Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 214 The boaster, Sir Cadogan

Monday, morning: Divination/Arithmetic/Muggle Studies, Transfiguration, Afternoon: Care of Magical Creatures, Charms

Tuesday, morning: Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, afternoon: Divination/Arithmetic/Muggle Studies, evening: Astronomy

Wednesday, morning: Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, afternoon: Transfiguration, Charms

Thursday, morning: History of Magic, Potions (two sessions), afternoon: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology

Friday, morning: Herbology, Potions, afternoon: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ancient Runes

Gee, the third grade courses are really full.

"Hermione, you have taken all the electives, right?" Luo Bin asked.

"Well! Great, we're going to start a new science class today." Hermione said happily, holding the class schedule.

"Well, there are three classes to be held at 9 o'clock in the morning. Why do you want to appear in three classrooms at the same time?" Ron said in shock.

"Don't be silly, no one can take three classes at the same time."

Hermione put away her timetable and took away the fried sausages from Robin's plate. Robin took away her apple juice. When he looked up inadvertently, he saw Hagrid walking into the auditorium.

Hagrid, still wearing his thick moleskin coat, looking nervous and excited, swung a dead polecat (a close relative of the ferret) toward the staff table.

Then, the polecat's head and Snape's 'wet hair' were thrown around.

Snape put down his knife and fork, glanced at Hagrid, and left with a cold face.

After breakfast, a few people took their textbooks and went to the first class of school - divination class.

The divination classroom is on the roof of the north tower, about 10 minutes away from the main castle.

The four of them walked through the foyer, walked out of the castle, walked around in a large circle, and walked into a towering castle.

Then, I climbed up the stairs and came to a strange, curved platform with no end in sight. Through the windows on the stone wall of the platform, I could see a corner of the Black Lake.

"Well, we're going in the wrong direction," Ron panted.

"Impossible. I remember the route marked on the map very clearly. I never took the wrong route." Hermione retorted.

"But the Black Lake is to the south of the entire castle!" Harry frowned.

When the three of them were wondering whether they were going the wrong way, Luo Bin studied a large picture on the stone wall.

In the painting, there was an empty green grassland. Suddenly, a short, plump gray horse walked into the frame and ate the green grass slowly.

A moment later, a short, fat knight wearing armor and struggling to lift a sword rushed into the painting. The knight's armor was covered with grass stains.

He held down the pony's back, raised his right leg, and tried to get on, but the pony suddenly turned around and kicked the knight over with its hind legs.

The grass, squat and unpopular with the gray horse, is that Sir Cadogan, the king of cowhide, has not run away.

In the original novel, Cadogan is a hot-tempered and excitable man, brave to the point of stupidity, but not a bad-hearted little man.

Cadogan performed many "brave and fearless" deeds in his life, the most famous of which was the "Dual Dragon Showdown on the Wye River".

In the first duel, the dragon ate Cadogan's horse, bit off his wand, and breathed fire that burned his sword and helmet.

After Cadogan saved his life, he stumbled to a nearby meadow, grabbed the pony that was grazing leisurely, and rode it back to the battlefield. He raised the only half of his wand high and planned to fight to the death (heroic sacrifice). ).

When the bipedal dragon lowered its head and opened its mouth to swallow Cadogan and the pony, the splintered wood from the wand pierced its tongue, igniting the gas ejected from its stomach.

Then, the bipedal dragon exploded and exploded into countless pieces of flesh.

In modern times, many old wizards are still willing to use the proverb "I will bring Cadogan's pony" to express "I will do my best no matter the cost".

"It's almost 9 o'clock, what should we do?" Harry asked with a frown.

"Look for someone to ask for directions." After Luo Bin finished speaking, he tapped the picture frame with his fingers.

The vibration of the portrait made Cadogan notice the presence of the four people. He angrily pulled out the sword from its scabbard, waving the sword wildly while jumping up and down angrily.

"Bad bastard, you broke into Sir's private property to see my joke about not being able to ride a horse, right? Pull out your weapons, you bad bastards, local dogs, and deadbeats!"

Luo Bin: →_→, I almost forgot, besides being grumpy and brave, this guy also has a bad mouth.

In the painting, Cadogan wielded his sword and wanted to duel with four people. However, the sword was too long and heavy for him. He jumped too hard, lost his balance, and fell face down. The long sword was also deeply inserted into the grass.

"Sir, we didn't mean to break in here. We're lost. Excuse me, do you know how to get to the top of the North Tower?" Harry asked, leaning closer to the picture.

Cadogan knew that the four of them were lost students, and his expression suddenly changed from 'violent and angry' to 'enthusiastic'.

"Finding the Divination Classroom will be a fantastic expedition. Follow me. We will either find the target or die heroically."

After saying that, he continued to draw his sword with no success. After holding down the horse's back with both hands, he raised, dropped, and raised his right foot several times, but failed to get on it.

Finally, Cadogan took a running stance and said, "Sir, madam, you must follow me closely and charge forward, brave knight."


(sound of armor shaking)

Cadogan rushed out of the frame, and the next second, he appeared in a painting of ladies dressed up for a party. The ladies raised their hoop skirts in panic and cursed him as a fanatic.

"Follow him quickly!" Luo Bin urged.

Afterwards, the four of them looked for the crackling sound, walked around the curved platform, climbed up the spiral stairs, and came to a turning platform with a picture of a mysterious monk hanging next to it.

"Go, the target is above. Farewell, my comrades, if you need the help of a noble mind and a strong body in the future, call upon the brave Sir Cadogan."

After saying that, he overturned the alms bowl in the monk's hand and ran downstairs with a clang.


"Ron, don't say that, he just helped us."

Cadogan's shortcomings cannot cover up those shining and admirable advantages. After Luo Bin finished speaking, he led the three people to climb half a flight of stairs and came to a long small platform.

The students gathered on the small platform, with air on three sides and a stone wall on one side, chattering about where to find the entrance to the classroom.

"The entrance is on the ceiling. There is a round trap door with a bronze plate there." Luo Bin reminded him loudly after scanning around.

Everyone stopped discussing and raised their necks to look at the dusty ceiling.

"But how do you get up there and fly?"

As soon as Parvati finished speaking, the trap door opened automatically with a creak. Then, a silver ladder slowly stretched from the door to the platform. Everyone stepped on the ladder one by one and climbed to the top of the building.

On the top, there is a very strange classroom, like a combination of a dark attic + an old-fashioned teahouse.

In the classroom, there are about twenty small round tables covered with red velvet cloth, and there are armchairs on both sides of each round table.

On the side of the room, there was a large burning fireplace, with a large copper teapot placed on the stove.

When the wood burns, it emits a strong, dizzying aroma.

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