Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 229 The scrawled puppy is also the patron saint

Suddenly, a silver-white glowing puppy appeared from the top of the wand.

The puppy flew between Harry and the Dementor, and disappeared immediately with the powerful suction.

Then, the dementor turned around and left leisurely. The color of the white dog became lighter and lighter, until it turned transparent and disappeared.

"Ah! Help me!"

Harry's knees gave out and he fell off the broom, shouting for help as he fell.

Robin dived down and grabbed Harry's collar.

Suddenly, the stadium flashed with light again.

Then, with a rumble, a zigzag lightning fell from the sky and hit the uncontrolled Nimbus 2000.

The broom immediately emitted billowing smoke, and even the rapidly falling hail could not extinguish the orange flames on the broom branch.

"My my broom!"

After Harry's feet landed on the muddy ground, he looked at the remains of black wood on the ground and said sadly.

Luo Bin: ⊙︿⊙, well, don’t be sad in a hurry, there is even more ‘explosive’ news waiting for you.

"Harry, look up!"

High in the air, Digory raised his right hand high and struck the golden wings emerging from between his fingers, causing the Hufflepuff stands to shout and cheer.

Harry lowered his eyes and looked weary as he went to pick up the remains of the broom stuck in the mud on the muddy grass.

Cedric Diggory caught the Snitch and the game was declared over.

Although, he knew that Harry was entangled by dementors, so he failed to rush forward to snatch the golden ball and applied to the school for a rematch.

However, he won fairness and aboveboardness, and even Wood recognized this fact.

Moreover, dozens of Dementors poured into the stadium, making it as cold as an ice cellar. As soon as Lee Jordan announced that the game was over, everyone wrapped up their raincoats and hurriedly left the stands.

Professor McGonagall told everyone to drink more cold-repelling ginger soup after taking a bath, then turned and walked towards the high platform.

Dumbledore on the high platform, his blue eyes flashing with blazing anger.

He was very angry. According to the agreement between the school and the Ministry of Magic, dementors had no right to enter the school.

Gryffindor Tower, Common Room!

In the corner by the window, four people were sitting on sofa chairs around a low table. On the table was a black cloth bag containing the remains of the broom.

Harry lowered his head guiltily, still pulling his hair hard, "It's my fault, it's all my fault. I messed up everything, I failed to live up to the team's expectations, I failed to catch the Golden Snitch, and I failed to protect myself. broom."

"It's not your fault. No one can catch the golden ball every time. What's more, it was the dementors that interfered with you. That scene was so scary that I was scared just thinking about it. Professor McGonagall pursed her lips into a thin line with anger. Dumbledore is also very angry, I have never seen him like that before, and I want to kill those dementors." Hermione said with relief.

"When the dementor took a long breath, I heard screams and shouts. I could tell it was my mother. She was willing to sacrifice herself to save me. I really wanted to say leave me alone, run away, run away. !”

"I am too weak. Others are not affected much, right? If I can be stronger, I can bypass the Dementors and catch the Golden Snitch."

"Harry, while dementors suck people's good feelings and memories, they will also remind people of the most painful experiences."

"The Dementors have a great influence on you, not because you are weak, but because the misfortune you have encountered is too serious. There is no need for you to feel ashamed of it." Luo Bin persuaded.

"Harry, there's nothing to be ashamed of if you're afraid of dementors? Before, my dad went to Azkaban for some work. When he got home, his legs were shaking for several days," Ron recalled.

Harry lowered his eyes and looked at the cloth bag on the table, "Can it still be repaired?"

It’s all burned into charcoal that can make a fire, so how can we repair it?

Hermione frowned, "I'm afraid not, just buy another one."

Harry stroked the charred broom stick and said with pity: "It has been with me for more than two years and I really can't bear to leave it. Damn dementors, but at that time, wait, Robin, it was you who drove away the dementors. You Have you learned the Patronus Charm?"

"Oh, I didn't think too much about the emergency situation at the time. I just tried what Professor Lu Ping said. Unexpectedly, it succeeded."

"Is your patronus a puppy?"

Before Harry fell, he vaguely saw a silver-white puppy with messy hair.

"Yes! Even though it is small and sloppy, it is very brave and even saved my life."

Luo Bin was playful when he was a child, sneaked out of the orphanage and got lost, and was chased into a dead end by a ferocious stray dog.

It was the scruffy-looking little gray dog ​​who rescued him, stole bread for him, chewed his trouser legs, and took him to the police station.

After Luo Bin returned to the orphanage, he adopted a little gray dog ​​and bathed it with his own hands. After washing it, he discovered that it was a little white dog and named it 'Little Scratch'.

"Robin, that black dog"

"Well, I saw it too. He's quite big and his eyes are sharp."

"What black dog?" Ron asked.

Harry told Ron and Hermione about seeing the black dog.

"Could it be Hagrid?" Harry wondered.

"No, he already has teeth, maybe"

"Maybe what?"

Hermione smashed her mouth and said, "Forget it, it's just unreasonable speculation. Harry, it's over. Don't be too sad and blame yourself. Take a good rest on Sunday. Dumbledore said that no matter how dark it is, as long as Light up the heart lamp and happiness will be everywhere.”

Hermione was right, good things happened to everyone on Monday.

Professor Lupine came back to teach and said that there was no need to hand in the two volumes of parchment homework. Everyone happily slapped the table, except Hermione, who looked disappointed because she had finished writing.

After class, Lupine asked the four of them to stay and asked Harry if he was injured on the day of the competition. He praised Robin's talent for casting the Patronus Charm and said that next year, when he gets better, he would teach a few people how to cast the Patronus Charm. .

Being able to learn advanced magic to resist dementors from Professor Lupine made people forget the sadness of losing to Hufflepuff, and Robin and the others returned to their normal study life.

At the end of November, everyone got another good news: Ravenclaw defeated Hufflepuff.

Just because Gryffindor lost a game, it didn't mean they were eliminated.

The next game is Ravenclaw VS Slytherin.

If Ravenclaw loses and Gryffindor defeats Ravenclaw in the next game, Gryffindor will rise to second place and face Slytherin for the Quidditch Cup.

Then, King Wood started going crazy again.

In addition to class, no matter it's windy or raining, he will lead his team members to shuttle and fly on the court.

So, in the cold and windy December, Luo Bin was sweating profusely every day. He was especially looking forward to the Christmas holiday.

This year, Robin signed the 'Stay in School for the Holidays' form, and he, Hermione, and Ron agreed to stay with Harry to prevent Sirius from sneaking up on him.

After the long wait, the auditorium was decorated with colorful lights again, and the Christmas holiday was finally here.

The day before the holiday was another special day to visit Hogsmeade.

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