Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 220 Mung Bean Toad, Apple Drag Brother

After Snape saw that the potion in the crucible was bright green, his eyes became unhappy, but the "displeasure" quickly turned into "disdain", as if he was convinced that Neville was incapable of doing anything.

"Come here, everyone gather around."

Everyone stood up and slowly gathered around Neville's cauldron. Malfoy squeezed to the front, still holding the sippy cup in his left hand.

"Let's see what Longbottom's toad will become."

"If Neville's potion is brewed, he will turn into a miniature toad, or a tadpole."

"If it fails, he can only write a letter and ask his grandma to buy another one."

In the crowd, some people looked worried, such as Harry and Hermione.

Some people looked nervous, such as Neville and Seamus.

Some people looked excited, such as Malfoy and Pansy.

"give it to me."

"Professor, me"

Snape snatched Lif away and pinched his cheeks, forcing his mouth to open.

Then, use a small spoon to scoop up some potion and pour it into Leif's big mouth.

The classroom was extremely silent, and everyone stared at Leif in silence.

I saw its belly bulging and breathing heavily.

Then, with a pop, it turned into the size of a green bean and jumped up and down in Snape's palm.

"Well done, Neville." Seamus took the lead, and the Gryffindor students immediately cheered.

"Teach Professor, my my toad."

Snape looked gloomily, took out a small black bottle from his robe pocket, and poured a few drops of black liquid on Leif.

With a pop, Leif returned to his original size, bounced, and landed on top of Neville's head, croaking.

"It's so evil, you stupid pig, but there are times when you're not stupid?"

After Malfoy finished sarcastic, he held the straw tightly, his Adam's apple rolling up and down, and the next second, he sprayed green liquid all over Pansy's face.

With a pop, the person shrunk down to the size of an apple, including his clothes.

He waved his arms high and shouted for help. He didn't even know the bandage exploded.

The crowd roared with laughter, even Goyle and Crabbe.

"Look, how flexible his arms are, I knew he was faking it." Ron complained.

At this moment, the Gryffindor students were happy and angry.

I was so happy to see Malfoy in trouble.

He was so angry that he dared to pretend to be seriously injured, causing the Care of Magical Creatures course to change from 'touching hippogriffs' to 'raising flob caterpillars'.

"Professor, help Draco!" Pansy begged.

The little black bottle appeared again. When the potion in the bottle was empty, Malfoy returned to its original size with a pop.

Malfoy scowled and glared at Weasley, who had laughed the loudest just now.

Snape waved his wand, and the silver water cup on the ground flew into his palm. He unscrewed the cap, pointed it at Neville's cauldron, and poured out the steaming, bright green potion in the cup.

Jingle bell~

The bell rang for the end of get out of class. Snape's cold and empty eyes scanned the silent crowd, "Once I find out who did it, I will definitely find a way to expel him from Hogwarts and end the get out of class!"

Everyone quickly packed up their things and hurried out of the classroom, but as they climbed up the stone stairs, they couldn't help but discuss Malfoy's embarrassing state.

When he was about to climb up the doorway leading to the main hall, Robin noticed that Hermione, who had fallen down five or six steps, disappeared.

The next second, she appeared at the doorway again. She was holding a big schoolbag with one hand and seemed to be stuffing something into the collar of her robe with the other hand.

"When did she walk in front of us?" Harry asked.

"While you and Ron are discussing what it would be like to stuff a caterpillar into Malfoy's nostrils," Robin said.

After the three of them climbed up the doorway, Hermione returned to the team. Her schoolbag was so bulging that it seemed like she had stuffed all the third-grade textbooks into it.

After lunch and a short rest, they climbed out of the portrait hole and hurried to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

They approached the classroom, but before they found their seats, Professor Lu Ping suddenly appeared on the suspended platform on the second floor. He called the first period a practical class and asked the students to put their textbooks back in their bags and follow him.

Afterwards, everyone followed Professor Lu Ping out of the classroom, walked through a long corridor, rounded a corner, and walked a short distance further to the door of the staff lounge.

Around corners and through empty corridors

Lupine pushed the door open, took a step back, and said gentlemanly: "Go in!"

This is a long room with brown wooden boards on the walls. The room is filled with old wardrobes, old tables and chairs, and old shelves.

After everyone entered the room, they found Snape holding a small and thick book with his usual sneer on his face.

Lupine nodded to Snape and said hello, then turned to close the door to the lounge.

"Lupin, wait a minute. I think I'd rather not witness this."

Snape stood up with his book closed, the black robe fluttering behind his calves. When he walked to the door, he sneered and said, "Lupin, let me remind you, there is one person in this class who can cast even the simplest spell. A wretch who can also cause havoc, Neville Longbottom, I advise you"

Lupine raised his hand and cut off his words, "Thank you for reminding me. But I don't plan to change the teaching plan. Longbottom will still be my little assistant to help me complete the first step of teaching."

Neville's round face suddenly turned red.

Snape twitched the corners of his mouth, bang, slammed the door and left.

"Okay, leave him alone and follow me."

Lu Ping led everyone to the innermost side of the long room, where there stood a large tulip-shaped wardrobe with petal-shaped patterns on all sides, and large lenses stuck inside the patterns.

As soon as people came closer, the big wardrobe shook with clang.

"Would anyone care to guess what's in the closet?" Lupine asked with a smile.

"It's a Boggart!" Dean replied.

"Great! So, can someone tell me what a Boggart looks like?"

"No one knows what it looks like," Hermione replied.

"That's right. Boggarts can transform and like to stay in dark and closed spaces, such as closets, under beds, cupboards, big clocks, etc."

"It can sense what people outside the 'space' are afraid of. Once the 'space' is opened, what comes out will be the things that people are most afraid of."

"So, no one knows what Boggart looks like when he is alone."

"The Boggart has a very simple mind. It just wants to become the thing that people fear the most. However, once there are many people outside, its brain is not enough and it doesn't know what shape it should take."

"So, when facing a Boggart, it's best to go with multiple people, so that you can confuse it: Will it turn into a legless female ghost? Or will it turn into a python that eats raw meat? Or, will it turn into a python that eats raw meat? A giant centipede with many legs?”

"But what can really finish off a boggart is the loud and long-lasting laughter of the person it targets."

"How can you laugh when you see the thing you fear most and can't even run away?" Ron asked.

"Good question. Today, we are going to learn a simple spell that can make the image of Boggart look very funny and ridiculous. Come on, let's practice it. Don't use the wand first. Please say with me: Funny Funny !”

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