Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 210 Padfoot, still at large

Black is still at large

It has been confirmed that Sirius Black is still at large, and no one knows how he escaped from Azkaban Prison by evading guards.

Cornelius Fudge said: The Aurors are pursuing them with all their strength, and he implores the wizarding community to remain calm.

Some members of the International Confederation of Wizards severely criticized Fudge, saying that he should not have spread panic to the Muggle world.

In response, Fudge responded: Black is a madman and will not abide by any laws. He does not want to see the tragedy of "a curse that killed thirteen Muggles" twelve years ago. Moreover, the Muggle Prime Minister has promised not to reveal Sirius Black's true identity to anyone, including his closest subordinates.

Muggles were told that Black was an extreme terrorist and carried a gun (a weapon that in the Muggle world is extremely harmful and can cause death).

Below the text was a photo of Sirius when he was arrested twelve years ago.

Frizzy hair, white skin, haggard face, depressed eyes.

When the scene started moving, he roared around like a sick lion that had been starved for a month.

Well, no wonder many people would use 'madman' to describe him.

"Arthur~" Molly shouted loudly in the distance.

Only then did Arthur realize that there were four people standing behind him, and he quickly folded up the newspaper.

"My dear, I'm so happy to see you."

Molly didn't even say hello to the red-haired witch, she rushed over and pulled the four of them away.

She exchanged nervous glances with Arthur as she looked for something to chat about.

Obviously, they were hiding something from a few people.

This tense and uneasy state between them lasted until the end of the dinner. Arthur seemed to be unable to hold it in any longer. Under Molly's dissatisfied and angry eyes, he pulled Harry away.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Harry knocked on the door of Robin, Ron, and Hermione, saying that he had something important to tell them.

After he pulled the three of them to his room, he told what Mr. Arthur had said to him.

Arthur said that Sirius Black was a Death Eater. Twelve years ago, when Harry allowed 'that man's' magic to be destroyed and disappear, Black also lost everything.

However, until now, he was still loyal to 'that person'. He believed that it was Harry's existence that prevented his master from returning.

His purpose in escaping from prison was to kill Harry.

At the end of the conversation, Arthur made Harry swear not to go to Black no matter what he heard.

After Harry finished speaking, Ron was stunned and Hermione grabbed Robin's arm with both hands.

"In other words, Blake escaped from prison because of you!" Ron said in surprise.

"Black will definitely be caught, right? The Aurors are looking for him." Hermione said.

"Of course!" Ron agreed, then said uneasily: "But no one has ever escaped from Azkaban before, and he is a brutal lunatic."

After hearing this, Harry was so nervous that he dug his nails into his pants.

"Harry, assuming Mr. Arthur is right, the abilities of Voldemort's followers should be lower than Voldemort himself, right? In his heyday, Voldemort did not dare to easily break into Hogwarts where Dumbledore was guarding him. What about his followers?" Luo Bin comforted.

"But, I haven't gone back to school yet!"

Ron shook his head in disapproval, "He can escape from Azkaban, what place is there that he can't enter?"

"'Can' and 'Do you dare' are two different things!" Hermione retorted.

"I'm thinking, Mr. Arthur, why do you want me to swear 'never go find Black'?"

"Wouldn't it be stupid to find a madman who wants to kill him?" Ron said confused.

Luo Bin: →_→, Saonian, you don’t understand! In the eyes of outsiders, Black was James' best friend and Harry's godfather, but he betrayed his promise and killed James and Lily. Harry knew "everything" and was determined to seek revenge from Black!

"So, Mr. Arthur, he didn't tell the whole story." Hermione said with her chin high.


A faint whistle, like a mosquito buzzing, sounded in the room.

"Where did it come from?" Hermione asked.

Luo Bin stood up, walked around in a circle, and then his eyes fell on the suitcase on the top of the wardrobe, "It came from the suitcase."

Harry brought a four-legged stool and stepped on it to reach the luggage rack.

After a while, he took out a small, metal tube-shaped thing with lenses embedded at both ends from a robe in the box.

The thing emitted dazzling light and whistled while spinning rapidly in his hand.

"It's the looking glass beeping."

After Harry finished speaking, Hermione got off the sofa and looked around for suspicious dangerous objects.

The looking glass is a magical device that can sense danger. When there are suspicious people, monsters, or bad things around, it will light up, rotate, and whistle to alert the owner.

"Stop looking for it." Ron looked a little unnatural, "Well, it's on sale. When I tied it to Errol's paw in Egypt, it had a slight problem. Only me and Scabbers were around. , but it kept lighting up.”

"Egypt is not close to Surrey, and Errol is too old to fly smoothly, but I have no other way to give Harry a gift."

"I think that by the time the looking glass is delivered to Privet Drive, the 'minor problem' has turned into a 'big problem'. When I return to school, I can take it to the village and let the owner of the magic weapon shop take a look at it."

"I also want to go to the village. I heard that the shops there are all very unique and interesting. Unfortunately, Uncle Vernon and Minister Fudge refused to sign my permission form."

Harry said, stuffing the speculum into a pair of ugly five-toed socks, and the speculum immediately stopped spinning.

"If you want to go to the village, you don't have to take the main road. Fred and George know every passage leading to the outside of the castle. However, they always refuse to tell me the secret passage because I am too young."

"Ron, don't come up with bad ideas. What if Harry sneaks into the village and meets Black?" Hermione said displeased.

"Ron, Black is chasing Harry. He left school privately.

"Black wouldn't dare if Harry walked with us"

"Please, stop saying stupid things. Black doesn't take other lives seriously. He once caused chaos in a crowded street and killed a dozen Muggles, didn't he?"

Ron was silent.


Outside the room, there was an impatient knock on the door.

As soon as Luo Bin opened the door, he felt something rubbing his calf and walking into the house.

Then, he saw a ginger figure rushing towards Ron in the air, and quickly reached out to stop it.

Crookshanks struggled on all fours, staring at Ron's bulging chest with gloomy and fierce eyes.

"Robin, hold him tight. Hermione, Errol has an old cage. It's big. It won't be a problem to hold a small cat."

"Thank you, no need, just keep it for you Banban!"

"Harry, see you tomorrow."

Ron couldn't defeat Hermione, so he said hello to Harry and went back to his room.

The three chatted for a while and agreed on a departure time tomorrow morning. Robin and Hermione also left the room.

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