Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 231 Crazy girl, strong intuition

Did Harry cast a spell?


Harry stood in front of him, leaning his head to study the low passage ahead.

"Put your foot up, you stepped on Xiao Zi."

A voice that was almost humming came from behind.

Robin turned around and saw Luna wearing carrot-shaped earrings.

She held a glass beaker in one hand. There was a thick layer of soil inside the cup, and five or six small earthworms were burrowing around in the soil.

In the other hand, he held a pair of tweezers with wet mud on the top.

Her slightly convex eyes were staring closely at the shoes on his feet.

Luo Bin raised his feet and found a small purple earthworm stuck to the sole of his shoe.

He shook his calves, and after the earthworm landed on the ground, it quickly sank into the soil.

"What are you doing here?"

Luna stepped forward and squatted down, using the tweezers to pull the wet soil a few times, and the purple earthworm fell into the beaker again.

"I'm studying the division and reproduction of earthworms. Luo Bin, I haven't seen you today, and you haven't seen me either, right?"

Subtext: Don’t snitch on anyone!

Luo Bin nodded, "How do you know this secret passage?"


Luo Bin: →_→, what a strong reason!

No wonder, before, Nagini would see Luna knocking on the villagers' doors in the village.

After the two said goodbye to Luna, they crawled into the passage while walking on the wet mud.

The passage is like a rabbit hole, winding and endless, with an uneven bottom.

From time to time, Harry would trip over a raised piece of mud or stone.

After walking for about an hour, the passage gradually turned into an upward slope.

After climbing up for another ten minutes, we reached the bottom of a dilapidated stone staircase.

The two of them slowed down their breathing, stepped lightly, and climbed up one step after another.

Five or six minutes later, Luo Bin's head hit a living plank with a thud.

Harry: There are advantages to being so slow.

Luo Bin placed his palm against the living wooden board, gently pushed out a gap, and observed the outside environment through the gap.

Above the living plank is a cellar.

It was clean and filled with crates and cardboard boxes.

Robin took out his wand and cast a spell to clear away the mud from the soles of his and Harry's shoes, and then pushed the living plank wide open.

He grabbed both sides of the door with both hands, pulled himself up, and entered the cellar. After pulling Harry up, he closed the trap door again.

The gray wooden planks were so integrated with the floor that it was impossible to tell that there was something empty underneath.

The noise of laughter floated from above the cellar, and Harry was very excited when he heard it, "Here we are, we have arrived at Hogsmeade."

Suddenly, there was a snapping sound at the top of the wooden ladder in the cellar, followed by the creaking sound of the door opening.

Robin hurriedly dragged Harry and hid behind an oversized crate.

"Honey, bring another box of milky gummy candies. There are too many people and the store is almost sold out."

A middle-aged woman's voice said.


A man with a deep voice answered.

Ta da~

The man walked down the wooden ladder!


A man was rummaging through a pile of crates opposite, looking for candy that was about to be sold out.

Luo Bin turned sideways and poked his head out of the crate. He saw a tall, bald wizard sitting in a big box, rummaging through things.

He patted Harry on the shoulder and made a 'go' gesture, and Harry nodded in greeting.

Then, the two quietly climbed up the wooden ladder, slipped out of the cellar, and entered Honeydukes store from behind the counter.

The store was packed with people, and the dazzling array of candies caught their eyeballs.

No one will notice that there are suddenly a few more people in the store, or a few people are missing.

The two of them squeezed towards the door while looking at the rows of shelves.

Glittery beige chestnut sorbet, square toffee filled with chopped almonds, Dobby's Strange Beans with funny patterns, and honey gummies with the scent of mistletoe flowers.

When I squeezed to the door, I saw a 'Ministry of Magic Order' posted on the glass door, which roughly meant that in order to ensure the safety of the villagers, dementors would patrol the village after sunset until Sirius Black was arrested.

There was also a rack next to the door, filled with cockroach candies. Hermione and Ron were pointing at a jar of gummy cockroaches.

The two stepped forward and patted Hermione and Ron on the shoulders respectively.

Hermione saw Robin and hugged him in surprise, while Ron's eyes widened in shock.

"You two came here wearing an invisibility cloak? No, dementors can see through the invisibility disguise." Ron asked and answered himself.

Robin and Harry lowered their voices and told them about the Marauder's Map.

"These two bad guys, unexpectedly, never mentioned the map to me. I am their biological brother." Ron was furious.

"Harry, you have to give it to Professor McGonagall! Sirius Black may have slipped into the school through the secret passage." Hermione said worriedly.

The map was still warm, so Harry refused to hand it over.

"Hermione, there's no way he could have entered the castle through a secret passage."

"There are seven secret passages leading outside the school. Filch knows four of them, which means the teachers also know them."

"There are three left, one collapsed and blocked, and one is under the Whomping Willow tree. The Whomping Willow itself is a guard. It is irritable and will attack people who get close to the tree."

"The secret passage that Luo Bin and I used just now is in the cellar of Honey Duke's store. It's crowded with people during the day, and there are dementors patrolling at night. He can't get into Honey Duke's store."

Harry's words convinced Hermione and Ron, but not Robin, because he knew that Sirius Black entered the castle through the secret passage of the 'Whomping Willow-Screaming Shack'.

"Let's go out for a walk. It's snowing heavily outside. You two wrap up your scarves and put on your hoods. No one will recognize you." Ron suggested.

Luo Bin looked outside through the glass. Snowflakes like goose feathers fell slanting to the ground. There was a thick layer of snow on the ground. The students coming and going were covered from head to toe, and they couldn't recognize them at all. Find out who is who.

"Okay, let's go!"

Afterwards, the four people left the candy store and walked into the snowstorm.

The scene on the main street of the village looks like a Christmas card.

The roofs of the shops on both sides were covered with a thick layer of newly fallen snow, and garlands of holly and mistletoe were hung on the doors. Magic candles were hung on the white-topped green Christmas trees. .

The freezing cold wind penetrated people's bones along their collars, cuffs, and trouser legs, making several people shiver with cold.

"In front is Zuko's Joke Shop, which specializes in prankster gadgets. Diagonally across is the Owl Post Office. There are more than a dozen kinds of postmen there. Let's go to the Shrieking Shack and see what the ghost inside looks like!"

Hermione's suggestion was refuted by Ron, "Going to a haunted house is too comfortable, isn't it? I would say, go to the Three Broomsticks Bar and have a hot drink. Listen to Seamus, Ms. Rosmerta, the new Introducing an extra rich hot chocolate.”

"Where is the bar? My hands are almost frozen." Harry said with a trembling voice due to the cold.

"It's very close, go this way."

Ron turned around and walked in the opposite direction of Zuko's Joke Shop, and Robin and the other two followed slowly.

Two minutes later, the four people arrived at the door of Three Broomsticks Bar.

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