Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 227 Wolf syndrome, a terminal disease with no solution

The first Saturday after Halloween is the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

However, the heavy rain has not stopped since the incident with the Fat Lady's portrait, making people extremely worried.

Early the morning before the game, after practice, Wood told the players bad news, worse than George's injured eye and being unable to participate in the game.

The opponent for Saturday's match was changed from 'Slytherin' to 'Hufflepuff' because Seeker Malfoy's arm was still in unbearable pain.

For more than two months, the training plan developed by Wood has been aimed at the Slytherin team's rampaging style of play.

Moreover, Hufflepuff has a new captain and a strong lineup of players.

In addition to knowing that the new captain's appearance is extremely outstanding, he also knows nothing about his fighting style, broom equipment, personal skills, etc., which makes the Gryffindor players feel panicked.

"Malfoy's arm has healed a long time ago."

"During Potions class in the first week of school, he drank the 'Shrinking Potion' by mistake. When he called for help, he waved his arms like windshield wipers."

"Slytherin refused to participate because their rampaging style of play was very disadvantageous in stormy weather. They are really thieves."

Luo Bin said.

"I understand, but Madam Pomfrey has nothing to do with Malfoy. We can't prove that he is faking."

"So, when we play tomorrow, we must tighten our nerves and not relax for a moment."

Afterwards, everyone left the stadium with a heavy heart.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and in the afternoon, the sky outside the window was as dark as night.

Under the patter of rain, Luo Bin and others held their textbooks and walked through the dark corridors and entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Then, they found empty seats and sat down side by side.

After a while, students entered the classroom one after another, chattering and discussing what kind of little monsters Professor Luping would bring later.

However, when the school bell rang, the person who walked down the wooden door on the second floor was not Lupine with a smile on his face, but Snape, who was dressed in black.

"Where's Professor Lupin?" Hermione asked, raising her hand.

"He is not feeling well today and cannot come to teach." Snape said coldly.

"What's wrong with him?"

"It's not life-threatening." Snape smacked his mouth regretfully.

"Professor, we just finished learning Kappa and Grindylow, and are about to learn Xinkpunk"

"Quiet, Granger, I didn't ask a question, so don't talk nonsense. Everyone, please turn the book to page 394."

Luo Bin flipped through the pages of the book, until he reached page 394.

There is a huge full moon painted there. In the center of the moon is a wolf-shaped monster with its neck raised and howling. On top of the moon, printed in bold red letters: Werewolf.

Luo Bin stared at it and began to recall the original work.

The original book mentioned that werewolves and the famous 'dragon pox' (a vicious infection that causes green and purple rashes on the patient's skin, spits out sparks when sneezing, leaves acne marks, and permanently turns the skin blue) disease), it is also a magical disease.

To be more precise, it is an infectious disease called 'wolf disease', which is spread among people through contact between saliva and blood.

Wolf syndrome is a terminal disease for which a cure has not yet been found, however.

Wolfsbane potion can relieve the pain of werewolves so that they can still maintain human sanity when they transform into wolf form on a full moon night.

Compared with ordinary wolves, the wolf transformed from a werewolf is more ruthless, more ferocious, more powerful, and can walk upright.

If a werewolf does not take wolfsbane potion before the full moon night, he will completely forget his identity when he transforms, and launch violent attacks on people or animals around him.

He would even find the right opportunity to kill his best friend.

However, after they return to their human form, they can recall everything they experienced during the entire transformation process.

Moreover, wolfsbane potion is expensive, and werewolves are generally poor.

Therefore, after some people are infected with wolf disease, they do not want to endure the pain of transformation and choose to commit suicide.

However, not 100% of people bitten by werewolves are infected with wolf disease.

There are two prerequisites for humans to transform into werewolves.

1. A werewolf that bites must be in wolf form.

Second, the werewolf's saliva came into contact with the blood of the bitten person through the wound.

On a full moon night, if you are just scratched by a werewolf, it will not be transformed, but it will leave scars that can never be healed.

On non-full moon nights, if you are bitten by a werewolf, even if the blood comes into contact with the werewolf's saliva, it will not be transformed. However, some werewolf characteristics will gradually appear, such as a love of eating raw meat with blood.

The mixture of silver powder and white moss can 'seal' fresh wounds caused by werewolves, preventing the victim from bleeding to death. However, it does not prevent the transformation of humans into werewolves.

How to kill a werewolf

Dong Dong~

The dull sound of thick books hitting the wooden table interrupted Robin's memories. Snape stood on the podium and glanced at everyone coldly.

"Have you read everything?"

"Werewolf!" Ron exclaimed loudly.

"Professor, we haven't learned the last chapter yet." Parvati whispered.

"Sir, you can turn the book to page 79 and teach us about Hinkpunk (a horse-shaped water monster)." Seamus suggested.

"Quiet, I didn't ask any questions, and you are not allowed to speak randomly. I think I am the teacher."

The crowd fell silent, and Snape raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction.

"Okay, can anyone tell me the difference between animagus and werewolf?"

Hermione hissed and raised her hands high, but Snape turned a blind eye and said, "Is there no one? How disappointing, Professor Lupin, didn't he tell you the difference between the two?"

"Let me tell you!" Hermione retracted her hand and continued: "Both can transform into wolves, but one is active and the other is passive. Moreover, the transformation time, wolf form, wolf state, etc. are all There is a big difference. Animagus can transform into an ordinary wolf. When in wolf form, he is conscious, but when he transforms into a werewolf,

Snape raised his hand to cut off Hermione's words, "Miss Granger, you spoke without permission again. Are you unable to control your mouth, or do you really like to be an annoying know-it-all? As a Warning, 10 points from Gryffindor."

"What he said makes sense." Ron joked.

Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron and silently took out her writing bag. After that, she didn't raise her hand to speak again during the whole class. She was not hurt by Snape's words, but she didn't want to hurt Gryffin again because of herself. Many points will be deducted.

After Snape finished talking about "Werewolves", he started grading the homework from the previous class. No matter whether it was good or bad, he could always find faults.

Finally, the difficult class was over - the bell rang in the corridor.

However, Snape, with a cold face, did not let anyone leave.

"To impress you, on Monday morning, give me a paper on "Identifying and Killing Werewolves", covering two volumes of parchment. get out of class is over!" Snape said with a grin.

The classroom was in an uproar, and Zhou Tian didn't want to play with the two rolls of parchment.

"Professor, there is a Quidditch match tomorrow, can you?"

"Potter, you have to be more careful during the competition. Even if you fall off the broom and break your arms and legs, you still have to hand in your homework and get out of class is over."

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