Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 211 Express Train, Revolver Reappears

The next morning, a group of people dragged a large pile of things across the zebra crossing and waited for the Ministry of Magic's special car opposite the bar.

Ron breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Crookshanks being put in a wicker basket.

However, when he heard Hermione say to her cat, "If you feel sorry for yourself, I'll let you out as soon as you get on the train," his heart was in doubt again.

Ron asked Harry and Robin for help, hoping that 3V1 would convince Hermione not to let the cat out.

However, Harry didn't want to anger Hermione, so Robin suggested buying a mouse cage with a denser grid! !

Ron snapped that Scabbers was free.

So, until 10:40, the group took two old-fashioned dark green cars and arrived at King's Cross Station. On the express train, there was still no conclusion on who should be restricted from movement, Crookshanks or Banban.

After all the luggage was loaded onto the simple cart, the driver, who was wearing a velvet green suit, gave Mr. Arthur a hat-tipping salute and then drove to the front of the queue of cars waiting at the red light.

Ginny watched in amazement.

"Let's go, push the luggage and go into the station." Ms. Molly said.

When entering the station, Mr. Arthur walked next to Harry like a bodyguard.

After entering the station, everyone walked to the ninth platform in batches and pretended to be casual, passing through the passage on the partition wall.

Luo Bin ran to platform 9 and saw the 5972 express train, which was smoking thickly and had stopped at the platform.

The chattering crowd was dragging their heavy luggage to the car.

He also saw Percy, whose face turned pink, stroking his hair and pushing out his chest so that the bright and beautiful Penello not far away noticed the student union president badge on his chest.

Penelo was able to fall in love with Percy, obviously because of his tricks.

She smiled and rushed forward, wanting to have a French kiss as if no one else was watching.

However, Percy paid too much attention to the badge, and then the two of them got on the train one after another.

"Oh, now that Percy has become chairman, Penelope will suffer."

"How about making a bet to see how long they can last!"

Fred and George looked at each other and laughed.

"That's enough, stop teasing Percy and get in the car." Ms. Molly held Ginny's hand and frowned.

"Percy, not only is he the Chairman; he's"

"Mom is still very proud."

The two of them avoided Molly's big hand and rushed forward with laughter.

After a while, Ron and Harry also passed through the passage.

Then, with Harry taking the lead and Robin following, the four of them walked along the crowded train aisle to the last empty carriage, clattering and putting away their luggage.


As the train spewed steam and slowly turned its wheels, Mr. Arthur's face was suddenly pressed against the window.

Ci La ~

Ron, who was sitting inside, opened the window.

"Harry, remember, no matter what you hear, don't go to Black. You have to promise me that you will never go to that madman."

Mr. Arthur gasped.

"Sir, why do you think I would go to someone who wanted to kill me?"

Harry stood up, bent down and scratched the window sill and asked in confusion.

"Don't ask so many questions, just do as I say."

Harry wanted to ask more questions, but the train sped up and he stuck his head out of the window.

When he saw Molly dragging Arthur, she looked like an angry tiger.

He could only sit back to his seat with a lot of questions.

His listless state continued into the afternoon.

At half past one, the sound of wheels turning and the laughter and noise of students suddenly came from the corridor.


A short, fat, dimple-faced witch opened the compartment door and said, "My dear, the journey is still long. Do you want to buy some snacks to kill the time?"

Ron held up the corned beef sandwich, "Thanks, I brought this."

"Ma'am, I'd like some bags of gummies and white chocolate," Hermione said, rubbing the tips of Crookshanks' ears.

"Ma'am, I'd like a bottle of water, thank you."

"The train has launched a new passion fruit juice. Buy one and get one free. It is a great product to quench your thirst."

Luo Bin raised his eyes and looked at the cart. The bottom layer was filled with opaque drink bottles with passion fruit patterns. He looked at the smiling witch again and said, "Okay, one bottle of water and two bottles of concentrated drinks." Pulp.”

Harry felt that he needed to divert his attention, so he walked over to the cart and bought a lot of snacks with his fingers.


After collecting the money, the witch closed the box door, clicked, and pushed the car away.

Harry piled snacks on the table for everyone to take, and started talking about interesting things about the summer vacation.

For example, Aunt Maggie's big house in the country is no different from a 'kennel'.

The barking of dogs 24 hours a day has attracted many complaints.

When Maggie came to stay at the Dursleys' house, she didn't forget to bring her precious bulldog, Lippi.

When Aunt Petunia entertained Maggie, she brought out an expensive, out-of-print tea set, but Maggie put the tea cup in the corner to serve as Lippi's drinking bowl.

Petunia was so angry that she had a long face, but she could only laugh along with it.

Ron munched on a pork and onion pie while telling vivid stories about Fred and George's exploits during the summer vacation.

Changing Percy's ink to 'volatile ink' caused Percy to rewrite the paper.

She struggled to plug fireworks into the bathtub outlet, causing Ginny to cry and run into Molly's arms.

Adding mustard puree to roan kubo (Egyptian delicacy of lentils, rice, macaroni, and various sauces) made him drink three buckets of water.

Hermione ate her snacks and previewed her textbooks.

Crookshanks pressed his head against her wrist, wanting to taste the white chocolate, but she put the rest of the white chocolate into her schoolbag.

Crookshanks meowed towards the bag, jumped onto Robin's lap, and stared at his chin.

Staring at it, he fell asleep.

At around three o'clock, it started to rain lightly outside the car, the sky was gray, and the rolling mountains outside the window were covered with a layer of blue-gray fog, making them blurry.


The box door was pushed open forcefully. Malfoy curled his lips and looked at the four people arrogantly. Crabbe and Goyle, who were like mountains of meat, stood beside him on the left and right.

We haven’t seen each other for more than two months, and the three villains have changed quite a lot.

Malfoy's height has increased a lot.

His skin was as pale as putty mixed with green powder, and his face became pointed and elongated. When he raised his eyebrows, three large folds appeared on his forehead.

Crabbe had gained a lot of weight, and his height had increased significantly. He was taller than the seniors in the sixth and seventh grades. His neck was as thick as a bucket, and he also had a haircut like a small bowl.

Gore developed 'horizontally' and turned into a big ball of flesh. Every time he made a small movement, the flesh on his body would tremble three or four times.

"Hey, look who's sitting here."

Malfoy sneered, and then said in a mocking, drawn-out tone: "It's Scarhead, a poor bastard, no one wants him, He Ni."

Robin took out the ebony wand and played with it in his hand. Malfoy swallowed in fear, and then, as if he remembered something, his expression suddenly became cunning.

"You haven't arrived at Hogwarts yet. You can't do magic, unless you want to get a warning letter!"

Robin took back his wand and took out a revolver? ? ?

"Malfoy, you should have read Black's report in the Daily Prophet, right? The 'gun' mentioned above is this thing."

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