Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 225 Hornless Rhino, Fat Lady Escapes

"Hidden winged insect!"

"As I warned you, that kind of bug is very dangerous. Wherever it crawls, it will leave toxins that irritate the skin and peripheral blood vessels. No matter how many times you wash it, it can't be washed away."

"I can't imagine how uncomfortable it would be to have juice splashed into your eyes."

Hermione exclaimed.

"Well, it hurt like a dog. At that time, the two of us poured 20 cryptids into the grass, lit homemade gunpowder, and planned to put on a fireworks show of cryptid juice, but the result was"

George took the words and continued: "As a result, I was entangled in the tiger vines, and several holes were burned in my clothes. I applied ointment to my eyes, and the pain and swelling are no longer. In order to avoid sequelae, Madam Pomfrey asked I put on a blindfold to protect myself from the sun, wind and rain for half a month, "

"Have you notified Wood?"

Harry asked, the weather at Hogwarts has not been very good recently, and George is afraid that he will not be able to participate in the Quidditch match next Saturday.

"Don't worry, there's still Luo Bin."

After saying that, the two walked happily towards the portrait hole.

"You are really big-hearted. If Ms. Molly knew about it, she would definitely run after them with a broomstick."

Ron's tone was not very good, and his eyes were full of worry.

"Let's go. If you don't go, you'll be late." Hermione urged.

Then, the four of them climbed out of the portrait hole and joined the crowd. After a while, they reached the auditorium on the first floor.

The ceiling of the auditorium was gray, with flashes of lightning flashing from time to time, and thousands of live bats circling and flying in the sky.

Countless little dark clouds shuttled back and forth among the candles above the long dining table, surrounded by pumpkin lanterns of all sizes.

After Dumbledore's speech, Hermione handed Robin the apple juice and took away his sausage, and then the four of them officially enjoyed the meal.

During the meal, Robin quietly glanced at the staff table. He saw Madam Pomfrey cutting the macaroni into even thin strips with a knife and fork, as if she was performing an operation on someone.

Lupine and Flitwick were seen chatting happily, and they didn't seem to be worried about the upcoming full moon night.

Seeing Snape's eyes frequently scanning Lupin, hatred, disgust, and disdain often flashed through his eyes.

When everyone's bellies were full after eating, Dumbledore stood up and waved his hand, and dozens of the castle's resident ghosts suddenly appeared from the surrounding walls and under the dining table.

They leaned forward slightly, formed various formations, and floated in the sky to entertain everyone.

In the last ghost performance, the protagonist was the almost headless Nick. He invited several familiar ghosts to be assistant actors and reenacted his beheading experience, which received thunderous applause.

After the banquet, Luo Bin and others did not want to crowd the stairs with others, so they stayed in the auditorium for a while, and waited until everyone was almost gone before turning up the stone stairs back to the lounge.

When he reached the turning platform on the fifth floor, Luo Bin suddenly stopped because he heard a weak but high-pitched sob in the landscape painting of a group of hornless rhinos eating wild grass hanging on the stone wall next to him. Voice.

"Fat Madam, is that you?" Luo Bin asked uncertainly.


The fat lady leaned out from behind a big rhinoceros. Her hair was in a mess, her dress was stained with grass, and her expression was frightened, as if she had just experienced something terrible.

"The banquet is over and everyone is planning to go back to rest. Who will open the door for us here?" Ron complained.

"I love so and so, I want to resign, I don't work anymore. It's terrible. That person cut my painting and yelled at me, forcing me to flee here. Madman, a complete madman."

"Who is that person?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"He has devil's eyes and a dark soul, just like his last name, Sirius Black (Black, black, also means darkness)."

"He came to the castle. He wanted to kill. If I didn't let him in, he would stab me. Unless he is caught, I will never go back to the eighth floor."

After the fat lady finished speaking, she shrank behind the rhinoceros and became silent.

Harry's eyelids trembled with fright, Hermione covered her mouth, not daring to make any sound, and Robin glanced sideways at Ron's chest, which was flat, indicating that Scabbers was in the dormitory.

So, Sirius came here for Peter Pettigrew.

"Excuse me, please lean a little closer to the wall and let me pass. The fat lady is gone. Everyone is crowded on the eighth floor. I am in a hurry to find the principal."

Percy asked, standing on the suspended platform halfway up the stairs.

"The Fat Lady is in this painting."

Luo Bin took a picture of the landscape of a hornless rhinoceros gnawing grass, but the fat lady refused to poke her head again.

"Don't point blindly. When Dumbledore comes, there will be a way to find the Fat Lady."

Hermione opened her mouth to explain a few words, but Percy had already clattered down to the fourth floor.

"Let's go upstairs and wait," Hermione said.

The four of them hurried up to the eighth floor, squeezed through the dark crowd, and came to the portrait leading to the lounge.

The painting looked like it had been severely chopped by someone. It was badly damaged, and there were a bunch of canvas fragments scattered on the ground.

The crowd was noisy and chattering, discussing who did it. Malfoy, Mrs. Norris, Peeves, etc. were all on their suspect list.

A moment later, Dumbledore appeared, followed by Percy, Filch, Snape, and Professor McGonagall.

The crowd became quiet and even retreated to both sides to make way for a small path.

Dumbledore strode to the entrance of the cave, quickly glanced at the rag-like portraits, and said to Filch solemnly: "Argus, summon the ghosts and ask them to search the paintings in the castle. They must find them." Fat Lady.”

"Headmaster, there is no need to look for it. She is in the hornless rhino painting on the fifth floor. She claims that Sirius Black tore up the canvas."

As soon as Luo Bin finished speaking, there were gasps all around.

Percy looked dissatisfied, Professor McGonagall pursed her lips tightly, Filch looked downstairs in fear, and Snape raised his upper lip, as if he had already guessed that Sirius would break into the castle.

"Argus, the entire castle is under martial law. Minerva and Severus, please inform students from all houses to return to the auditorium."

Snape went downstairs with a sneer on his face. Professor McGonagall ordered Percy to organize the Gryffindor students to return to the auditorium, then turned around to look for Flitwick and Sprout.

Ten minutes later, the auditorium was filled with students again.

The unknowing students from the other three houses looked confused and confused. When they learned from the Gryffindor students that the "murderer on the run" had broken into the castle, their expressions suddenly turned frightened.

After a while, McGonagall and Flitwick went down to the auditorium on the first floor. They waved their wands and closed the doors one after another, leaving only a small door.

Afterwards, Professor McGonagall walked towards the crowd and said seriously: "In case of emergency, the castle needs a comprehensive search. For safety reasons, I'm afraid you will have to spend the night in the auditorium tonight."

"Later, the prefects will take turns guarding the entrance to the auditorium, and the male and female student union presidents will patrol back and forth. If there is a special situation, send a ghost to report to me immediately."

Mag pulled out the wand and waved it lightly, and the tables and chairs in the auditorium automatically flew to the wall and stood up. Then, he waved the wand again, and hundreds of dark purple, soft sleeping bags appeared on the ground.

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