Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 226: Building the floor of the auditorium, who will be the insider?

"Everyone chooses one to get in. After 10 minutes, the lights in the auditorium will be turned off!"

After saying that, she and Flitwick left through the small door, and Percy summoned the prefects to assign the tasks of guarding the entrance and patrolling.

Luo Bin and others grabbed four sleeping bags and dragged them to the corner, got in and propped up their heads while chatting.

"Tell me, Sirius, is he still in the castle?" Hermione asked in a low voice.

"No more. Since he can sneak into the castle avoiding people, he also has the ability to leave quietly." Luo Bin replied.

"But the principal and professors seem to think he is still there, and they are searching the castle vigorously, aren't they?" Ron said.

"On Halloween, everyone is attending a dinner party and there is no one in the tower. What is he doing on the eighth floor?" Harry asked confused.

"Maybe he has been wandering for too long and can't remember the date. Otherwise, he will definitely rush into the auditorium and kill." Ron said fearfully.

"There is another possibility that there is something he wants in the tower." Hermione speculated.

"Invisibility cloak! Apart from it, I can't think of anything else that would be remembered. Do you think he could use 'Apparition' to enter the castle?"

(Apparition is a profound magic that allows one to appear at one's own convenience at a convenient place.)

"No. I heard Professor Flitwick mention that there are all kinds of magic around the castle and city walls. Apparition is useless here unless the intruder is an elf." Robin said.

Now that I think about it, it's pretty cool that Dobby can flash anywhere he wants by snapping his fingers.

"Perhaps, he transformed into a student and walked in swaggering." Ron guessed.

"No. Dumbledore said when school started that dementors will be stationed at every entrance of the school. No disguise, trick, or trick can fool them," Hermione said.

"Where's the secret passage?" Harry asked.

"Filch is watching, he knows all the secret passages." Ron said helplessly.

He thought that Fred and George would know some secrets that Filch didn't know about. After asking for more than two months, it turned out that

Robin: →_→, that’s wrong. There are several secret passages from the castle to the village that even Filch doesn’t know about!

Suddenly, Percy came to the corner area and said with a straight face: "I'm not handing out sleeping bags to let you chat comfortably."


All the candles in the auditorium were automatically extinguished, and milky-white, almost transparent ghosts were floating around and patrolling.

Hermione closed her eyes, Harry and Ron retracted their hands into their sleeping bags, and Robin lay flat on his back with his hands on the back of his head, looking at the ceiling with his eyes open.

It was enchanted to reflect the night sky outside.

There are only a few stars, and the moon is just a standard circle.

Suddenly, Percy's long face blocked the entire night sky, "Sleep!"

Robin glanced at the shiny chairman's badge and quickly closed his eyes. He heard Percy gradually walking away, and heard several Hufflepuff students in front of him on the right, breathing sometimes lightly and sometimes heavily.

It seems that there are quite a lot of people who are not asleep, but after a few hours, there are really not many people who are still awake.

At two o'clock in the morning, Robin heard steady, subtle footsteps, slowly approaching here, it was Dumbledore.

To ensure student safety, a teacher will appear in the auditorium every hour to check if students are okay.


The little door opened.

Ta da~

Enter a wizard with long and light steps.

"Sir!" The voice was cold and low, it was Snape.

"How's it going?" Dumbledore asked in a low voice.

"Blake isn't here. We searched upstairs, downstairs, astronomy tower, owl loft, etc."

"I also expected him not to linger at the castle."

"It's really impressive! He broke into the school alone and didn't leave any traces, what do you think?" Snape said.

"indeed so."

"Sir, how do you think he got in?"

"Well, I thought about many possibilities, but none of them are tenable."

"Do you still remember that conversation before school started? It seems unrealistic for Sirius to break into the castle without relying on internal support." Snape said in a dark voice.

"Severus, I believe that no professor will help Sirius break into the castle. I am sure that it is still safe here. Let the students return to their respective colleges early tomorrow morning! Okay, I will go out to find those photographers. Ghost monsters, I promised that I will inform them of the results of the search."

"Sir, they want"

"As long as I am the principal, they will not be able to cross the threshold of the castle. Those guys have no trace of humanity."

Dumbledore had always been kind and wise, and rarely spoke in a cold tone. Obviously, he didn't like the dementors.

After he strode out of the Great Hall, Snape stood there for a short while and then left too.


Beside the corner, four pairs of bright eyes opened, and then, voices sounded like mosquitoes.

"Who do you think will be the spy?" Ron asked.

"Do you believe Snape's lies?" Hermione retorted.

"I believe Dumbledore. If he says there is no internal agent, then there is none."

"Percy is here, close your eyes." Robin reminded.

When Percy walked to the corner, the four of them had closed their eyes, but when he was seven or eight meters away from the wall, he took a peek and saw that the four of them were not asleep.

"If you don't sleep and talk nonsense, 20 college points will be deducted from each person."

Ta da~

Percy walked away, and the four of them never opened their eyes all night long.

In the next few days, all the students in the school were discussing one topic enthusiastically: How did Sirius Black break into the castle?

In a certain herbal medicine class, Hannah Abbott went to great lengths to persuade her classmates to believe that Sirius would turn into a flowering shrub and slip into the school through the compost bin (useless garbage after retting, every once in a while, would be Being pulled out of school), no one wanted to listen to his fantasy, except Neville.

Neville's eyes were filled with admiration and he nodded in approval frequently. Hannah became more and more enthusiastic as she spoke. The poisonous tentacles climbed onto her shoulders, but she didn't react. In the end, it was Professor Sprout who took action to prevent her from being scratched.

Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, there is a reason why Neville and Hannah can achieve righteousness.

After the Fat Lady's portrait was restored, she stubbornly claimed that if Blake was not caught for a day, she would not return to the eighth floor to guard the cave entrance.

The other portraits were also frightened by her experience and refused to take the job, except for the 'brave and fearless' Sir Cadogan.

So, Cadogan's portrait was moved to Gryffindor Tower.

After Cadogan took over, he spent half the time chasing the little gray horse, jumping into other portraits, and teasing others to fight him.

Half of the time, I stayed at the entrance of the cave thinking of some complicated, awkward, and ridiculous passwords. Moreover, I had to change the password at least three times a day to enter.

The passwords were changed too frequently, which made everyone very distressed, especially Neville, who couldn't remember the passwords at all.

After standing in the corridor on the eighth floor for more than half an hour several times, he met students from the same school. After entering the lounge with the password, he followed Seamus's suggestion and wrote down the daily entry password in a palm-sized notebook.

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