Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 218 Brother Drag provokes and the Hippogriff goes crazy

After its front legs landed, Hagrid stepped forward and patted its hind legs and shouted: "Let's go!"

Buckbeak rushed forward, leaping over the low, moss-covered stone wall and into the bushes.

In response, Buckbeak spread his 5-meter-long wings, stepped over the low, moss-covered stone wall, and rushed into the bushes.

The bush had sharp thorns, and Robin had to bury his face in the back of its neck.

The feathers stuck into his nose, making him want to sneeze.

But he knew in his heart that if he did this, Buckbeak would never return the favor to him again.

Suddenly, a slipping and falling feeling surged throughout Luo Bin's body.

He raised his head and found that Buckbeak was flying vertically upwards. He quickly hugged its neck and pinched its ribs until the falling feeling disappeared.

After Buckbeak broke out of the treetops, the horse's body gradually became parallel to the ground, and it flew around the Forbidden Forest.

Then, the tips of its wings scrape off the branches and leaves of the willow tree.

Bright orange eyes frequently looked at the students and professors in class through the windows on the stone wall of the castle seven or eight meters away.

When flying onto the court, Wood raised his arms and shouted, praising the Care of Magical Creatures class, which has become much more interesting with a different teacher.

Finally, Buckbeak clung to the wall and flew to the Black Lake.

It slowly fell down until its paws dipped into the water. Then, its paws drew long waves in the water, and it flew forward excitedly.

Luo Bin was also excited, even though he had ridden Noble and Xiaobai before.

The two looked naughty and mischievous, but when it came to business matters, they still obeyed their master.

The flight route will not be changed without authorization. When encountering strong winds, the flying posture will be adjusted to help him block the wind.

You will also rely on your intuition to stay away from dangerous areas in advance.

Buckbeak is extremely aloof and his flight route changes as he pleases.

One second it was flying smoothly, the next second it was flying vertically downwards. Just when it thought it was going to hoe the ground with its sharp beak, it suddenly turned and flew vertically upwards.

It is a trivial matter to knock down willow leaves with the tips of its wings. It will deliberately break branches, scrape its wings against stone walls, and claw at the top of towers to find pleasure.

Riding on its back, you will experience excitement every moment.

Luo Bin turned sideways and looked down at the sparkling water. When he saw himself in the water, his hair flew back and the collar of his witch robe was blown wide open, but the excitement in his eyes could not stop overflowing.

After Buckbeak flew to his fullest, he landed safely in the open space of the paddock. As soon as Robin jumped off the horse, Hagrid gave him a big hug.

"Well done, Luo Bin, you've made a good start."

After Hagrid let go of Robin, he turned to the cheering crowd and shouted, "Okay, who wants to give it a try?"

Encouraged by Robin's successful flying, everyone raised their hands. Harry even took a step forward and looked at Hagrid and Buckbeak with hopeful eyes.

Hagrid could not refuse his beloved Harry, but before he could say Harry's name, Malfoy pushed through the crowd and walked out.

"I come!"

Malfoy raised his voice. He wanted everyone present not to miss his glorious moment.

"Oh, I've known for a long time that that idiot can't raise anything decent. Since Lestrange can do it, I dare say you're not dangerous at all. Right, you're this big ugly monster? "

Malfoy waved his broad sleeves and walked towards Buckbeak in a confident manner.

Little did he know that his provocative eyes and insulting words had already angered Buckbeak.

Hagrid sensed Buckbeak's anger and hurriedly shouted: "No, Malfoy, don't come here."

Unfortunately, he shouted too late.

Malfoy had already walked up to Buckbeak. Buckbeak stood upright on his hind legs and raised his steel-like claws. Malfoy subconsciously stepped back. After taking only three or four steps, he fell down with a plop.

Bang ~

With his right arm, he knocked down a sharp stone that was half embedded in the soil and half exposed.

After Buckbeak jumped away, he opened his sharp beak and tried to bite Malfoy's neck. He was so frightened that he called out for his mother.

Robin took out his wand, pointed it at Buckbeak's sharp beak, and cast a 'rubber curse' (the object under the curse will become as soft as rubber).

Hagrid jumped suddenly, stepped forward and hugged its back, using his own weight to push it down.

In this way, Buckbeak can't hurt anyone.

"My arms are bleeding and I can't feel anything. My head hurts so much. It almost killed me."

Malfoy shouted while covering his right arm. Everyone put down their hands in panic and quickly retreated outside the paddock.

"Don't get excited. Buckbeak didn't touch you. You fell down on your own and got a little bruised. I'll take you to the school hospital now."

Hagrid picked up Malfoy and threw a bunch of keys to Robin, "Take good care of it, put a leather collar on it, and tie it to the largest shack in the hunting ground."

After Hagrid finished his instructions, he turned and walked out of the paddock. Malfoy, who was lying in his arms, groaned: "You and that pheasant will pay the price."

After Robin comforted Buckbeak, he saw that the protruding stones in the soil were stained red with blood, and where Hagrid walked, there was an endless trail of blood drops left behind.

"That's it for today's class. Let's pack up and go back to the castle."

Everyone was stunned by the scene just now. When they heard Hermione say this, they all ran out of the paddock with their textbooks under their arms.

When Robin and the others were almost gone, they led Buckbeak in the direction of the hunting ground. Harry, Hermione, and Ron followed him.

"What I have been worried about has happened. Hagrid messed up the first lesson of the school year. Will he be expelled?" Ron worriedly asked.

"No, Madam Pomfrey is very good at healing. She can heal Malfoy's injuries in the blink of an eye."

"It's not that simple. Malfoy's father is not easy to talk to. Besides, Buckbeak really wanted to bite Malfoy's neck, didn't he?" Hermione said angrily.

Robin settled Buckbeak, walked out of the shack, and found that the three of them were still worried. "In the evening, let's go to Hagrid and ask him how he will handle the matter. Don't rush and scare yourself first."

"Okay!" Harry agreed.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, the four of them slipped out of the castle, walked through the grass under the cover of night, and arrived in front of the hunting cabin.

Dong Dong~

"Come in." A hoarse roar came from the door.

Luo Bin pushed open the wooden door and saw Hagrid sitting at a low table with Yaya lying at his feet. The low table was filled with large and small wine bottles.

His beetle-like eyes were now covered with a layer of mist, becoming blurry and lifeless.

Hagrid stretched his neck and squinted for half a minute before he recognized who the person was. "Well, I probably broke the record. I broke the student's arm in the first class. Although I was not expelled, but that It's just a matter of time. Madam Pomfrey tried her best to treat Malfoy, but he still said that his arm hurt or he was moaning and screaming and he was panicking."

"He's just faking it. The part of the stone that protrudes from the ground is very small. It could at most break the bones of a person. Half a bottle of 'bone-setting' potion and a pinch of white moss ointment can cure his injuries." " Luo Bin said.

"Ms. Pomfrey said the same thing about the fractured bone. She also said that after drinking the potion and applying the ointment, he would be discharged from the hospital after another day of observation. But he kept complaining about the pain and it was all my fault."

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