Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 24 Passing by the Whomping Willow

"No, no, it's not me!"

Gall was in so much pain that he couldn't stand up. He lay on the ground and roared in pain.

He originally thought that the potion would react when it came into contact with the skin, but he did not expect that the potion was also corrosive.

Zizzi! Zizzi!

Ten seconds later, there was a sharp, burning sting on his back. The pain was like hundreds of bees, determined to trade one life for another, frantically pricking his back with their tail stings.

Gore's facial features were distorted by the pain. He roared and got up, running around the classroom in pain.

When the students saw his fat back covered with red boils and white heads, they immediately backed away silently, away from the crucible.

"Idiot, stop it!" Snape said coldly.

Gore was very fat and tall, and correspondingly, his feet were also very big. When he ran wildly in the classroom, the liquid medicine he poured on the ground was trampled everywhere.

Zizzi! Zizzi!

The floor in the corridor instantly changed from smooth and shiny to frosted with small holes.

The old bat was so angry that he almost roared. He waved his wand and cleaned up all the potions on the floor, on the desk, and in the overturned cauldron.

"What did you two do?"

"I didn't do anything, Gower. It was Gower. He suddenly went crazy and poured the potion on me!"

The 'drug splash' happened in an instant. Malfoy didn't see anything at all, but the selfishness engraved in his bones made him subconsciously shift all responsibilities to others.

"No I'm not like that!"

Goyle wanted to retort, but after being glared at by Malfoy, he immediately changed his mind and said, "The crucible was too hot. I didn't hold it steady. Yes, I didn't hold it steady."

"Brace, Crabbe, you two take them to the hospital above."

"Okay, Professor!"

Crabbe was frightened. If it weren't for Blaise's support, he would have been lying on the ground like Goyle, and then a fire boil would break out on his back.

After the four people left, Snape walked over to Harry and Ron with anger in his eyes. Their consoles happened to be next to Malfoy's.

"Potter, why didn't you remind Goyle that after the alcohol lamp goes out, he has to wait a while before carrying the crucible?"

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙)

Old Bat, can this all be attributed to Harry?

"Professor, you said before that you have to concentrate on mixing potions. Ron and I kept looking at the console and not looking at anyone else!"

Harry thought Snape was too much of a bully. Even though his calf was sore from being kicked by Ron, he still couldn't help but defend himself.

"Potter, you only listened to half of the content in class, didn't you? When you concentrate on the second half of the sentence, you pay close attention to the surrounding environment to prevent unexpected situations from interfering with the potion preparation!"


Harry never expected that the other party would use the 'surrounding environment' to block him!

"Potter, you didn't listen carefully in class, mix potions, didn't follow the procedures, and didn't remind your classmates in time that hot cauldrons are dangerous. For this, Gryffindor will deduct 5 house points."

"Professor, this is too bad!"

Ron covered Harry's mouth and dragged him back to his seat. When Snape was far away, he leaned into his ear and said, "It's useless. If you continue to refute, you will only lose more points, Snape." He is famous for being unreasonable in school!"

After hearing this, Harry could only hold back his breath and swallow it slowly!

Fifty minutes later, the bell rang!

Robin saw Harry's depressed mood and stepped forward to comfort him: "Don't be sad. College points will be deducted and added. If you perform better in other professors' classes, you can earn back 10 points. Wouldn't that be enough?"

After listening to Robin's words, Harry's mood became obviously lower, "Robin, according to my talent, in which class will I excel?"

History of magic?

Well, I slept better than Ron!

Transfiguration, with Robin and Hermione here, no one else can get the award!

Herbal medicine class?

Professor Sprout obviously loves Neville Longbottom more!

Defense Against the Dark Arts?

Quirrell has such a bad temper!

Neither can spells or divination!

What other classes are feasible and feasible for flying lessons? ! !

That’s right, flying lessons!

In his first flying lesson, Harry became famous and became the youngest Seeker in the history of Hogwarts.

Luo Bin took out the glass ball and read aloud like he did in the express box. At the end, his body twitched violently and said, "Harry, I saw it. I saw you transforming into an eagle and flying in the sky. You smiled. Shout: Look, I've given Gryffindor another point!"

"Ron, can Robin really know how to tell fortunes?"

Ron, who received Robin's wink, replied: "Before, I thought Robin was cheating and joking, but Neville's toad is back, which shows that my previous judgment was wrong!"

Hearing what Ron said, Harry cheered up again. He remembered the note he received last time and invited him: "I'm going to the hunting ground to meet Hagrid in the afternoon. He is very nice. Do you two want to go together?"

"Go, there are no classes in the afternoon anyway!"

After Robin finished speaking, Ron also nodded to express that he wanted to go.

At 2:45 pm, the three set off from the castle.

When passing by the Whomping Willow, Luo Bin took a few special glances.

The trunk of the Whomping Willow is very thick, but the branches are very thin, and there are not many leaves. Rumor has it that it has a furious temper. No matter what hits it, it will swing its branches wildly and beat it. Of course, it also has a weakness - knots. As long as the thought presses on the knot, it will immediately stop.

Speaking of which, the Whomping Willow also has a relationship with the protagonist Harry.

In 1971, Dumbledore made the decision to admit the werewolf Remus Lupin to Hogwarts. To ensure the safety of other students, he planted a whomping willow and dug a hole under the tree, which led directly to the Shrieking House. .

Every full moon night, Lupine would hide in the Screaming Room. Later, in order to prevent Lupine from feeling like an alien and to protect the safety of other students, the members of the gang decided to practice Animagus hard!

From then on, every night of the full moon, James Potter transformed into a stag, Peter Pettigrew transformed into a mouse, Sirius Black transformed into a big dog, and the four of them transformed into animal forms. After a night of fierce fighting in the pointed house, At daybreak, we will return to the castle.

Luo Bin was very curious, what kind of scene would it be like when a wolf, a deer, a mouse, and a big dog fight?

Also, if a palm-sized rat joins the fight, is it really not afraid of being bitten to death by a werewolf?

"Robin, what's so interesting about the Whomping Willow?"

Ron's question brought Robin's thoughts back to reality.

"Oh, just out of curiosity, let's go!"

Afterwards, the three of them walked through the grass and all the way down. After a while, they came to the small courtyard where Hagrid lived.

It was a small house made of stone and wood. There was a pair of oversized rubber galoshes at the door, and a giant crossbow hung on the wall. Presumably, this was the necessary equipment for the half-giant Hagrid when he patrolled the Forbidden Forest.

"I'll knock on the door!" Harry said.

Boom! Boom! Boom, boom, boom!

Wooow! Woof woof! Wooow!

Before Hagrid could answer, a low barking sound came from inside the house. It sounded like it didn't welcome the guests.

"Ya Ya, step back, I want to open the door!"


The wooden door opened a crack, and a big bearded face was half exposed from the crack, "Wait a minute!"

"Ya Ya, step back. If you're blocking me, I can't open the door!"

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