Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 213 Old bat, hates moon face

"Can you see anything on the front of the car?" Ron asked.

Harry and Hermione shook their heads.

Luo Bin stepped directly onto the carriage. He knew that Luna was petting a creature called Thestral.

It is mentioned in the original book that the Thestral has a black body, a head like a dragon, a body like a horse, large bat-like wings on the shoulder blades, silver eyes without pupils, and it occasionally preys on small birds.

Moreover, only those who have truly witnessed death can see the Thestral.

However, this ‘seeing’ condition should have some additional conditions.

After all, he and Harry had witnessed Quirrell disappear into ashes, but they couldn't see the Thestral.

"Crazy girl, really crazy." Hermione said after getting in the car.

Pa da~

As soon as Harry closed the door, the carriage jolted forward.

I don’t know what this carriage has been pulling before, but there is a faint smell of musty and straw in the carriage.

Through the car window, you can see the carriage going around the Black Lake and driving against the tall wall on one side.

After a while, Robin saw the circular ball gate of the Quidditch pitch standing in the rain.

However, Harry, who turned his face to the window on the right, saw the village of Hogsmeade with scattered houses.

After another minute, the carriage turned and drove into the entrance of Hogwarts.

At the entrance, there are two very impressive wrought iron doors.

There are stone pillars on both sides of the door, and on the top of the pillars are wild boars with wings.

In addition, there is an eerie dementor floating on both sides of the door.

The hem of the robe like rags was floating in the rain curtain, which was extremely eerie.

"Well, some of them have suffered this year." Ron said resentfully.

Harry lowered his head, not wanting to be seen by the dementors.

Hermione wanted to pinch Robin's thigh, but was stopped.

Then she pressed her head against her strong chest.

After the carriage passed through the wrought iron gate, it began to accelerate uphill, and not long after, it stopped at the back gate of the castle.

Pa da~

Harry opened the door and got out of the carriage first, followed by Ron, Hermione and Robin.

After Robin came down, he saw Goyle and Crabbe changing into new clothes. Malfoy was standing far away from them. He also saw Lupin carrying a tattered suitcase and wearing a patchwork robe.

"Who is he?" Ron asked, pointing at Lupin.

"Probably the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," Hermione said.

"Well, it's hard for him to stay in school for too long."

The four of them stepped up the stone steps, passed through the majestic oak door, and entered the spacious and long foyer.

As soon as he walked through the doorway and entered the auditorium, he heard a voice behind him shouting: "Potter, Granger, you two come with me."

The four of them turned around and saw Professor Minerva McGonagall with high sideburns and bright green robes.

"Professor, I didn't mean what happened to my Aunt Maggie. Minister Fudge said I won't be punished."

Harry explained anxiously as he didn't want to cover the day so he walked out of the castle in despair.

"There is no need to be nervous. I want to talk to you two about other things in the office. Lestrange, Weasley, go to the Great Hall."


Luo Bin looked at the three retreating figures and recalled the plot of the original novel.

Covering the night!

McGonagall came to Harry because she was worried about whether the dementors might cause harm to him when they searched the car.

The purpose of finding Hermione is to get her a time turner so that she can take 2 to 3 courses at the same time.

"Let's go, Robin!" Ron urged.

Tonight, the ceiling of the auditorium was covered with dark clouds and bursts of thunder and lightning. After they took their seats, they took a seat for Hermione and Harry.

After the Sorting Ceremony, Harry and Hermione returned to the Great Hall and sat down.

Hermione's eyebrows were curved, her smile was thick, and her little hands frequently touched her collar.

Harry looked confused. He opened his bloody mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but then Dumbledore, who was sitting in the guest seat, stood up and spoke.

Dumbledore's long beard shone in the candlelight, "Welcome, welcome everyone back to Hogwarts. Before everyone gets dizzy, I have a few more words to say. "

"First of all, I am happy to tell you that Professor Remus John Lupin has agreed to serve as the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Good luck to you, Professor."

Dumbledore turned sideways and looked at the staff seat. Lupine stood up and greeted everyone with a smile.

Next to the long dining table, there were several cold and sparse applause. After all, the reputation of the previous predecessors was there.

The applause from the faculty seats was quite loud.

But several people noticed that Snape stared at Lupine with an almost hateful look.

"What's going on between them?" Harry asked.

Luo Bin: (°ο°), the old bat almost died under the claws of a wolf, is this considered a holiday?

After the applause calmed down, Dumbledore continued: "Unfortunately, Ketel Burne, the teacher who teaches Care of Magical Creatures, retired at the end of last semester because he wanted to have more time to experience the joy of life. "

"But luckily, I managed to find a teacher to take over for him - Rubeus Hagrid."

The auditorium suddenly boiled, and the applause was louder than the thunder outside. Gryffindor slapped the table and shouted. Hagrid's face turned red. He looked down at his big hands helplessly. Finally, he grabbed the tablecloth and wiped his eyes. .

Dumbledore raised his hand and pressed it down, and the applause gradually subsided, "One more thing. At the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will receive a group of special guests, dementors from Azkaban. Guest to Sirius Black in net.”

"They will be stationed at every entrance of the school. No tricks, tricks or disguises can fool them, not even invisibility cloaks."

"Although, the Ministry of Magic guarantees that dementors will not enter the school and affect our daily activities."

"But I still want to remind you that dementors are extremely evil creatures. They can't distinguish between prey and people who are blocking their way. Therefore, I warn everyone, don't give them a reason to hurt you. Dementors are not born with the ability to forgive. .”

"I hope that the prefects of each house and the newly elected Head Boy will ensure that no students come into conflict with the dementors."

When Dumbledore saw that everyone was silent and some even looked panicked, he waved his hand. In an instant, the gold plates, silver plates, and large goblets on the dining table were filled with food and drinks.

"No matter how dark it is, happiness is everywhere. As long as we light up the heart lamp, let's enjoy the delicious food."

The appearance of delicious food swept away everyone's low mood, and the auditorium once again echoed with laughter, and the clang of knives and forks.

The dinner ended at ten o'clock. Robin and the others followed the large group and climbed to the eighth floor. After Percy said the password, everyone climbed into the lounge one by one.

After returning to the dormitory, Ron fell asleep. Robin and Harry packed their luggage, washed briefly, and then climbed into the curtain.

The next day, early morning, first floor, auditorium.

While several people were eating pork chop sandwiches, Professor McGonagall approached the long dining table. After she distributed the new class schedule to the students, she hurriedly turned up the stone stairs.

Luo Bin held the class schedule and carefully looked at the course arrangements above.

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