Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 223 Grindylow, gold-framed black film

At first, everyone was so excited that they wanted to get on their broomsticks and have a fight with Slytherin.

In the mid-term, everyone goes in one ear and out the other, and occasionally, they will say a few perfunctory words.

Later, everyone yawned and dozed off.

During regular meetings, when Wood sees someone closing their eyes, he claps his hands to wake them up.

Then, raise your voice and continue your speech.

Luo Bin was worried that Wood's voice would become hoarse before the game even started.

As October came to an end, a new notice was posted on the school's bulletin board.

It says that third-year students can go to Hogsmeade on Halloween with a signed form.

In the whole class, only Robin and Harry's permission forms had not been signed yet.

At the end of a certain Transfiguration class, when everyone was queuing up to hand in their permission forms, they waited until their classmates were almost gone before walking to the podium with their permission forms in hand.

"If you don't sign the permission form, you can't go to the village. This is the rule."

Professor McGonagall glanced at their permission forms and said seriously.

"Professor, if you sign, I can"

"I can't sign. The rules are very clear. The person signing must be a parent or guardian. If I'm not one, I can't sign it for you."

Harry lowered his eyes in disappointment.

"Professor, I have no parents or guardian, so you should sign on my behalf."

McGonagall held Robin's shoulders, pushed him to the corner, and whispered: "Lestrange, Hogsmeade, you can go there again next year, I want to give you a task to keep an eye on Harry. You understand What do I mean?"

Luo Bin nodded thoughtfully.

So, on Halloween Eve, Robin and Harry stood at the back door of the castle, watching other students leave Hogwarts in carriages.

Robin noticed Harry's languorous expression and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged, don't you still have me with you?"

"But you've been to the village many times, haven't you?"

"There will be a chance, it's just a matter of time. People are gone, so come back."

"All right!"

Harry walked into the hall in despair, and Robin followed closely. When they climbed the stairs to the third floor, they bumped into Lupine coming down the stairs.

"Why don't you two go to the village for a walk?" Lupine asked.

Luo Bin shrugged, "The signature line on our consent form is blank."

Lupine nodded understandingly, "Well, don't be sad, there will always be a chance. Come, follow me to see an interesting guy. I just got a Grindylow."

The two of them followed Lupine into the corridor, and soon entered his office.

The office is clean and bright, with a tall red cover standing in the corner and a large water tank next to the cover.

There is a green monster in the box with a head like a fish, an upper body like a human, and a lower body like an octopus.

The monster has sharp horns on its head. It presses its face against the glass, making various eerie and scary expressions while waving its long and thin fingers.

Luo Bin approached the water tank curiously.

Bang Bang~

The monster's horns banged against the glass, and it grinned as if it wanted to rush out and bite someone. Harry was so shocked that he pulled Robin away.

"Don't worry, the water tank is enchanted and it won't come out."

"Grindylot is a water monster that lives in lakes. It feeds on small fish. Occasionally, it will attack wizards or Muggles. Their claws are quite powerful when grabbing things, but they are very brittle and fragile. "

"If you are accidentally entangled by Grindylow while crossing the lake, just"

Lupine found a wooden bookmark, walked to the water tank, and in front of Grindylow, snapped the wooden sign in half.

Grindylow immediately put away his grimace and dived into the clusters of water plants as if running for his life.

"Oh, you ran away so fast."

"Okay, if you two can't go to Hogsmeade and visit the shops there, then you can visit my private collection."

Lupine's wand tapped lightly towards the red cloth hood, and the hood fluttered upwards.

After a while, a four-story rotating display rack converted from scrap wheels was revealed.

Although the shelf was broken, the items placed on it were very strange, which dazzled Robin and Harry.

Dark purple fangs, fluorescent hair, rocks with strong fragrance, grotesque specimens, necklaces with oysters attached, and so on.

"When I travel, I like to collect interesting objects. Gradually, I have accumulated so many. You two can pick one."

Harry walked around and picked out a silver whistle engraved with the phoenix totem. He tried blowing it and found that the whistle sounded like the cry of a phoenix, crisp and ethereal, which made people feel refreshed.

"You have a good eye. This is the Qingling Whistle, which has the effect of calming the mind and enlightening the mind. Lestrange, have you decided which one you want?" Lupine said with a smile.


Luo Bin said, pointing to an object the size of a fist that seemed to be caked with sea salt.

Just now, when Luo Bin looked around the Chenjie, this piece of sea salt made him experience heart palpitations again.

Danger and opportunity often go hand in hand, don't they?

Lupine used a clamp to put the sea salt block into an iron plate. "A few years ago, when I was traveling in the Strait of Gibraltar, I was entangled by a Croni monster. After a fight, it left this object behind and disappeared into the seabed. Yes, there should be sea salt crystals on top, here."

Luo Bin took the iron plate, cast a spell to clear the crystals, and got an object that looked like a pendant necklace.

The chain is made of copper and very thin.

The pendant is a gold frame as big as a walnut, with black pieces embedded in the frame.

Luo Bin couldn't tell what the black film was made of.

But he discovered a strange point. The surface of the black film was smooth, but no human figure was reflected. When placed under bright light, it did not reflect light.

"Thank you!" Luo Bin thanked him after putting the iron plate back to its original place.

Lupine waved his hand, his eyes sparkling with curiosity, "I really want to thank you for helping me solve a confusion. In the first class, when the Boggart met you, it turned into a giant abyss. I knew it was loneliness, emptiness, and fear. But I don’t know what the image of the Boggart will look like after you cast the ‘Funny’ spell?”

Robin: ()Elegance, wizards have very little understanding of Muggles, let alone emoticons.

"Oh, I went to a Muggle bookstore during the holidays and bought a few joke books to pass the time."

"The book contains some funny character expressions and various novel flowers. I combined the two to create a sunflower with a human face."

"Muggles are far more intelligent than wizards imagine."

"Professor, I'm also confused. Why did you block me from facing the Boggart that day?" Harry asked.

Lupine rubbed the tip of his nose unnaturally, "That's right, I mistakenly thought that when the Boggart faced you, he would turn into the image of Voldemort, which would frighten other people. I didn't want the first lesson, This caused the whole class to have trouble sleeping for several nights.”

Harry was stunned, he didn't expect the answer to be this, and there were very few people who could speak Voldemort's name fluently.

"Professor, the first thing I thought of was him, but then I remembered how I fought him off several times with my friends, and I thought of the dementors I met on the train."

"Very wise! This shows that what you are afraid of is fear itself. Also, I am shocked that you actually think that I don't believe that you have the ability to deal with Boggart?"

A bright smile suddenly broke out on Harry's slightly thin face.

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