Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 230 Marauder’s Map, Hunchback Witch

In the early morning, Robin and Harry watched the group leave in a carriage, then turned back to the dormitory.

Luo Bin sat at the desk, which was piled with books.

"Crystal Collection Tasting", "Minerals and Rocks", "Thousands of Weird Forms of Black Stone" and "The Energy of Crystals"

He wanted to find out what the smooth but non-reflective black film was made of.

Harry was nestled in front of the window, studying the "Encyclopedia of Flying Broomsticks". The slow and bumpy old antique "shooting star" made it impossible for him to catch up with the golden snitch and unable to aim accurately. It was time to consider buying a new one.

Dong Dong~

There was a rapid knock on the door in the corridor. Robin stood up and just opened the door when Fred and George flashed into the house like the wind.

"It's so pitiful that on such a lively day, I'm actually sitting in the dormitory reading a book." Fred and George sang and laughed.

Harry closed the thick book and asked, "Why didn't you go to Hogsmeade?"

"Before I go, I want to create some festive atmosphere for you two, such as" "For example, send Christmas gifts in advance."

Fred exaggeratedly took out something from his sleeve.

When unfolded, it was a square, badly worn blank parchment.

Luo Bin reached out and touched it. It felt soft on the outside and tough on the inside, with a slight grainy feel.

"What the hell is this?" Harry asked.

"Oh, you actually said it was a broken thing. This is the secret of our success." Fred said in shock.

George winked and looked at Luo Bin, "First in grade, do you see anything?"

Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, I didn’t see anything, but I knew it was the legendary Marauder’s Map.

Luo Bin frowned and pretended to think, and said: "I didn't see anything, but the objects you two specified contained the universe, and the effect was very strange."

George put his arm around Luo Bin's shoulders and said, "I was reluctant to give it to you two, even though we have already figured out everything above. But you understand us so well, so go ahead and use it as much as you want. After all, it's still you two. Need it more.”

"What can an old piece of parchment do?" Harry asked confused.

Fred covered his chest, frowned and grimaced, as if he was hurt by Harry's words, "George, show me."

George took out his wand, tapped the parchment lightly, and said with a pinched voice: "I solemnly swear that I will not do bad things."

In an instant, several spider web-like ink lines emerged from the location where the wand touched.

The ink lines spread outwards, and the lines were constantly connected and criss-crossed. Soon, they were covering every corner of the parchment.

On the top of the parchment, there were several lines of large green characters.

Hello gentlemen, Mr. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, who specialize in assisting magical prank makers, are honored to present to you the Marauder's Map.

Underneath the flower words is a map, which shows all the details of the castle and the site.

However, this map is different from other maps.

There are many black dots the size of grass seeds moving on the picture, and directly above each black dot, a name is marked in extremely small fonts.

Robin leaned over and looked closely at the map, and saw a small black dot marked 'Albus Dumbledore' in the upper left corner of the map, pacing in a circular room.

Mrs. Norris was seen in the kitchen on the first floor, being chased by Dobby.

Peeves, who loves to tease people, was seen hovering in the girls' bathroom on the third floor. Myrtle was hiding in the toilet stall and shivering.

He saw Snape motionless in the basement, and saw McGonagall walking into the hunting cabin.

Moreover, there are more routes in the castle corridor that have never been seen before.

Harry's eyes widened in shock when he saw the strange sight on the paper, "This map can show it."

"Everyone, what are you doing all the time?" Fred laughed.

"That's awesome. Where did the map come from?"

"It's like this. When we were in first grade, we were carefree and innocent, and we had a little conflict with Filch."

"In order to fight back, we blew up a big dung egg in the corridor. The smell of dung attracted Filch, and he pulled us into his office."

"The usual rhetoric of being forced to write a reflection report, being put in solitary confinement, and being chained upside down cannot threaten either of us."

"When we were looking randomly, we aimed at a filing cabinet drawer marked 'Confiscated items, highly dangerous', so"

Fred raised his eyebrows at George, signaling for him to take over.

"So, I exploded another big dung egg on the spot. Filch was so angry that he jumped up and down. Fred took advantage of the chaos and opened the drawer and grabbed the map."

"Well, we have done a good thing. Filch is a squib. Even if he studies it for a lifetime, he will never understand the secret of parchment."

Harry grinned. Suddenly, he found a secret passage on the map, "Wait, there, under the Whomping Willow, there is a secret passage that leads beyond the scope of the map, but that direction can only be Hogsmeade." Village!! Unfortunately, the Whomping Willow is irritable and can attack people, so there is no way to go through this secret path!"

"Don't be discouraged. There is more than just one secret passage leading to the village. There are also several secret passages in the castle." Luo Bin said.

"Yes, there are seven secret ways out of the school. Filch only knows four. Only the two of us know the mirror on the fifth floor, the hunchback witch on the fourth floor, and the Whomping Willow on the ground floor."

"The Whomping Willow is too dangerous, and the secret passage on the fifth floor has collapsed, so we recommend the Hunchback Witch on the fourth floor. The secret passage below leads to the basement of Honeydukes' shop."

"As for how to open the secret passage, tap the statue with your wand and recite the incantation 'separate the left and right', and its big hunchback will open a passage."

"Oh, don't forget, after using the map, you need to destroy some evidence, otherwise it will be seen by others and it will fall into Filch's filing cabinet drawer again."

George pulled out his wand, clicked on the map, and said, "Prank over!"

Suddenly, the ink lines, dots, and small characters on the paper quickly disappeared.

"Okay, boys, see you in Hogsmeade." Fred and George left the dormitory with satisfied smiles.

Harry rolled up the parchment and said hopefully: "Mr. Arthur said, never trust any object that can think independently, unless Fred and George have used the Marauder's Map for several years without any problems. I think"

"I think my reading task will be doubled tomorrow." Luo Bin shrugged.

"Let's go down to the fourth floor and see if it works."

Afterwards, the two walked out of the dormitory, climbed through the portrait hole, went down to the fourth floor, turned along the long corridor, and walked behind the statue of the one-eyed hunchbacked old woman.

Luo Bin took out his magic wand, tapped the witch's robe, and whispered: "Separate left and right."


The witch's hump slowly opened, revealing a hole that could accommodate one person.

Luo Bin quickly looked left and right, and after confirming that there was no one on both sides of the corridor, he headed forward into the secret passage.

Next to the entrance of the secret passage was a stone slide. Robin slid for more than ten seconds before his feet touched the soft ground. Soon, Harry also slid down.

The bottom of the secret passage was pitch black. Luo Bin waved his wand and just as he was about to cast a spell, blue fluorescence flashed behind him.

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