Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 209 Crookshanks, IQ Level 1

A flash of surprise flashed in the witch's eyes, "It's very strange. The lifespan of an ordinary mouse is at most 3 years. My child, it may not be with you for too long. If you want a mouse that lives a long time and has some skills, you can choose it from the cage. The last one.”

The witch knocked on the iron cage, and the satiated pudding rats immediately began to play jumping tricks.

He looked lively and cute, but he couldn't move Ron's heart.

"You stinky guy who likes to show off, I only want Banban."

Ron's grunt earned Hermione an eye roll.

"Well, if you don't want to change to a mouse, then try this mouse strengthening potion."

"Your mouse is not acclimated. It is the transition of worry that has caused it to become like this."

"Strengthening medicine can alleviate its symptoms, but if you want to cure it, you need to solve the things that worry it."

After the witch finished speaking, she took down a small red bottle from the shelf full of bottles and jars at the back.

"Worried about the transition!!! It has food, drink, and a place to sleep. What is it worried about?"

After Ron was shocked, he sighed, hugged Banban and said wiltedly: "Okay, how much is a bottle of potion?"

A big ginger guy opened the cage latch with his claws and jumped on Ron's head, almost knocking him unconscious.

The big guy stepped on Ron's neck with his hind legs, stood up straight, and bared his teeth at Spots. His posture seemed to be about to swallow the mouse alive.

Banban was so frightened that his hair stood on end and his beard stood straight.

Then, like an unloaded bullet, it jumped out of Ron's hand, landed on all fours, and quickly turned over and escaped from the store.


Ron wanted to smash the big guy to death. He reached back to grab it, but the guy kicked off his hind legs and jumped into Luo Bin's arms.

Ron gave it a vicious look, then turned and chased out of the store, with Harry hot on his heels.

"Sorry, Crookshanks has a bad temper," the witch apologized.

Luo Bin: (°ο°), Crookshanks, that Crookshanks with first-level IQ, first-level adultery recognition, and first-level temper?

Luo Bin lowered his eyes and carefully looked at the big guy who put his chin on the back of his hand, purring and making a pleasant sound.

The big guy is as big as a tiger cub, with long ginger-yellow, fluffy and soft hair, and a fat tail that looks like a brush.

His face was flat, as if he had bumped into a stone wall and the 'convex surface' had become a 'flat surface'.

It's okay if his eyes are closed, but once he opens them, his persimmon face has a gloomy and ruthless charm.

Luo Bin scratched the tip of its chin, and it narrowed its eyes and straightened its neck in response.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Hermione said, eyes shining.

Luo Bin nodded against his will. If Crookshanks were more beautiful, he wouldn't have grown to the size of a little tiger and hadn't been bought yet.

"Boss, I want to buy Crewe"

"His name is Crookshanks. Boy, you have such a good eye. Crookshanks is part catnives. He is the smartest guy in the store."

"It can distinguish between good and bad conduct, understand human speech, read text, communicate with other animals, and help people solve their problems."

Hermione raised her hand to cut off the witch's words. The witch was selling melons and boasting about herself. She had seen too much and couldn't bear to listen to the witch's long talk, "How much?"

"You do not trust me?"

The witch said sadly, it seems that similar doubts have been encountered many times.

"I believe it, but I hurried out to help my friend chase Banban."

"Twelve Galleons!" the witch quoted.

"Ten Galleons, okay?" Hermione frowned.

"Son, our store does not negotiate prices, but customers will receive a 40% discount if they spend over 15 Galleons."

At this moment, Hermione deeply regretted the gorgeous but impractical quill she had impulsively bought that morning.

Otherwise, she would have enough money to buy Crookshanks.

"How much does a bottle of strengthening potion cost?" Luo Bin asked.

"Five galleons!" the witch replied with a smile.

"Let's pay together, I'll pay."

"Okay, 17 Galleons, 40% off, you pay 14 Galleons, 4 Sickles and 22 Nats."

"Robin, I don't think I want to," Hermione faltered.

"Twelve Galleons, 40% off, that's 10 Galleons, 1 Sickle, and 10 Nats. Just give me 10 Galleons, plus a few photos of French scenery. You went to France to play, and you should have taken some photos, right?"

"Shoot it and I'll keep it in hand and give it to you to pay off your debt."

Hermione was relieved. She would be happy to accept anything Robin gave her, except pets.

What she wants is a pet that is completely and uniquely hers.

After paying the bill, the two left the store and met up with Harry and the others.

When Ron saw Crookshanks, he shouted that he was going to punch him in the face. Hermione hugged her cat and escaped, saying that the most important thing now was to find Scabbers who had escaped.

Unfortunately, the four of them found it dark and even rummaged through the waste paper boxes at the back door of the store, but they still couldn't find any trace of a mouse.

Ron was so anxious that he was like a headless fly. Robin suggested that he go back to the Leaky Cauldron and ask someone to help him find it, and he put his head back on.

"Hermione, if something happens to Scabbers, I will pluck all his fur."

"Ron, the boss said that Crookshanks can tell the difference between good and bad. Did he bare his teeth at anyone along the way?"

"It's Banban's character, etc. There's something wrong with Banban. How can an ordinary mouse live for more than ten years?"

"Like people, they will be filtered by worry and suffer from worry."

"Hermione, if you want to excuse your cat, there's no need to throw dirty water on Scabbers, right?"

After Ron yelled, he strode through the courtyard corridor, Harry followed closely, and Hermione puffed her cheeks and walked side by side with Robin.

Suddenly, Crookshanks jumped out of Hermione's arms and jumped on the lid of the trash can.

Meowing, scratching out traces on the lid of the box.


There seemed to be something in the box. It was frightened and it burrowed deeper into the garbage in a panic.

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.) Oh, I spent the whole afternoon looking for it, but they were sleeping in the garbage.


Robin picked up Crookshanks and shouted.

"What's up?"

Ron's tone was a bit harsh, he was still angry.

Luo Bin raised his chin towards the trash can.


"It's Banban's voice. I've been with it for more than ten years, and I will never hear it wrong."

Ron rushed forward quickly, not wanting to be dirty, and put his hand into the garbage to rummage.

Finally, I caught a skinny mouse with beaten hair and stains all over it.

"Here, take it."

Ron took the small red bottle, smiled and went to hug Luo Bin, but stopped when he saw the gloomy persimmon face.

Robin walked through the patio and entered the bar, where he saw the Weasley family.

Percy sat sideways on the table, holding a thick gold-gilded book, telling Ginny how to distinguish between aroids and pinellia.

Ginny's eyes were dim and she didn't seem to understand.

Fred stood behind Percy and quietly threw a small beetle into his cup. George winked, hinting the four of them not to tell Percy what had just happened.

Ms. Molly was chatting with a group of red-haired witches, and Mr. Arthur was leaning at the table reading a newspaper. The content in it was enough to kill mosquitoes with his brows.

Luo Bin walked lightly, walked behind Arthur, and lowered his eyes to read what was written in the newspaper.

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