Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 219 Sword Master is quite talented in brewing medicine!

"He deserves it, and we are all witnesses."

"You've told me many times to be polite and let Buckbeak make the first move."

"It was Malfoy who didn't listen carefully and provoked Buckbeak with loud provocations, which caused this."

Harry said angrily.

"Yeah, Hagrid, don't worry, everyone will be on your side except Slytherin." Ron agreed.

Transparent tears hit the back of Hagrid's eyes and rolled down into the down of his teeth.

He hugged Harry and Ron in his arms until their faces turned red and they couldn't breathe.

"Hagrid, let go, are you going to strangle them both?"

After being reminded by Luo Bin, Hagrid let go of his hand, "Sorry, I'm drunk and can't control my strength. I'm going to sober up."

With that said, he stood up with difficulty and staggered out of the cabin.

Then, there was the sound of splashing water in the yard.

After a while, Hagrid came back.

His hair, beard, and clothes were all soaked, and water dripped down his trousers.

"Well, I'm sober now. I'm so happy that you guys can come and see me."

Hagrid picked up the towel and wiped the water from his face. He suddenly stopped in the middle of wiping the towel. He threw away the towel and looked at the four people in shock.

"Black Dementors, my God, how dare you run around at night?"

After roaring, Hagrid pushed the four people out of the wooden house and escorted them all the way back to the castle.

Malfoy wanted to frame Hagrid, so he had to play the whole "seriously injured" scene. He ignored the school doctor's discharge advice and stayed in the ward.

He didn't agree to leave the hospital until Thursday morning when he heard that Robin and the others were taking potions class in the basement.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, in the middle of the Potions class, when everyone was making the 'shrinking potion', Malfoy walked into the classroom swaggeringly.

His right arm was bandaged and slung by a strap around his shoulder, and his left hand held a silver goblet with a straw in it.

"Draco, does it still hurt?"

Pansy Parkinson, who looked exactly like a poodle, asked with a silly smile.


Malfoy frowned, "Yeah, but I'm lucky. The school doctor said that if I were one minute late, my arm would be useless. Alas, I wouldn't be able to do my homework for several weeks."

"That idiot can really brag." Ron complained.

"Fortunately, Hagrid wasn't fired," Harry said.

"This matter is definitely not over. I heard that Lucius was so angry that he had a heart attack." Ron added.

"Malfoy, sit down and brew the 'shrinking potion' as written in the textbook." Snape said lazily.

In the classroom, three people share a small long table.

Goyle and Crabbe were so fat that the table they shared was crowded, and Malfoy ignored Pansy's invitation and squeezed in between Harry and Ron.

Later, relying on his injured right arm, he made various rude requests for help, but Snape agreed to them all.

He asked Ron to help cut the daisy roots. Seeing that Ron was cutting the daisy roots randomly and unevenly, he raised his hand to report and snatched away Ron's own share of the daisy roots that took 15 minutes to cut evenly.

He asked Harry to help peel wrinkled figs and cut caterpillars. Harry didn't want his share to be taken away, so he had to endure it and do it seriously.


Neville, who was across a long table from Harry, begged Robin beside him.

Robin turned to look at Neville's cauldron. The liquid inside was orange. He rolled his eyes slightly and then fell on the open Potions textbook.

The effect of the shrink potion: it can make the drinker shrink or transform into a younger form.

Ingredients: Daisy root, shriveled fig, caterpillar, mouse spleen, leech juice

Cooking process:

Cut the daisy roots into equal-sized pieces, peel the shriveled figs, and slice the caterpillars into thin slices.

Add 5 caterpillar slices to the crucible and heat until the potion turns red.

Add peeled and shrunken figs until the liquid turns yellow, and heat the crucible until the liquid turns purple.

Add a small piece of mouse spleen and chopped daisy root until the potion turns green.

Add 5 drops of leech juice and more shriveled figs until the solution turns pink.

Add a chopped caterpillar and heat and stir the crucible until the solution turns bright green.

Note: If the potion is brewed successfully, the potion will appear bright and dazzling green. If it turns orange, the potion has failed to brew, and the potion contains a large amount of toxins.

Luo Bin: ⊙▽⊙, young man, you are quite talented in brewing poison!

"Help me, otherwise Professor Snape will"


The cold voice made Neville tremble.

"Teach Professor, Me"

Snape scooped up some potion with a spoon, then raised his arm and slowly poured the potion back into the cauldron, so that everyone could see that Neville had made another mistake.

"Longbottom, next time it rains, stand on the grass and take a good shower. Maybe your elm head will sprout 'green' buds."

"What I said and what is written in the book are not clear enough? A small piece of spleen and a little bit of leech juice are enough."

"Before the end of this class, I'm going to give your toad a few drops of the medicine in your crucible and see what changes it will have."

"Maybe this can bring out your hidden potion talent."

Snape walked away, and Neville rubbed the ring on his hand and whimpered: "Help me."

At this time, Luo Bin's 'Shrinking Potion' had been boiled, and 1/6 of the potion was transferred to where it should be by using his Rubik's Cube skill.

"I said that when you encounter a problem, you should put your emotions aside and think about how to solve the problem first. Pour out the potion, clean the crucible, and I will teach you how to boil it again."


Neville carried the crucible and walked towards the pool. When Robin was thinking about how to teach Neville, the sound of rustling voices floated in front of him.

"Some Muggles claimed to have seen him, Sirius Black, in Duff Town, not far from the school."

Seamus leaned towards Harry and said.


Harry's caterpillar was cut sideways. Malfoy stared at Harry and said viciously: "Scarhead, you idiot, you just want the dementors to deal with him. If I were you, I would have brought him with me a long time ago."

The guy went to find him. "

Harry didn't reply. He was confused by Malfoy's words. Why would he take the initiative to find someone who wanted to kill him?

Robin: (;一_一), it seems that Malfoy knows that Sirius is a ‘betrayer’.

"Robin, the pots have been washed." Neville whispered, holding the cauldron.

"Put it down. I'll teach you how to cut daisy roots first."


Robin handed Neville two steel rulers and asked him to clamp the daisy root with the steel ruler, then align the tip of the knife with the scales on the two steel rulers, and cut the daisy root into equal discs.

Then, insert the disc into the retractable circular hole marked with scales on the steel ruler. After the disc is stuck, align it with the scale and cut it into four equal parts.

Afterwards, Robin took out various tools and slowly taught Neville how to process materials and brew potions.

For the sake of Leif, Neville focused 200%, gritted his teeth, tried his best to control his hands from shaking, and followed Robin's instructions step by step.

When class was about to end, Snape strode over, and Neville hugged Leif and huddled behind Robin tremblingly.

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