Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 217 Taming the hippogriff, Buckbeak

After lunch, they rested for a while, then walked to the hunting lodge to gather with the "Monster Book of Monsters" in their arms.

Afterwards, together with other students, they followed Hagrid to a small paddock at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

The paddock was empty, with nothing there except a fallen, smooth boulder.

"We're here. Find a place to stand, turn the textbook to page 49, and wait in the paddock. I'll bring the magical animals over."

Hagrid stood by the boulder and shouted, waving his arms.

"How do you turn the pages of this book?" Malfoy asked coldly.

"Rub the spine first, of course."

Hagrid took Robin's textbook and opened the magic binding on it.

The textbook opened its mouth to bite his beard, but as soon as the thick fingertips touched the spine of the book, it trembled as if the shutdown button had been pressed, and quietly opened the pages.

"To avoid being bitten, remember to stroke the spine first before opening the straps, unless you have as much strength as I do."

After Hagrid finished speaking, he turned and walked into the forest.

Malfoy saw the two followers caressing the spine of the book - untying the straps - turning the pages of the book, and after not being attacked by Big Mouth, he stroked the spine of his own book.

However, the unlucky Neville forgot Hagrid's instructions and untied the books without touching the spine.

Then, he opened his mouth, clicked the book between his teeth, and threw him to the ground.

He struggled to sit up, and the thick book bounced and hit his chest, knocking him to the ground.

"Who can save me?"

Luo Bin stepped forward, bent down and stroked the spine of the book. The thick book trembled for a moment, then lay quietly on Neville's chest.

"Thank you!" Neville said gratefully after getting up.

"Stupid pig, are you stroking the book, or is the book stroking you?"

Malfoy glanced at Neville and sarcastically said to Robin: "That's so funny. That fool also comes to teach. My father has heard about it and will definitely do it."

"Shut up, no one is talking to you."

After Robin finished speaking, he took away Neville who was picking up the broken pages of the book.

After a while, Hagrid returned to the paddock. He put his thumb and forefinger into his mouth and whistled twice as loudly.

Everyone immediately closed the thick books and turned to look at him.

"It's coming, don't blink."

Hagrid clapped his hands, and the bushes in the distance immediately began to sway.

It seemed like someone was rushing towards the paddock.

After about ten seconds, the guy got out of the bushes, and his true appearance was exposed to everyone.

That guy had stormy gray feathers and down, bright orange eyes, and an iron-blue sharp beak.

It has a horse-like body, hind legs and tail, head, wings, and front legs, but it looks like an eagle. The claws at the bottom of the front legs are a full 15cm long.

The weird and strange appearance caused gasps and screams.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

After the weird guy stopped, Hagrid roared happily, but no one echoed him.

"It's called Buckbeak, and he's a hippogriff. This kind of beast is very proud at heart, and hates being offended. Don't be rude to it, or its sharp claws will tear your flesh and blood."

"Okay, who wants to come up and say hello to it?"

At this time, laughter came from the right rear of the crowd.

Robin turned around and saw Malfoy saying something with a wicked smile on his face, while Goyle and Crabbe nodded in agreement.

"Who wants to come first?"

As soon as he finished speaking, most of the students took a few steps back in fear.

The rest were silent. Hagrid rubbed the tip of his nose with a helpless look in his eyes.

Luo Bin quickly looked around and found that no one wanted to be the 'first to eat crabs', "I'll do it!"

"Well done, Robin." Hagrid said with relief.

Robin walked quickly to the other end of the paddock. Hagrid put his hand on his shoulder and said softly: "Out of politeness, you have to let it move first. You walk over and look at Buckbeak. Then, look at him Bow well and wait to see if it responds. If it does, you can go up and touch it. If it doesn't, just keep waiting."


Robin walked lightly and slowly walked towards Buckbeak, with gasps coming from behind him from time to time.

"No, don't go there."

Buckbeak heard the shouting and neighed several times at the crowd in fright.

"Shut up, Lavender," Hermione scolded in a low voice.

On the other side, Robin, who was five meters away from Buckbeak, successfully caught his eye.


Robin complied and bowed towards it. Just as he raised his head, Hagrid spoke again.

"Don't blink, or Buckbeak won't trust you."

Luo Bin: ヽ( # `Д)ノ, you can’t blink, why didn’t you say it earlier? ?

Buckbeak didn't return the greeting. He stared at Robin arrogantly.

Suddenly, it straightened its neck, neighed forward, and flapped its eagle-like wings.

In an instant, dust mixed with fallen leaves flew towards Luo Bin, making his eyes water.

However, he refused to admit defeat and never moved his eyelids up and down.

After a while, the dust storm gradually stopped. Buckbeak swung his pony tail wildly and walked forward one meter, spraying white mist from his nostrils.

Hermione raised her wand, and Ron wanted to persuade her to put it down, but the sharp look in his eyes made him speechless.

"Back off, Robin, back off." Hagrid saw Buckbeak raising his claws and shouted in panic.

Robin didn't move, still staring into the other person's orange eyes. Hagrid quickly got the leather collar with chain and the dead polecat.

At this time, Buckbeak took a half-step forward with his left front leg, and bent his right front knee backward. Then, he half-spread his wings, lowered his head, and assumed an unmistakable bowing posture.

"Good job, Robin."

Hagrid threw away the collar and threw the polecat to the right. Buckbeak opened his sharp beak to catch the polecat, swallowed it in two or three mouthfuls.

"Okay, you can come up and touch it."

Robin stretched his arms forward and walked towards Buckbeak.

"Remember, be polite, slow down, and let it move first." Hagrid reminded in a low voice.

Time passed by, and gradually, Robin was only one meter away from Buckbeak. At this distance, if he took a big step, he could see his sharp beak.

However, Buckbeak took several steps back and clucked his wings in protest.

"Don't be nervous, just slow down and wait for it to approach you."

So, Robin's pace changed from a 'turtle' to a 'snail'. Buckbeak sneezed a few times and seemed even more dissatisfied. It rushed forward, and then gently rubbed his sharp beak against his palm.

Well, it turns out that the reason for his irritability and dissatisfaction was that Luo Bin walked too slowly.

Robin stroked the feathers on his forehead, and Buckbeak closed his eyes lazily, purring in his throat.

Suddenly, there was warm applause and cheers from the crowd behind him.

"That's great, Luo Bin, you can ride on it and fly around for a few times. Ride on the base of its wings and don't grab the feathers, it will be unhappy."


Robin grabbed the roots of Buckbeak's wings with both hands, used the force to jump up, then raised his right foot high and sat across it, sitting on its back.

As soon as he adjusted his sitting position, Buckbeak stood upright on his hind legs, waved his front legs, and whistled toward the sky. Robin hurriedly put his arms around his neck to prevent himself from falling.

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