grades."

"When something happens, you should put aside your complaints, grievances, regrets, and fears, and think about how to solve the problem first."


Neville grasped the book list and relaxed his grip on Leif. He got rid of the worry of "having no textbooks and being kicked out of the classroom by the professor".

Augusta was furious. She heard the voice of Luo Bin's words, "You are so brave."

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