Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 212: Isn’t throwing yourself into your arms as good as pinching your thighs?

Malfoy's smile froze. After looking around the box, his eyes fell on Ron. "Poor man, I heard that your father finally got some gold this summer. Is your mother very happy?"

"Hey, after making a little fortune, I just eat and drink, travel to other countries, and have no sense of saving or managing money. No wonder I'm so poor all the time that I can't afford to take the blame."

"Don't stop me, I'm going to tear off his scalp and flatten his nose."

Harry blocked the exit and hugged Ron's waist tightly, preventing him from getting out.

Luo Bin glanced at it and took a sip. He was so sour that he didn't want to take a second bite of the passion fruit syrup. An 'evil' plan suddenly popped up in his mind.


The bottle becomes empty.

Gore felt something, something cold and sticky, spurting out of his body. He reached back and touched it, and then put it between his nose. He was so sore that he almost sent himself away on the spot.

He put his hands behind his back so that his wide sleeves could cover the soaked area. Then he clamped his thighs and stepped back little by little.

"You two, stop here. I'm just a poor bastard who eats slugs. What are you afraid of?"

Malfoy's gray eyes burned with rage.


Goyle turned to the left and found that Crabbe's posture was the same as his own, "I need to go to the toilet."

"Me too!"

"Bad excuse!"

"I'm not lying, I can't hold it in anymore."

Goyle pushed Malfoy's arm away, held his thighs and butt between his legs, and walked quickly past two or three boxes. Then, the sour liquid came out, causing bursts of ridicule, retching and abuse.

"Leave far away."


Crabbe became more muscular, so he walked safely through the boxes and arrived at the bathroom.

Malfoy glared at the four of them and left with a cold face.

Ron sat back down and said with a smile: "Look, Lady Luck is on my side."

"Really?" Hermione said thoughtfully, looking at the drink bottle on the table.

Robin raised his eyebrows and silently put the drink bottle and toy gun into the magic cloth bag. Not to mention, Grant's 'precise throwing' and 'hoe digging' skills were quite useful.

"Malfoy made a fuss. The rest of the journey should be very long."


A loud bang cut off Harry's words.

Luo Bin turned to look out the window. It was raining heavily, and the glass windows turned a watery gray. The color of the sky gradually changed from 'gray' to 'black'.


The train slowed down.


The train swayed and stopped, and there was a banging sound in the distance. It must be someone's luggage swinging off the shelf.

"It's still early before arriving at the station, why did the train stop?" Hermione asked confused.

Luo Bin stood up and opened the door of the box and looked towards the aisle. He found that many people poked their heads out of the box and looked around curiously.

He closed the box door and sat back in his seat.

Bang bang~

All the lights on the train were turned off, and everything was dark.

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

Luo Bin took out a medium-sized luminous pearl, and the box became bright again.

Ron used his sleeve to wipe away a small piece of condensation on the car window. He pressed his face against the car window and looked out, "There is something outside, it seems like someone is getting on the car."


The train swayed suddenly, and a freezing cold air enveloped the entire train. The water mist on the windows instantly condensed into ice, as did the half-drunk water on the table.

"Then what is that?"

Luo Bin followed the direction of Ron's finger and looked towards the box door.

Under the bright light of the night pearl, there was a tall and large shadow on the frosted glass door, with clothes broken into strips of cloth and dancing randomly.

The dark shadow stretched out its long and thin hand, and clicked it against the door. Harry held his breath, Ron clutched the stain on his chest, and Hermione dug her nails into Robin's thigh.

Luo Bin: ~, hiss, throw it into your arms, isn’t it better than pinching your thighs?


The box door was pushed open, and the true face of the black shadow came into view.

It wore a tattered black cloak, its face completely hidden under the hood.

The whole body seemed to have been soaked in water. The long, thin hand that stretched out of the hood was gray-white, covered with spots and mucus, and glowed with an eerie cold light.

Suddenly, the rotten hand retracted into the folds of the cloak.

Then, the hood narrowed, and there was a gurgling sound inside. It took a long breath, but what it sucked in was not only the surrounding air, but also people's happiness and courage.

An even more biting chill swept across the entire box.

Luo Bin felt the chill seep into his skin, invade his chest, and enter his heart.

Plunging him into boundless darkness, loneliness, hesitation, fear, tension, etc., came over him like a stormy sea, making him breathless.

Damn it, no wonder most of the prisoners in Azkaban turn into lunatics.

Who can bear this happening every now and then?

Luo Bin hurriedly activated the green mushroom's 'Soul Guard' skill. In his mind, a dazzling light pierced the darkness, and the chill dissipated like an ebbing tide.

He stood up and strode to the door, "There's no Blake here, you can go."

The hood slowly turned and was aimed at Luo Bin's face. He felt all the air around him rush into the hood.


Luo Bin closed the door, and the air in the box suddenly stopped flowing outward. The black shadow outside the door lingered for dozens of seconds, then fluttered away.

Robin turned around and saw Crookshanks in Hermione's arms looking at him curiously. He saw Ron wrapping his clothes tightly and muttering about how cold he was. He saw Harry lying on the table with a pale face. There were drops of blood on the lips.

He sat back down and handed Harry a piece of paper and a bag of chocolates, "Are you okay?"

Harry wiped the blood from his mouth and chewed a few big bites of chocolate before he felt a little better. "What was that just now?"

"The Dementors, the guards of Azkaban, should be searching for Black to see if he got into the train." Robin said.

"Crazy, there are students in the car, who will cover for Blake?" Ron roared after getting out.

"The train has stopped, how do we get back to school?" Harry asked confused.

"The dementors will leave if they can't find anyone. It won't be long before the train starts again."

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the car lights came on one by one, the train beeped a few times, and then slowly headed north.

The wind was howling outside the window, and dense raindrops were beating on the windows. When the train stopped at Hogsmeade Station, the rain was still falling.

The platform was freezing. Hagrid held an oil lamp high and led away the first-year students. They had to take a boat across the Black Lake and then climb up the hill to the castle.

Luo Bin and the others followed the crowd to the intersection of a rough and muddy path south of the platform. There were hundreds of horseless carriages parked on the roadside.

"Horses are invisible?" Harry said, walking up to an empty carriage.

"It's not a horse, it's a magical animal that's smart, beautiful, and has a strong sense of direction."

Luna raised her hand high and stroked the empty carriage head, with a look of joy and surprise on her face.

"What are you touching? There's nothing there!" Ron said in shock.

Luna didn't answer. After lightly tapping the air with her hand a few times, she turned around and followed Ginny into a carriage.

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