Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 221 Exploded, Snape wears women’s clothes

"Funny!" everyone chanted together.

"Very good, please raise your voice higher and enunciate your words more clearly. Come on, say it after me: Funny!"


Everyone shouted loudly together, and everyone pronounced every word accurately.

"Very good, that's it. But it's not enough to just recite the spell, you also have to learn how to make the boggart into something funny."

"Longbottom, my little assistant, come up and give us a demonstration."

Bang Bang~

The Tulip Wardrobe started shaking again, but Neville was shaking even more.

"Come on, don't be afraid, come on!"

Seamus patted Neville, and Neville walked to Lupin's side cautiously.

"Great! Longbottom, tell me, what are you most afraid of?"

Neville's upper lip moved, but he didn't make any sound.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you clearly, please say it again." Lu Ping said gently.

"Professor Snape!"

The crowd burst into laughter, and even Lupine couldn't help laughing.

"Severus, yes, with his appearance, it's hard not to be afraid of him. If I remember correctly, you lived with Grandma You, right?"

"Yeah. I'm also afraid of grandma, but I don't want the Boggart to turn into her."

Lupine shook his head, "No, it won't. I want you to imagine your grandma's daily clothes. The more detailed the better."

"She was holding a red handbag and wearing green"

"You don't have to say it, you can imagine it, and we can see it later."

"When I open the cupboard, I want you to do this. After casting the Funny Charm, concentrate on imagining Professor Snape wearing your grandma's clothes."

The students burst into laughter, and Neville looked at Lupin in surprise.

"Okay, Longbottom?"

Neville nodded hard.

"very good."

"Everyone, please pay attention. If Longbottom succeeds, the Boggart will transfer its energy to everyone present in turn."

"So now, I want you to take a moment and think about what you're most afraid of, and then imagine how you could make the Boggart look funny."

The laughter stopped suddenly, and there was silence in the classroom.

Luo Bin was thinking, what is he most afraid of in this world?

After pondering for a while, he suddenly remembered that his three heart palpitations were all related to Ju Yuan. However, how could being funny make Ju Yuan funny?

About three minutes later, Professor Luping asked: "Everyone, are you ready?"

Everyone nodded, rolled up their sleeves, and gripped their wands.

"Very good. Everyone, except Longbottom, stand back. Later, after Longbottom is finished, I will call everyone up one by one."

Neville's legs were shaking like a sieve, but he still raised his wand towards the wardrobe.

"Longbottom, I'll count to three and you act."

Lupine pointed his wand at the doorknob and read, "Three two one."

The tip of the wand suddenly shot out a spark. As soon as the spark hit the spherical door handle, the cabinet door automatically popped open. Snape, dressed in black robes, walked out of the closet in a menacing manner, glaring at Neville with vicious eyes.

Neville's lips trembled in fear. As Snape approached him, he put his hand into his robe, as if he wanted to take out his wand.

Lupine walked around behind Neville, put his hand on his shoulder, and encouraged: "Think, Longbottom, think quickly, you can do it."

'Snape' took out his wand and pointed it at Neville's eyebrows, trying to cast an evil spell. Neville suddenly screamed: "Funny!"

There was a crisp sound, like someone cracking a whip on the concrete floor.

The cursed 'Snape' staggered a few steps and his clothes changed rapidly.

He was wearing a dark green, lace dress, a fox fur scarf, and a high hat with a stuffed vulture full of maggot holes on the top of the hat.

He was covering his crotch with a red handbag and looking at everyone in panic, as if he was afraid of being exposed.

The crowd burst into laughter, and Lupine waved his hand forward and shouted: "Lestrange, come on!"

Robin stepped forward in response, and 'Snape' swung his hat and rushed towards him.

However, with a crisp sound, 'Snape' disappeared, and what replaced him was a dark, circular abyss with air spiraling towards it.

Loneliness, hesitation, tension, fear, etc., came over him like waves, causing him palpitations, headaches, chest tightness, and making him want to retreat and escape.

But he did not flinch. Instead, he concentrated on imagining all kinds of funny shapes. Finally, he shouted: "Funny!"

With a snap, the ‘Juyuan’ turned from black to bright yellow.

On the upper part, there are two bright, cross-eyed eyes as big as a wheel.

In the lower part, an inverted pine cone-shaped mouth appeared, showing white teeth and a pink tongue, with bright red blush on both sides.

Five rainbow-colored petals circle around the "Abyss", making it look like a silly sunflower elf.

The crowd burst into laughter, and Luo Bin also laughed.

"Very good. Concentrate, face your fears, and fight bravely. It's very standard. Everyone should learn from Lestrange. Okay, let's go back. Next, Weasley."

Robin stepped back into the crowd, and Ron stepped forward. The 'Sunflower' snapped and turned into a hairy eight-eyed spider as big as a small elephant, approaching him with its claws dancing.

"Funny!" Ron shouted with horror in his eyes.


The spider's legs disappeared and it rolled around in place.

"Brown!" Professor Lupine shouted.

Lavender brushed Ron's arm and rushed forward.


The 'legless spider' disappeared, and a large python with turtle shell patterns appeared, hissing and spitting out snake messages at her.

"Funny!" screamed Lavender.


The 'python' turned into a clown tumbler with a colorful face, amusing Lavender.


Parvati stepped forward, and bang, the 'Joker' turned into a mummy, dragging his bloody feet, and walked towards her.



The straps on the mummy were loosened, causing it to trip and its head to roll to the side.


Snapped! The 'mummy' turned into a female ghost in red. She pinched her throat and made a shrill sound.


Snapped! The 'female ghost' turned into a mouse and chased her tail in circles.

"Next!" Lupine said excitedly.

Harry stepped forward excitedly, and the 'rat' turned into a dementor with a snap. There was a gloomy rattling sound in the hood, and it danced with its rag-like robes and attacked Harry.

Before Harry could say the curse, Lupine rushed forward and stood between him and the dementor, "Look at me."

The 'Dementor' snapped and turned into a silver-white ball, suspended in mid-air.

Fear flashed in Lupine's eyes, but he shouted lazily: "Funny!"


The 'silver ball' turned into a balloon. It deflated while running around in the crowd. Finally, it made a big circle and jumped back into the closet. Lupine cast a spell to lock the door.

"Sorry, that's it for today, everyone did a great job."

"After class, read the chapter on 'Boggart' and write a paper on 'Effective Strategies to Defeat Boggart' and submit it to my office before class next week."

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