Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 208 Ice cream, meeting old friends again

The broomsticks in the wizarding world are just like smartphones in the previous life, with the latest models coming out every year.

Luo Bin is indifferent to things that change rapidly in a short period of time. He firmly believes that personal strength is the last word.

"Have you two seen Harry and the others?"

Seamus shook his head, and Dean raised his hand and pointed to the corner in the distance, "Florin Fusco Ice Cream Shop, I met him there in the morning to catch up on my holiday homework."

"Thank you!" Luo Bin turned sideways and squeezed out of the crowd.

Diagon Alley, ice cream shop!

Robin turned the corner and saw Harry, Hermione and Ron sitting around a white round table.

On the table were ink, quills, books, a stack of paper, and Spot, a trembling mouse with his neck curled up.

Harry's face was rosy and he was in great spirits. Thinking about it, living in Diagon Alley made him very satisfied and comfortable.

Ron looked worried, and the freckles on his face became more obvious.

Hermione held her chin up and pointed at something haughtily.

Her tender little face was tanned by the sun, and her cheekbones were still rosy.

"Hermione!" Robin shouted.

"Luo Bin, I finally see you."

Hermione jumped up suddenly and rushed towards Robin in surprise. She rushed forward and hugged him.

Luo Bin hugged her back and gently touched her to feel the changes in Little Pepper.

She has a slim figure, slender shoulders and waist, and is extremely beautiful. Her long curly hair seems to have been carefully taken care of, making it smooth and exuding a faint fragrance of lily of the valley.

"Oh, I haven't seen you in two months. You have become so tall and your face has become thinner."

Hermione's face changed from 'rouge' to 'apple red'. She had always thought that Robin's face was the most eye-catching among the students.

However, before, he was simply handsome, but now, he is handsome and aggressive.

If you stare for a long time, your heart will beat wildly.

"You've changed a lot. The sun in France is pretty good, right?"

The little deer in Hermione's heart froze, "What do you mean? You dislike me for turning black?"

Luo Bin was full of desire to survive and hurriedly explained: "I mean, you look healthier and brighter now than before."


Facing Hermione's doubts, Robin nodded solemnly.

"Okay, you two, don't be bored, come here and try to save Scabbers, he is extremely weak." Ron shouted.

Luo Bin walked to the round table and found that Banban was very thin, his beard was drooping, his body was shaking like a sieve, and his eyes were full of fear, panic and anxiety.

"You shouldn't have taken it to Egypt. The consequences of being acclimatized are too severe."

Luo Bin: ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍, this is not acclimatization, it is clearly because he is afraid of being caught by Sirius who has escaped from prison.

"But, you are back! Ron, there is a magical animal shop over there, they can let them see what happened to Scabbers." Harry suggested.

"It just so happened that my parents gave me 10 Galleons and asked me to buy myself a birthday present in Diagon Alley in advance. I especially want to get a pet."

"Look, you have Hedwig, Ron has Errol and Scabbers, Robin has Big Fatty, and I have nothing."


Robin stood up suddenly, his chair sliding backwards as he hit him, "Harry, let's go to the store."

So, the three of them packed up their things, paid for ice cream, and rushed to the Magical Beasts Store with Luo Bin.

Along the way, several people talked about what they did during the summer vacation.

Harry's holiday life is very different from the previous plot memories of the original work.

Ron's father, Mr. Arthur, won the Golden Galleons Award from the Daily Prophet. Arthur took 700 Galleons and led Ron and the others to Egypt to visit Bill. The family happily toured the Egyptian attractions. all over.

During this period, Fred and George worked hard, and Percy, who was elected president of the student union, won their special favor.

However, Ginny, the youngest in the family, is often prohibited from entering the deepest parts of ancient tomb-like attractions because there are the grotesque bones of intruders.

Some grew three heads, some clamped their legs together and turned into fish bones, and some bones curved into a ball.

After returning to England and coming to Diagon Alley, Ron got a brand new wand, fourteen inches long (35cm), with a willow body and a core made of unicorn tail hair.

Hermione went to France on vacation with her parents. They visited the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre, the Seine River, Chambord Castle, etc.

Although the scenery was beautiful, she couldn't find a place to read magic books, which made her miss the attic at home.

There, even when watching "108 Cruel Curses to Kill Female Ghosts", no one covered their mouths and screamed.

This morning, the Grangers sent Hermione to Diagon Alley, helped her buy some things, and then drove away.

Therefore, like Harry and Ron, she will also stay at the Leaky Cauldron tonight.

Luo Bin said that he had gone to the Scottish Highlands, concealing the treasure hunt, and talked about the beautiful scenery of snow peaks, grasslands, and the Co River Valley, as well as how delicious the fish in Loch Lomond was.

Several people walked and talked and came to the magical beast store.

The store is small but the space utilization is very efficient.

The walls and ceiling were covered with large nails, with hemp rope rings tied to the nails, and various iron cages hung under the rings.

The guy in the cage was making a squeaking noise that gave people a headache. A layer of excrement fell on the iron plate at the bottom of the cage, which filled the shop with a thick stench.

Behind the bar, stood a long-haired witch, who was patiently teaching a middle-aged wizard how to raise salamanders.

The four of them waited aside and looked at the iron cages quietly.

A cage of light yellow fluff balls jumped up and down and made a buzzing sound like a mobile phone vibrating.

The raven, with its purple-blue feathers, pecked at the fur of the white rabbit in the cage next door.

The rabbit jumped forward and turned into a beautiful satin hat with a snap.

Cats of various colors meowed and stretched out their paws outside the cage.

Some pulled the cage bolt, some grabbed the raven's tail, and some hooked the cage rod tightly and shook their bodies, making the iron cage clank.

After the wizard paid and left, several people came to the counter. Ron took out Scabbers and frowned and said, "My mouse is not accustomed to the acclimatization. It came back from Egypt and the situation is even worse."

The witch took Banban and took out a pair of black-rimmed glasses with thick lenses from the drawer. After putting them on, she looked at Banban carefully.

There is a square iron cage on the counter, and there are more than a dozen chubby pudding rats with shiny fur in the cage.

They crowded to the edge of the cage, eyes wide open, and looked at Spot together with the witch.

Against their backdrop, Banban, who is thin, with dry hair and frightened eyes, looks particularly shabby.

After a while, the witch took off her glasses, smashed her mouth, and said: "Well, its ears are broken, a toe is missing from its front paw, and its heart rate is seriously arrhythmic. It has suffered a lot. My child, how old is it? What's wrong with it? ability?"

After saying that, she threw a handful of dried carrot shreds into the iron cage. Rats, you pull my ears, and I step on their heads, actively grabbing food.

"I don't know how old it is. It used to belong to my brother, but as long as I can remember, it has been at my house."

"It can sleep well, doesn't it count? However, after it got sick, it slept less and its sleep was not stable."

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