Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 23 Backstabbing and Revenge

Snape had a gloomy face and asked seven or eight more questions. Robin answered them all fluently and extended some knowledge from time to time, which made the old bat very angry.

Snape walked off the podium. He walked very fast, and he was almost shaking the wizard's robes. He walked to the third row and said to Harry: "Potter, take it out, don't hide it, I've seen it." , right in your sleeve!”

Harry felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart. He wanted to ask why he was targeted every time, but he didn't know who could answer his question.

"Potter!" Snape said, releasing his pressure.


Malfoy, who was snickering, covered his mouth after Snape glanced at him, not daring to make any more noise.


"Okay, Professor!"

Harry put two crumpled paper balls into Snape's palm. The old bat unfolded them, and after confirming the contents, he said, "Robin Lestrange, because you handed notes to your classmates in class, causing disruption. Class order, for this, Gryffindor will deduct 2 house points."

"And you, the famous Harry Potter, I guess you didn't preview even one chapter before school started, right? Because you cheated on the class quiz, Gryffindor deducted 5 house points for this. .”

The whole place was in an uproar!

The smiles on the faces of the students in the Snake House couldn't stop coming out. Some even stuck out their tongues and made faces at Harry, which was full of mockery.

The expressions of the Lion Academy students were much more complicated. Some were puzzled, some were glaring angrily at Robin and Harry, who had deducted points from the academy, and some had their heads almost lowered under the desks, for fear of being stared at by the old bat. Lanffindor deducted more academy points.

"Professor, you can't"

Harry wanted to retort, but the words couldn't come out.

"Potter, do you have any objections?"

"I I didn't!"

Harry replied wearily.

"What about you, Lestrange?"

Robin doesn't care whether Gryffindor's house points are added or subtracted. With Dumbledore, who loves the protagonists so much (particularly), the House Cup can only belong to Gryffindor!

"I have no objection!"

Luo Bin replied decisively.

"Okay, you both sit down!"

Snape's black bat-like eyes flashed with a hint of 'you know what's going on', then he returned to the podium with his witch robe swung around. He opened the textbook and explained the key points of preparing the 'boil cure' potion.

After the lecture, let the freshmen work in groups of two to prepare a 'boil cure' potion using the materials available in the classroom.

Robin asked Ron to team up with Harry, and he went to find Neville to team up. As for Seamus Finnigan, he teamed up with Dean Thomas!

The reason why he formed the team in this way was to transfer the plot of "The daredevil Neville knocked over the cauldron and was covered with red boils" to the three villains.

After all, he still remembers the grudges of 'no one wants' and 'ridicule'!

"Robin, thank you. They all think I'm clumsy and don't want to team up with me!"

Neville expressed his sincere gratitude while weighing Venomous Fang with a brass scale.

Luo Bin: (ー_ー)

Saonian, your IQ and hands-on ability are far from working and chatting at the same time. Is the weight in the wrong place okay?

At your level, the boil will not go away, but the person will be poisoned and have his hair curled up!

When Robin used tweezers to pick up the weights on the balance tray, Neville looked puzzled, but did not have the courage to ask why. When the weight with a smaller gram was placed on the balance, he suddenly realized: "Oh, God Why, how could I make such a stupid mistake as 'putting the wrong weight'?"

Calm down, Nian Nian, you have to go to magic school for seven years. In the future, you will have many opportunities to make mistakes!

Although he thought so in his heart, in order not to hurt Neville's fragile mind, Luo Bin comforted him: "Before calling back to prepare the potion next time, first list the steps, one by one, and you can't make any mistakes again! No, You are responsible for grinding them into powder, and I will continue to weigh dry nettles, porcupine quills, slugs and other materials!"


Neville received the task and whined and grinded his teeth.

Three minutes later, all the ingredients were prepared. Luo Bin held the "big spoon" and Neville acted as the "little worker". The two began to mix the potion.

Step 1: Light the alcohol lamp and place the crucible on the alcohol lamp.

Step 2: Add water, poisonous tooth powder, dried nettles and other ingredients in sequence.

Step 3: Light the alcohol lamp and set up a pot to cook the slugs with tentacles.

Step 4: When the crucible boils and bubbles, put the steamed slugs inside and stir clockwise with a glass rod.

Step 5: Stir until the slugs melt into the liquid, extinguish the alcohol lamp, take down the crucible, let it dry for tens of seconds, and then add the porcupine quills.

puff! puff!

Light green smoke curled up, and the medicinal solution gradually became translucent.

After all the medicine residue sank to the bottom of the crucible, Luo Bin poured the medicine liquid into two small bottles, sealed them, and gave one to Neville.

"Oh, my God! Potion, the first potion I successfully mixed. I want to write a letter to grandma and mail this bottle of potion to her."

Daredevil, unlucky, timid, crybaby, and clumsy, these are the impressions Neville left on people. However, Neville's grandmother, Augusta Longbottom, loved Neville very much and believed that Neville had hidden and extraordinary abilities. talent.

Neville also wanted outsiders to understand that grandma was not wrong about him!

"Neville Longbottom, it's class practice time now, you'd better not scream in surprise!"

Snape came over and said sternly.

"I'm sorry, I know I was wrong!"

Seeing the little fat man picking his fingers, his nose twitching, and showing signs of crying, Snape snorted coldly, shook his wizard robe and walked away.

Robin gave Neville a big thumbs up in his heart, and then secretly started to make small moves.

Just now, Snape had been walking around Malfoy, giving instructions on how to prepare the 'boil cure' potion from time to time, and complimenting him a few times, which made Robin unable to start.

Fortunately, Neville unintentionally helped a lot!

Luo Bin's mind entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness space and activated Grant Rubler's (Garden Goblin) magic sound and precise throwing skills.

Villain Squad!

Malfoy and Goyle, Crabbe and Blaise!

"Goyle, the slugs are gone, you carry the crucible!"

Malfoy looked at the gurgling and bubbling cauldron, a flash of fear flashed through his gray eyes, and he decisively passed the 'danger' to his follower.


As soon as Goyle picked up the crucible, a huge thunder suddenly sounded in his ears. The thunder made his eardrums hurt. He saw Malfoy opening and closing his mouth, but could not hear what the other person was saying. He wanted to get closer. At that moment, the liquid in the crucible splashed out countless drops of medicine as if it had been hit by a 'bomb'.

Then, he subconsciously let go of his hand.

In an instant, Malfoy and Goyle's faces, necks, hands, and wizard robes were covered with drops of medicine, which were still without porcupine quills.

With the addition of porcupine quills, the medicine is a good medicine for treating fire boils. Without the addition of porcupine quills, the medicinal properties will be reversed and people will develop fire boils.

"It hurts so much, daddy, come to school quickly and save me, Gogore, how dare you harm me!"

Malfoy's exposed skin was covered with red and swollen fire boils. He screamed in pain, but he still did not forget to call his father and accuse Goyle.

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