Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 224 Wolfsbane potion, one-eyed shape

"Professor, you are the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. You should know some magic that can fight against dementors, right?" Luo Bin asked.

"There is indeed a Patronus Charm, a very profound magic that is completely beyond the scope of the OWL exam. The Patronus is a force that will form a shield between wizards and dementors."

"The hand gesture of the Patronus Charm is to draw a circle counterclockwise, and the incantation is 'Calling the Guardian'. If you want to successfully summon the Patronus, it is not enough to have the spell and gestures. You also need a powerful, happy, and beautiful memory. .”

"Professor, can you teach us how to cast the Patronus Charm?" Harry said excitedly.

"Sorry, it's not in the lesson plan."

Lupine looked at Harry's disappointed eyes and couldn't help but add: "At least not this year, wait until next year. If I'm still strong by then, I'll teach you that the Patronus Charm consumes a lot of energy."

"Tough? Professor, how is your health?"

Dong Dong~

A knock on the door in the corridor interrupted Harry's words.

"Come in," Lupine called.


The door opened, and Snape strode in, holding a goblet containing a smoking blue-purple potion.

After seeing Robin and Harry, he stopped and narrowed his eyes in displeasure.

"Ah, Severus, bother me again, I'm showing Harry and Lestrange the collections of Grindylow and me."

Snape glanced coldly at the four-story wheel display rack and said, "With all due respect, those are worthy of being called treasures."

Then he put the goblet on the desk, "I think you should drink it immediately."

"I will, it's so troublesome for you."

"I cooked two big pots, I was afraid you wouldn't have enough to drink."

Snape said with an expression that said, "I can't kill you."

"That's great. I probably need a drink tomorrow. Thank you so much."

Snape snorted coldly, shook the edge of his wizard robe, and left the office.

Luo Bin observed the goblet quietly.

The smoke, blue-purple color, is undoubtedly the werewolf potion.

It is mentioned in the original work that a werewolf takes a certain amount of werewolf potion a week before the full moon, so that he can still maintain his sanity when he transforms into a wolf on a full moon night.

"Professor, why did you take medicine?" Harry asked with concern.

Lupine picked up the goblet, leaned close to the rim and smelled it, then frowned so hard that he could kill a mosquito.

"Oh, my health has never been good. This medicine is the only one that works."

"I don't have much talent in brewing potions, and the process of brewing such potions is extremely complicated. I'm lucky enough to be able to work with Professor Snape."

"You know, not many wizards have the ability to prepare this kind of medicine. Moreover, the price of this kind of medicine is not very high. Even if I spend all my money, I still can't buy half a bottle."

Luo Bin glanced at Lu Ping's patched robe. Indeed, Lu Ping was so poor that he could be described as ragged.

Like Dobby, he was discriminated against by wizards, struggled to find a job, and struggled every day to make ends meet. However, he still maintained his original intention and never used magic to make money.

Harry saw Lupine's mouth open and his cup feeling high, and he hurriedly reminded: "Professor, Professor Snape has always been interested in dark magic. Some people think that in order to get the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, what? Everything can be done, are you sure there is nothing wrong with the medicine in the cup?"

Lu Ping chuckled lightly, raised his neck, drank the potion in the cup, smacked his mouth, and made a grimace.

"It tastes really bad, but it's a pity that the medicine won't work if you add sugar. Okay, Harry, Lestrange, I'm going to correct the homework of 'Xiang List of Four Ways to Conquer Kaaba'. See you at the dinner later."

Kaba, a kind of water monster that lives in shallow ponds or rivers, often attacks humans who wade through the water in their living areas.

Kaba looks like a scaly monkey with webbed hands and a hollow on the top of his head filled with water.

That water is its weakness. As long as the water flows out of the hole, Kaba will lose all its strength.


Lu Ping took out a thick pile of homework books from the drawer. He held the quill and began to correct it carefully.

Seeing this, Robin pulled Harry out of the office.

In the evening, before the banquet, Hermione and Ron returned to the lounge on the eighth floor happily.


A pile of colorful snacks fell on the small table in front of Luo Bin like a shower.

Hermione, whose face was flushed by the cold wind, stuffed her favorite snacks into Robin's arms and excitedly told about the stores she visited today.

“The first stop we went to was the Owl Post Office, where there were almost three hundred owls, big and small, like eagles and sparrows, and each foot was covered with colorful rings with codes engraved on them. "

"The second stop, we went to the Joke Shop, where they sold countless pranksters, and we also met Fred and George who were picky about cryptids."

"The third stop was to the Honeydukes store. They launched a new milky fudge. The last stop was the Three Broomsticks bar. The hot chocolate there made me feel warm all over."

"Harry, you've been at the castle all day, and you should have finished your Charms homework. Can you lend me a copy?" Ron asked, chewing a frog gummy.

"I didn't write a word."

Ron curled his lips and looked at Luo Bin again.

"I finished it yesterday."

Ron suddenly showed a flattering smile.

"But I will never lend it to you to copy."

"Robin!" Ron roared.

"Ron, Hermione, let me tell you something."

Later, Harry told them what happened in the office.

"Personal collection? Cool, it would be great if I stayed in the castle with you two today!" Ron said enviously.

"Patronus Charm? Lupine said gestures, spells, and memory guides. That's great. We can practice it in private." Hermione said excitedly.

"Um, don't you think it's strange that Snape made the potion for Lupine?" Harry asked.

"Professor Lupine is not in good health, but he is still employed by the school. Emm, it's quite strange." Hermione mused.

"That's not what I'm referring to. What I want to say is that Snape has been staring at Professor Lupin with almost hatred in his eyes. How could he be so kind as to help him make the potion?"

Luo Bin looked at the clock on the wall and said, "Maybe it's Principal Dumbledore's order. Let's go, the dinner will start in 10 minutes."


Hermione put the snacks on the table into her magic cloth bag.

The four of them had just taken a few steps when there was a creak. Fred and George pushed open the door to the boys' dormitory and walked into the lounge.

"George, your new Halloween costume is a one-eyed dragon?"

George's right eye was covered with a round piece of thick cloth. There was a frenulum on the upper and lower sides of the cloth. Needless to say, the two frenulum were mixed together on the back of his head.

"One-eyed dragon!!! Haha, why didn't I think of that? Tomorrow, I'll go find Madam Pomfrey and ask me to wear one too." Fred held his belly and laughed.

"George, what happened to your eye?" Harry asked.

"Nothing, just a little bit of insect slurry splashed in."

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